Man in Fraternal Garb, Quarter Plate Daguerreotype,
ALBERT E. BACKUS "TENOR MAN" TWICE PUBLISHEDFeb 24, 2024GROUPING of DAGUERREOTYPES, AMBROTYPES & TINTYPESFeb 24, 2024Early Tennessee DaguerreotypesMar 16, 2024[Tintype] Lawman w/ BadgeMar 16, 2024[Daguerreotype] c. 1855 Militia OfficerMar 16, 2024[Daguerreotype] c. 1853 DragoonMar 16, 2024[Ambrotype] New York Officers w/ DogMar 16, 2024[Daguerreotype] Soldier w/ Bowie KnifeMar 16, 2024[Tintype] Dashing CavalrymanMar 16, 2024[Ambrotype] 3rd Tennessee KIAMar 16, 202419c Folk Art American Itinerant Portrait Oil Painting Pair Dog Jewelry Lace Likely Fraternal PinMar 02, 2024A Dutch Wall ClockFeb 27, 2024CDV of Two Men in Indigenous...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. A Photo Album of CDVs, Including 14 P...Mar 07, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Quarter-plate tintype of a prairie “Ch...Mar 07, 2024Quarter Plate Daguerrotype Portrait of a Man and His Baby with...Mar 07, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Sixth plate daguerreotype of a lovely African American woman. Ca 1850s.Feb 27, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Sixth plate tintype portrait of an African American man wearing Masonic attire.Feb 27, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. BALL, James Presley (1825-1904), photographer. Sixth plate daguerreotype of twoFeb 27, 2024THREE FEATHER EDGE PIECES WITH BUILDINGS DECORATION.Mar 08, 2024Antique Daguerreotype PhotographMar 09, 2024(23) DAGUERREOTYPES, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDRENApr 12, 2024(34) DAGUERREOTYPES, TINTYPES, CDV, ETC.-MEN, WOMEN, CHILDRENApr 12, 2024(57) DAGUERREOTYPE IMAGES & THREE NEW CASESApr 12, 2024