SoldThree oval portrait miniatures - two of females andThree oval portrait miniatures - two of females and one of a male, all in brass frames, the largest 6cm x 5.5cm: NB. All items are sold as is. Please contact the auctioneer requesting a condition repoSee Sold Price
SoldThree oval portrait miniatures onto ivorine panelsThree oval portrait miniatures onto ivorine panels, two depicting females and one male, housed in brass and ebonised frames, the largest 11cm x 10cmSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Portrait AssortmentMiniature Portrait Assortment Three items including an oval female portrait painted on porcelain, housed in a leather case and two hand painted female portraits on a thin layer of bone with 'Hader' siSee Sold Price
SoldThree Oval Format Portrait Miniatures, two on ivorThree Oval Format Portrait Miniatures, two on ivory, a man with a moustache signed "M.N.," ht. 2 7/8, and a child in red robes, ht. 2 3/4; and a young woman on porcelain, ht. 2 1/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldTHREE OVAL PORTRAIT MINIATURE PAINTINGS. Two are VTHREE OVAL PORTRAIT MINIATURE PAINTINGS. Two are Victorian women, one in black dress and red shawl, 2-3/4 in. by 3-1/2 in., gilt metal border, walnut frame; the other a woman with white head piece, 2-See Sold Price
SoldThree Fine Porcelain Oval Miniature PortraitsThree fine porcelain oval miniature portraits, two on easel mounts, one of a gentleman with powdered wig, retailed by John Wanamaker (marked), the other two after the antique, in gilt and wood frames.See Sold Price
SoldTHREE PORTRAIT MINIATURESTHREE PORTRAIT MINIATURES; Two ovals identified as Mr. & Mrs. Elias Phelps, one circular of a man with book, ca. 1830-1840; Largest: 2 1/4'' x 2 1/4''See Sold Price
SoldTwo oval portrait miniatures of females onto ivoryTwo oval portrait miniatures of females onto ivory and a porcelain scent bottle, also painted with a portrait of a female, the largest item 6cm highSee Sold Price
SoldGARUDA, AMULET CASES, FIGURESGARUDA, AMULET CASES, FIGURES Repousse plaque gold Garuda, mythical bird of Visnu, (tests 12K), Thailand, 3" h; Three oval watercolor miniature painted portraits, two bearded Mughal emperors, and an ISee Sold Price
SoldA Collection of Three Portrait Miniatures, HeightA Collection of Three Portrait Miniatures, each oval, two depicting ladies, the third a child. Height of tallest 3 9/16 inches.See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF FIVE ANTIQUE PORTRAIT MINIATURESEach hand painted. Three framed oval portraits of ladies, largest of the three signed C. v. Saar. Together with two miniature portraits with naturally carved frames. The largest depicts a group of thrSee Sold Price
GROUP OF FIVE ANTIQUE PORTRAIT MINIATURESEach hand painted. Three framed oval portraits of ladies, largest of the three signed C. v. Saar. Together with two miniature portraits with naturally carved frames. The largest depicts a group of thrSee Sold Price
SoldSix Portrait Miniatures, Width of frames 15 3/8 inches.Six Portrait Miniatures, framed in two groups of three, each of oval form depicting various rulers of France, the first group depicting Louis Charles, Dauphin of France flanked by his parents Louis XVSee Sold Price
SoldThree Continental Portrait Miniatures, Height ofThree Continental Portrait Miniatures, two signed, each of oval form in an ivory veneered frame. Height of largest 5 3/8 x width 4 5/8 inches.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Oval Framed Porcelain Portrait MiniaturesTwo Oval Framed Porcelain Portrait Miniatures of Female Sitters {Length of larger 3 1/2 inches}See Sold Price
SoldFive Napoleonic Portrait Miniatures, Height of tallestFive Napoleonic Portrait Miniatures, depicting Napoleon and various members of his family, each in gilt metal or bronze frames, three oval, two circular. Height of tallest overall 5 1/2 inches. ProperSee Sold Price
SoldFive framed hand-painted portrait miniaturesLate 19th/early 20th Century Variously signed Comprising two porcelain plaques, one depicting Mme du Barry and one a KPM "Lisette," and three oval portraits on ivorine, 5 pieces Largest: 7.5" H x 6See Sold Price
SoldFour Oval Portrait Miniatures, watercolor on ivoryFour Oval Portrait Miniatures, watercolor on ivory, each signed and dated "CHRICHTON 1904;" three identified on the reverse, two depicting Sarah (Marsh) Barrow and likely her husband, Alexander BarrowSee Sold Price
SoldA 19th century yellow gold momento mori ring set withA 19th century yellow gold momento mori ring set with an oval portrait miniature depicting a Classical female laying a laurel wreath at a tomb, with two doves perched above the open door, shank unmarkSee Sold Price
Sold19TH C. MINIATURE DOUBLE PORTRAIT, TWO CHILDREN.A fine double miniature oval portrait painting on bone of brother and younger sister, both adorned in formal wear. Reverse side with carved shell depicting a seated female figure among ruins, borderedSee Sold Price
SoldTWO MINIATURE PORTRAITS ON IVORYTWO MINIATURE PORTRAITS ON IVORY: 1) Young Gentleman wearing a Metal, oval sight size 3'' x 2 1/2'', signed Vitti? 2) Young Female of Nobility, oval sight size 3'' x 2 3/8''. They are encased in matchSee Sold Price
SoldFour Framed Portrait Miniatures, three watercolorFour Framed Portrait Miniatures, three watercolor on ivory oval portraits of a baby, and two Victorian ladies, one on porcelain depicting a mother and child, sizes ranging from 2 1/4 x 1 3/4-3 1/4 x 2See Sold Price
SoldTwo Continental Stone or Portrait Mounted Silver BoxesTwo Continental Stone or Miniature Portrait Mounted Silver Boxes A rectangular malachite and carnelian cabochon snuff box with cherub motif {length 3 inches} with an oval box mounted with three miniatSee Sold Price
SoldANCIENT ROMAN MINIATURE CAMEOS, LOT OF THREEANCIENT ROMAN MINIATURE CAMEOS, LOT OF THREE, comprising an oval example with female profile, and two teardrop examples, each depicting a cherub. Together with an oval miniature micromosaic, possiblySee Sold Price
FRIKELL, Adalbert (1839 - 89). Frikell The Famous Conjurer ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Variegated Gold, Portrait Miniature and Split Pearl Pendant-Watch Lapel Clip-Brooch, FranceDOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers4.6(169)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Set of two miniature portraits from the early 19th century.GOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Three Portrait Miniatures Of Napoleon First QuarterWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
French Dore' Bronze Box with Signed Enamel on Copper MiniatureAbsolute Auction Gallery4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Native American Ponca Miniature Basket, c. 1900Stefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Continental, Collection of tabletop accessoriesToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
FOLK ART PAINTING "THE HUDSON RIVER SEA STAR 1854" 20th Century Oil on panel, 14" x 19". BackboardEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
A GROUP OF THREE 19TH CENTURY PROFILE PORTRAIT MINIATURESChiswick Auctions4.3(86)See Sold PriceJun 21, 2024