SoldThree Russian silver salts,all with ball feet, floral cloisonné enameling: pair with gilt silver, marks for Nicholai Alexeyev, Moscow, late 19th/early 20th century, 916.6 fine, 1 x 2 in., [some loss to gilt;] one with beaded bSee Sold Price
SoldA Set of Three Russian Silver Salt Cellars, HeightA Set of Three Russian Silver Salt Cellars, each of circular form with a flared foliate decorated rim, raised on three spherical feet, bearing the Odessa town mark, assayer's marks for Vasily LapshinSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF THREE RUSSIAN SILVER SALT THRONES, 19tA GROUP OF THREE RUSSIAN SILVER SALT THRONES, 19th century. Each chair or throne with hinged seat revealing salt cellar. Each hallmarked Moscow, 84 standard and distinguishable dates of 1856 and 1892.See Sold Price
SoldFour Russian silver shot glasses, 19th century, WFour Russian silver shot glasses 19th century With foliate engraved decoration: together with three Russian silver salts, with further foliate engraved decoration. Wt: 5 oz. (7).See Sold Price
SoldThree Russian .84 Silver Salt Cellars.Three Russian .84 Silver Salt Cellars. Together with four Russian .84 silver kiddush cups (largest: 2.5" x 2") Wt of all: 4.70 oztSee Sold Price
THREE MATCHING ANTIQUE RUSSIAN SILVER SALT CELLARSTHREE MATCHING RUSSIAN SILVER SALT CELLARS, 1867, decorated in 18th c. French style after a design by Jean-Baptiste-Francois Cheret, of oval shape with a gilt interior, raised on four scroll supports,See Sold Price
Three pairs of Russian silver saltsOne 19th C pair. One pair with clear glass liners. Together with two spoons. 221g. weighable.See Sold Price
SoldThree Russian Silver Charkas and a Salt Cellar, 18th/19th cThree Russian Silver Charkas and a Salt Cellar, 18th/19th centurycellar length 3.4 in — 8.6 cm, 3.5 oz. — 108 gramsEstimate: $150—250See Sold Price
SoldA set of three 19th century Russian silver cauldronA set of three 19th century Russian silver cauldron salt cellars and spoons, quite plain, gilt reservoirs, bun feet, the spoons with arrowhead finials, spheres above bowls, 2.4cm high, Karl (Kirill) ASee Sold Price
SoldThree Russian silver gilt and enamel circular saltThree Russian silver gilt and enamel circular salt cellars, the first by Igor Samoshin, Kokoshnik mark for Moscow 1908-1926, 84 zolotniks, the tapered sides with stylised flowers and scrolls and threeSee Sold Price
SoldThree Russian silver gilt and enamel circular saltThree Russian silver gilt and enamel circular salt cellars, the first by Igor Samoshin, Kokoshnik mark for Moscow 1908-1926, 84 zolotniks, the tapered sides with stylised flowers and scrolls and threeSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Silver three footed saltLarger ovoid form with scrolling enamel, marked CK AA1899, 2 1/4" wide.See Sold Price
RARE SET RUSSIAN SILVER CLOISONNE SALTS, P. OVCHINNIKOVRARE SET of THREE RUSSIAN SILVER-GILT and CLOISONNE ENAMEL SALTS, P. OVCHINNIKOV Each circular, enamelled with a continuous band of varicoloured geometric motifs set with flowers at intervals on a gilSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Russian Silver Salt BoxesLot of three Russian salt boxes, .84 silver, one salt box with double-headed eagle, St. George and the dragon, and other Cyrillic hallmarks, two smaller salt boxes with hallmarks, 7 1/2" h x 5 3/4" wSee Sold Price
FABERGE - SET RUSSIAN SILVER CLOISONNE SPOONSFABERGE - SET of THREE RUSSIAN SILVER-GILT and CLOISONNE ENAMEL SPOONS, A.TILLANDER Set of Three Russian Silver-Gilt and Cloisonne Enamel Salt Spoons. HALLMARKS: All of them marked with Russian hallmaSee Sold Price
SoldThree footed silver Russian open salt,Larger ovoid form with scrolling enamel, marked CK AA1899, 2 1/4" wide.See Sold Price
Three 19th C. Russian icons and a 84 silver salt dThree 19th C. Russian icons and a 84 silver salt dip ca. 1900. Icons include: triptych in a later brass travel case, early 19th C.; painted oil on wood "Our Mother of Kozan," Moscow 84 silver fascia 1See Sold Price
SoldPair of Russian silver salts with spoons,Each salt with three feet decorated with scrolling enamel together with two spoons decorated front and back marked GK 84 AA, salts marked the same possibly for Gustav Klingert, 1 1/2" wide.See Sold Price
SoldPair of Russian silver salts and spoons,Each salt with three feet decorated with scrolling enamel together with two spoons decorated front and back marked GK 84 AA, salts marked the same possibly for Gustav Klingert, 1 1/2" wide.See Sold Price
Sold12 RUSSIAN SILVER SALTS & SPOONS WITH CASEA FINE RUSSIAN CASED SET OF 12 SILVER SALTS AND SPOONS, ST. PETERSBURG CIRCA 1890. The deep bowl shape salts resting on three ball feet engraved with an intertwining monogram and with matching silverSee Sold Price
SoldTWO RUSSIAN SILVER SALTSMoscow late 19th century. Various makers. Both with engraved decoration on three feet, 58g. Provenance: Acquired through decent from Tikhon Nikolaevich, the eldest son of the Grand Duchess Olga AlexanSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Russian Silver Salt Dish 19th CDated 1885, and hallmarked in Cyrillic and marked silver 84 and trademarked, three splayed ball feet, etched banded design floral motif, bead trim, city mark for St Petersburg , measures app ht app 1.See Sold Price
SoldThree Russian Silver Gilt and Enameled SpoonsThree Russian Silver Gilt and Enameled Spoons Moscow, 84 zolotnik (.875) silver, including a salt spoon by Gustav Klingert with enameled monogram and date in the bowl "SEM/1893", and a pair of teaspooSee Sold Price
SoldRussian sterling silver salt and 2 cups.Group of three Russian sterling pieces. 19th century. Comprising (1) Saltcellar with geometric engraving on outside. Datemarked for 1890. 1 1/4''h. (2) Cordial cup with geometric engraving raised on cSee Sold Price
P. OVCHINNIKOV - RUSSIAN SILVER CLOISONNE SALTS SETV.N. Collectible4.4(248)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
1921 Birmingham Set of Three Salt Cellars with Blue InsertGalerie Du Louvre4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
An Art Deco three piece silver cruet set comprising pepper, salt and mustard, hallmarked BirminghamClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A pair of Victorian silver salts raised on three ball feet, hallmarked Birmingham 1900, makerClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
An Art Deco three piece silver cruet set comprising salt, pepper and mustard pot with blue glassClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A silver three piece cruet set comprising, salt, pepper and mustard with salt spoon, hallmarkedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Three 19thC Russian silver spoons, stamped ENNOEHR. Approx. 7 1/2" long (3) Please Note - we do notClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A cased three piece silver cruet set comprising pepper, salt and mustard pot, hallmarked BirminghamClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A pair of antique Russian 84 silver salt shakers made by KHLEBNIKOVAlma4.3(59)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Russian .875 Silver Salt Cellar w/ Gold Washed Interior Engraved LeavesBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024