Emile Zola Autograph Letter Signed. One and a ha
BALCK, Hermann (1893-1982, German General). Autograph Lette...Mar 07, 2024BONAPARTE, Joseph-Napoleon (1764-1844). Autograph Letter Si...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. [BELL, Annie (1839-?), association]. DEAN, Joh...Mar 07, 2024CORNWALLIS, Charles, 1st Marquess Cornwallis (1738-1805). S...Mar 07, 2024[FORGERY]. [COSEY, Joseph, pseudonym of CONEELY, Martin, 18...Mar 07, 2024[LINCOLN, Abraham, 1809-1865, association]. Autograph Lette...Mar 07, 2024[EDUCATION]. A group of items related to identified historically black colleges and universitiesFeb 27, 2024[RECONSTRUCTION]. A group of documents related to the McKinlay family of South Carolina, incl.Feb 27, 2024Literary Critic.- Blair (Hugh, Church of Scotland minister and literary critic, 1718-1800) AutographFeb 29, 2024Astronomer.- Wollaston (Francis) 5 Autograph Letters signed to Lord Townsend, 1768-69, beggingFeb 29, 2024Rodney (Admiral Sir George Rodney, first Baron) Autograph Letter signed “Rodney?? to “MrFeb 29, 2024NY farmer hopes Lincoln will destroy slaveryMar 07, 2024SCHILDKRAUT JOSEPH: (1896-1964)Mar 12, 2024IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHTMar 13, 2024a-ha:Mar 13, 2024ZOLA EMILE: (1840-1902)Mar 14, 2024ZOLA EMILE: (1840-1902)Mar 14, 2024[ZOLA EMILE] LABORI FERNAND: (1860-1971)Mar 14, 2024GREENE GRAHAM: (1904-1991) ' have had a happy but exhausting two weeks of travelling in Russia. ThisMar 14, 2024DUNN NELL: (1936- )Mar 14, 2024MOUNTBATTEN & TOWNSENDMar 14, 2024ELISABETH OF VALOIS: (1545-1568)Mar 14, 2024NATALIE OF SERBIA: (1859-1941)Mar 14, 2024VANDERVELDE EMILE: (1866-1938)Mar 14, 2024