SoldPorsche Germany 1945 mixed lot concerning enginePorsche Germany 1945 mixed lot concerning engineering informations for the caterpillar vehicle type 4.293, 4 pages (gasoline), with engineering informations for the caterpillar vehicle type 2.293 (genSee Sold Price
SoldPorsche/Josef Kales Germany 1945, mixed lot of 9Porsche/Josef Kales Germany 1945, mixed lot of 9 pieces, concerning small tractor 113, among them a 2 pages long writing, Rabe to Karles concerning presenting of the assembly drawings of the generatorSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE Germany 1957, mixed lot of 2 pieces, PorsPORSCHE Germany 1957, mixed lot of 2 pieces, Porsche type 616/3 industrial engine, engineering data and installation information, with original catalog of replacement parts, 94 pages German: PORSCHE DSee Sold Price
SoldDr. ING. H.C. F. PORSCHE KG, mixed lot of 4 pieceEnglish Description: Dr. ING. H.C. F. PORSCHE KG, mixed lot of 4 pieces, 1x test data sheet, concerning company Strähle Targa Florio 1962, engine type 692/3A Abarth Carrera, with test results; 1x teSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE mixed lot 2-pieces, No. 1: Germany 1962, salesPORSCHE mixed lot 2-pieces, No. 1: Germany 1962, sales brochure Porsche type 356 B (W22), 16 pages, good condition, No. 2: magazine "Motor und Gasturbine", special print regarding Porsche-aero engineSee Sold Price
SoldDescription English: DR. ING. H.C. F. PORSCHEDescription English: DR. ING. H.C. F. PORSCHE KG, mixed lot of 6 pieces, No. 1, Germany 1971, brochure with 4 pages Porsche 911 with 2.4 litre engine, good condition, No. 2, Germany 1971, brochure wiSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE, mixed lot of 2 pieces, No. 1: Germany 23, 05. PORSCHE, mixed lot of 2 pieces, No. 1: Germany 23, 05. 1952, engine cross-section for 1.5 litre, construction year 1954, scale 1:1, marked March 7th 1955, No. 2: folder 1955, industry engine, punchedSee Sold Price
PORSCHE mixed lot engine cover plates, more than 130PORSCHE mixed lot engine cover plates, more than 130 parts, among them also some lines for Turbo 1 and 2, and also types 964, etc., extensive mixed lot, rare parts German Description PORSCHE Konv. MotSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE, Germany 1975, mixed lot of 8 pieces, 8 iEnglish Description: PORSCHE, Germany 1975, mixed lot of 8 pieces, 8 identical brochures Porsche type 911, always 12 pages, all as good as new, good condition Deutsche Beschreibung: PORSCHE DeutschlSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE Germany 1965, mixed lot 7 pieces, salesPORSCHE Germany 1965, mixed lot 7 pieces, sales brochure Porsche 911 (W221), 12 pages, sales brochure Porsche 912 from 1965 (W223), 8 pages, with car body section Porsche 912 (W1982), price list typeSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE Germany '60s, mixed lot 3 pieces, No. 1: salesPORSCHE Germany '60s, mixed lot 3 pieces, No. 1: sales brochure 356 B, 8 pages, with sticky tape strengthened, No. 2: PORSCHE fold-out brochure/color chart 356 C, No. 3: four pages long price list PORSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE Germany 1953 mixed lot with 3 original B/WPORSCHE Germany 1953 mixed lot with 3 original B/W pictures, Porsche 550 coupé for Le Mans, 13x18 cm German Description PORSCHE Deutschland 1953 Konv. 3 original schwarz-weiß Aufnahmen, Porsche 550See Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE Germany 1963, mixed lot of 2 pieces, originalPORSCHE Germany 1963, mixed lot of 2 pieces, original Porsche company photo, "Der neue Porsche Typ 901", 10 x 15 cm, with company photo of the rack steering gear type 911, 13 x 18 cm German DescriptioSee Sold Price
PORSCHE Germany 1969, mixed lot of Porsche 917, amongPORSCHE Germany 1969, mixed lot of Porsche 917, among them test sheet homologation group 5 sports car type 917, rare original factory edition, 13 pages, with 10 blueprints, among them engineering drawSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE Germany 1953, mixed lot of 3 original B/WPORSCHE Germany 1953, mixed lot of 3 original B/W photos Porsche 356 before A, 2x views of the brake drum, 1 view chassis with drive assembly German Description PORSCHE Deutschland 1953, Konv. 3 origiSee Sold Price
PORSCHE Mixed lot of engine cover plates, more than 130PORSCHE Mixed lot of engine cover plates, more than 130 pieces, among them also some lines for Turbo 1 and 2, and also types 964, etc., extensive lot, rare parts German Description PORSCHE Konv. MotorSee Sold Price
PORSCHE Germany 1962, mixed lot of 2 pages fitting ofPORSCHE Germany 1962, mixed lot of 2 pages fitting of the Roadmaster fanfare with drawing German Description PORSCHE Deutschland 1962, Konv. 2 Seiten Einbau der Roadmaster Fanfare mit ZeichnungSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE, Germany late '50s, mixed lot of 18 originalPORSCHE, Germany late '50s, mixed lot of 18 original color negatives Bert Boger, promotion photos for the book "Liebe zum ihm", a photo of this series was published with the title "FarbenprächtigesSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE Germany c. 1984, mixed lot with original colorPORSCHE Germany c. 1984, mixed lot with original color photos Porsche Concept Car, Porsche type 984, all in all 7 photos, different formats German Description PORSCHE, Deutschland ca. 1984, Konv. origSee Sold Price
Porsche mixed lot 6 pieces engine covers for differentPorsche mixed lot 6 pieces engine covers for different models, e.g.: 964, 901, etc., a part damaged, otherwise good used condition German Description Porsche Konvolut 6 tlg. Motorabdeckungen für versSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE mixed lot Porsche 356 Carrera engine parts,PORSCHE mixed lot Porsche 356 Carrera engine parts, among them camshafts, gear wheels, bearing, etc., all in all 24 pieces, this mixed lot should be inspected German Description PORSCHE Konv. PorscheSee Sold Price
PORSCHE 2 pieces, mixed lot of enginePORSCHE 2 pieces, mixed lot of engine ventilation/crankcase ventilation made of aluminum for a engine, part number 90110770101, suitable for Porsche 911, good condition, rare German Description PORSCHSee Sold Price
PORSCHE Porsche 356/356 SC, mixed lot of engine parts,PORSCHE Porsche 356/356 SC, mixed lot of engine parts, among them valve chamber cover, cylinder with piston, camshaft, drive components, oil cooler, piston rod, etc., an interesting mixed lot, this miSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE mixed lot with 2 pieces, engine schema/chartsPORSCHE mixed lot with 2 pieces, engine schema/charts for Porsche engine type 587/3 Carrera GTS, and schematic type 904 Carrera GTS, good condition German Description PORSCHE Konv 2tlg Motorschema/SchSee Sold Price
Mixed Lot of HO Scale Cars/Trucks/Loads/DetailsJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Mixed lot of 38 Hotwheels, mostly Treasure Hunts, (unopened)South Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot of 2 Vintage Hubley Cast Iron and Mixed Metal AirplanesBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Huge Lot of Loose Diecast and Plastic Vehicles and PartsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
A boxed 1:12 scale die-cast model of a Porsche 911 (997) GT3 RS by Autoart Signature,Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A boxed 1:18 scale die-cast model of a Maserati 300 S by CMC Models of Germany, ((2))Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A boxed 1:18 scale die-cast model of a Ferrari 312P Spyder by CMC Models of Germany, ((2))Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A boxed 1:18 scale die-cast model of a Porsche 901 by CMC Models of Germany,Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A boxed 1:18 scale die-cast model of a Porsche 901 by CMC Models of Germany,Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Larissa Geiss Osby (PA,German,1928-2017) mixed media paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMay 19, 2024
Naval Commander Leslie G.H. Farmer GroupRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Lionel Vintage Engines (5) & Tender 2666WGrant Zahajko Auctions, LLC4.7(1k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024