M. Crocker Folk Art Stoneware JugSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
PR SILVER MOUNTED CHINESE PORCELAIN MILK JUGSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Rookwood Cook Art Pottery PitcherSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Early M.G, Mansfield Wines and Liquors Stoneware Jug, Louisville KY 9.5"T x 5.5"DiaSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Pitcher Cut Crystal glass with Silver Plated TopBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pablo Picasso 1881-1973 Pichet Tetes 1953 PitcherHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless non-lead glass, small-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied hollow handle, and plain base. Period Britannia/pewter hinged lid. BostonSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless lead glass, large-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied hollow handle with vertical ribs pressed on lower terminal, and plain base. RSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, opaque white with slight opalescence, small-size ovoid body, applied solid handle with delicate flattened curl, plain base. Original Britannia/pewter hinSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless non-lead glass, small-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied hollow handle, embossed "No. 2" to the base. Period Britannia/pewter hingSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless non-lead glass, small-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied hollow handle, and plain base. Period Britannia/pewter hinged lid. BostonSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless non-lead glass, small-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied hollow handle, and plain base. Period Britannia/pewter hinged lid. ProbabSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, bright translucent blue, small-size ovoid body, applied hollow handle with delicate flattened curl, plain base. Pewter Britannia/pewter hinged lid. BostoSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, strong fiery opalescent, small-size ovoid body, applied hollow handle with delicate flattened curl, plain base. Pewter Britannia/pewter hinged lid. BostoSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless lead glass, large-size bulbous body with vine flowing right, applied hollow handle, and plain base, period lid. M'Kee & Brother(s). Third quartSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, deep fiery opalescent, small-size ovoid body, applied solid handle, plain base. Original Britannia/pewter hinged lid. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and posSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, opaque white, small-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied solid handle, and plain base. Rare Britannia three-part dripless hinged lid marked "DSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, opaque white, small-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied solid handle, and plain base. Period Britannia hinged lid without markings. ProbablySee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless lead glass, large-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied hollow handle with horizontal lines pressed on terminal, and plain base. RareSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless lead glass, large-size bulbous body with vine flowing right, applied hollow handle, and plain base. Period tin hinged lid. M'Kee & Brother(s).See Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless non-lead glass, large-size bulbous body with vine flowing right, applied hollow handle, and plain base. Period tin hinged lid without markings.See Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless non-lead glass, small-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied hollow handle, and plain base. Period Britannia hinged lid without markinSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless lead glass, large-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied hollow handle with vertical ribs pressed on lower terminal, and plain base. RSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless lead glass, large-size bulbous body with vine flowing right, applied hollow handle, and plain base. Period Britannia/pewter hinged lid. M'Kee &See Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless lead glass, large-size bulbous body with vine flowing right, applied hollow handle, and plain base, period lid. M'Kee & Brother(s). Third quartSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUPBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG / SYRUP, colorless non-lead glass, small-size ovoid body with vine flowing left, applied hollow handle, and plain base. Period Britannia/pewter hinged lid. ProbabSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED BELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUGS /ASSORTED BELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUGS / SYRUPS, LOT OF THREE, comprising two colorless examples with the smaller having the vine flowing left and the larger with the vine flowing to the righSee Sold Price
SoldBellflower Single Vine Molasses Syrup Jug & GobletBellflower single vine molasses syrup jug/ pitcher, applied hollow handle, hinged lid, 7" H. (2) small single vine goblets. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. Early American pressed glass. Beautiful, rare piSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUGBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG, colorless non-lead glass, vine flows right, large-size bulbous body with an applied hollow handle, plain base. Period tin hinged lid without markings. Probably MSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED BELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUGPRESSED BELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE MOLASSES JUG, opaque white, small-size ovoid body, applied solid handle with delicate flattened curl, plain base. Original pewter hinged lid. Boston & Sandwich Glass CSee Sold Price
M. Crocker Folk Art Stoneware JugSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Face Jug, Ben Watford, 2007, two color swirl Peach Glaze Face Jug, single sided, good condition,Hudson Valley Auctioneers LLC Beacon NY4.7(554)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Small terra cotta single handle jar by M.T. McLennan, Hollytree, AlaHudson Valley Auctioneers LLC Beacon NY4.7(554)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chinese scroll, "Pigeon", single pigeon perched on branch, scroll is 47.5" by 16", scene is 16.5" byHudson Valley Auctioneers LLC Beacon NY4.7(554)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Richard Kale Folk Art Face JugBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
A.V. Smith Tall Floor Vase JugBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
TWO HEPPLEWHITE CARD TABLES ATTRIB. TO JACOB FOSTER.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Victorian Silver Plate and Cut Glass Claret JugAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025