SoldRare Han Dynasty Polychromed Pottery Vase,Rare Han Dynasty Polychromed Pottery Vase, 206 B.C.-220 A.D., of cylindrical form and in "Floral Scrolls" decor, h. 7", dia. 4-1/2". Ex-collection: Katz, New York, and bearing a Katz circular paper laSee Sold Price
Chinese Han Dynasty Polychromed Pottery VaseGood Chinese Han Dynasty Polychromed Pottery Footed Vase, 201 B.C.-220 A.D., of cocoon form, the period stylized floral polychromy still evident, h. 13-1/2".See Sold Price
Rare Han Dynasty Pottery VaseRARE HAN DYNASTY POTTERY VASE Rare Chinese Han Dynasty pottery vase; with repeating floral motifs around the body and the neck; petrified pieces of vegetation stuck to the vase 11" tall, 8 1/2" diametSee Sold Price
SoldRare Han Dynasty Pottery VaseRare Chinese Possibly Han Dynasty pottery vase; with repeating floral motifs around the body and the neck; petrified pieces of vegetation stuck to the vase (normal wear and tear for piece of the age);See Sold Price
A Rare Han Dynasty Style Pottery JarA Rare Han Dynasty Style Pottery Jar: restored; Size: H: 6-1/2"See Sold Price
SoldA Rare Han Dynasty Style Pottery JarA Rare Han Dynasty Style Pottery Jar: restored; Size: H: 6-1/2"See Sold Price
SoldRARE WESTERN HAN DYNASTY LACQUERED POTTERY JARChinese, Han Dynasty. An ash-gray earthenware body of bulbous form raised on a wide circular foot and narrowing pedestal support. The body decorated in black lacquer and embellished with red lacquer pSee Sold Price
Rare Western Han Dynasty Lacquered Pottery JarChinese, Han Dynasty. The ash-gray earthenware body of bulbous form raised on a wide circular foot and narrowing pedestal support. The body decorated in black lacquer and embellished with red lacquerSee Sold Price
SoldA Large & Rare Chinese Han Dynasty Painted Pottery JarA Large & Rare Chinese Han Dynasty Painted Pottery Jar with Oxford TL Test. This wide-bodied jar has been expertly decorated in a variety of cold-painted pigments. Geometric and swirling cloud patternSee Sold Price
RARE WESTERN HAN DYNASTY LACQUERED POTTERY JARChinese, Han Dynasty. An ash-gray earthenware body of bulbous form raised on a wide circular foot and narrowing pedestal support. The body decorated in black lacquer and embellished with red lacquer pSee Sold Price
A Large & Rare Chinese Han Dynasty Painted Pottery JarA Large & Rare Chinese Han Dynasty Painted Pottery Jar. This jar has been expertly decorated in a variety of cold-painted pigments on top of a base coat of reddish-brown. Geometric and swirling cloudSee Sold Price
Rare Chinese Han Dynasty Glazed Pottery Tripod CenserChina, Han Dynasty, 206 BCE - 220 CE. An incredible example from a time when artists tried to replicate the expensive bronze treasures with less expensive ceramic art. This beautiful earliest exampleSee Sold Price
A Large & Rare Chinese Han Dynasty Painted Pottery JarA Large & Rare Chinese Han Dynasty Painted Pottery Jar. This jar has been expertly decorated in a variety of cold-painted pigments on top of a base coat of reddish-brown. Geometric and swirling cloudSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Chinese Western Han Dynasty Incised Pottery JarA Rare Chinese Western Han Dynasty Incised Pottery Jar. This jar is quite "heavily-potted" and made from a relatively highly-fired grey pottery. It has a burnished surface that has been decorated withSee Sold Price
SoldNC Art Pottery Han Vase, Ben Owen Master Potter,NC Art Pottery Han Dynasty Style Vase, Made by Ben Owen; stamped "Ben Owen Master Potter," very rare form for a BOMP stamp, stoneware, Chinese Blue glaze w/deep turquoise and aqua, strong red glaze coSee Sold Price
SoldHan Dynasty (206 B.C.- 220 A.D.) Pottery VaseAttractive Pair of Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- 220 A.D.) Pottery Vases, of large "Hu" form, polychromed and patinated gray, the spherical bodies with traces of the period red-orange painted banding, presenSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE HAN DYNASTY POTTERY VESSEL - TL TESTEDCa. 206 BC-220 AD. Han Dynasty. A beautiful rare ceramic vase with a beige fabric and glossy brown slip. The vase comprises an elongated neck and an ovoid body supported by a cylindrical ring foot. SeSee Sold Price
SoldJERRY MEEK CERAMIC CALIFORNIA ART POTTERY VASEVINTAGE JERRY MEEK STONEWARE CERAMIC CALIFORNIA ART POTTERY VASE: Made in the tradition of Chinese, Han dynasty vessels with broad shoulders and three applied lug handles, incised signature on the basSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE HAN DYNASTY POTTERY VESSEL - TL TESTEDCa. 206 BC-220 AD. Han Dynasty. A beautiful rare ceramic vase with a beige fabric and glossy brown slip. The vase comprises an elongated neck and an ovoid body supported by a cylindrical ring foot. SeSee Sold Price
LARGE HAN DYNASTY POTTERY VESSEL - TL TESTEDCa. 206 BC-220 AD. Han Dynasty. A beautiful rare ceramic vase with a glossy brown slip. The vase comprises a short, stubby neck, ovoid body bearing three bands of incised horizontal decoration, and flSee Sold Price
SoldHan Dynasty Pottery Amphora With Bronze OrnamentsRare type of Han amphora, made of red pottery de orated with bronze appliques. H. 19,5 cm. Very good condition, no traces of repairs. Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). Please note that this lot has a confideSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Chinese Western Han Dynasty Pottery Cocoon JarA rare and well preserved ancient Chinese Western Han dynasty ritual cocoon jar, dating to 206 - 100 BC. With the calm elegance that typifies Han dynasty vessels, the bold silhouette and flowing curveSee Sold Price
Chinese Antique Glazed Pottery Candle LampWestern Han dynasty Huren colored glaze pottery; rare and antique; the top thick neck support the globular rim; the exterior caved with human figures. 23.7 cm HSee Sold Price
Japanese Satsuma Pottery Vase Mounted as a LampAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
An exquisite celadon-glazed pottery vase with Bagua patternHimalayan Auction House4.6(200)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Antique Asian Chinese Han Dynasty Pottery Hu JarDiamond Auctions LLC4.3(12)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Rare Song Dynasty Classic, Ding Ware VaseMid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A PAIR OF PAINTED POTTERY BEASTS, HAN DYNASTY, CHINAIrvington Auction Inc4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
TWO CHINESE HAN DYNASTY POTTERY PAINTED CHESS PLAYERSIrvington Auction Inc4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
RARE MOORCROFT Art Pottery early flambe WISTERIA vase. Circa 1920.DF Art, Inc.4.3(2)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Early Zuni Pueblo, Native American Pottery VaseWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024