MILLE MIGLIA mixed lot 1x book, "La Storia della MMILLE MIGLIA mixed lot 1x book, "La Storia della Mille Miglia", by Lurani, 1979, with 7 participant documents Mille Miglia 1984 and 1990 German Description: MILLE MIGLIA Konv. 1x Buch, La Storia dellaSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of books 20 pieces, about Mille Miglia, amongmixed lot of books 20 pieces, about Mille Miglia, among them e.g. "La Storia della Mille Miglia" by Lurani from 1979, "Le Leggendarie Mille Miglia" by Redaelli from 1986, "Mille Miglia" by CanestriniSee Sold Price
SoldMILLE MIGLIA mixed lot of books with15 pieces, among itMILLE MIGLIA mixed lot of books with15 pieces, among it "Mille Miglia 2001" publisher LA Mille Miglia Editrice, "Technica e Practica della Guida Automobilistica da Corsa"by P.Taruffi, " Storia del cirSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot 9 pieces, among them 8x book, "La Storiamixed lot 9 pieces, among them 8x book, "La Storia della Formula 1", 1969-89, along with it 1x book Pinin Farina, "Nato con el’automobile", all books with dust cover, good condition German DescriptiSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 3 pieces newspapers from the '30s among itmixed lot of 3 pieces newspapers from the '30s among it 2x La Gazzetta della Domenica, 1x Numero Unico, mainly with reports about the Mille Miglia, Italian text, used condition German Description KonvSee Sold Price
SoldMILLE MIGLIA, mixed lot of books, 1x "Mille Miglia- DieMILLE MIGLIA, mixed lot of books, 1x "Mille Miglia- Die legendären 1000 Meilen", by Piepenburg/ Klein, c. 240 pages, cloth binding, dust cover; 1x "Mille Miglia- Das legendäre Oldtimer-Rennen", by GSee Sold Price
mixed lot of 4 books, 1x "La formula 1", by Conoscere, mixed lot of 4 books, 1x "La formula 1", by Conoscere, 1984, volume 1 and 2; 1x "Encyclopedia della Formula 1", by Casucci, 1980; 1x "Porsche 356", by Conradt; good condition German Description Konv.See Sold Price
SoldFERRARI mixed lot 27 books, book: "GuidaFERRARI mixed lot 27 books, book: "Guida all’Identificazione Ferrari" by Bellu, book: "La Ferrari alla Mille Miglia" by Marzotto, book: "Ferrari GTO", book "Ferrari F 40", book: "Dino 166 - 206 - 24See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot books, 5 parts, No. 1: book: "Quando Corremixed lot books, 5 parts, No. 1: book: "Quando Corre Nuvolari" by Moretti, August 1992, in Italian, with dust cover, No. 2: "Mille Miglia" by Canestrini No. 1055 of 1500, in Italian, No. 3: book "La SSee Sold Price
SoldHEALEY, mixed lot of 6 pieces, 1x French text, 1English Description: HEALEY, mixed lot of 6 pieces, 1x French text, 1949, folder "La Realisation d"une ideal"", 4 pages, with "Mille Miglia Roadster", rare; 3x brochure sheets, 1948, "Healey Duncan 2See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of books with 17 pieces among it 5x " Grandmixed lot of books with 17 pieces among it 5x " Grand Prix- La Febbre Della Velocita" 5 Rosse/3 Lauda/4 Senna/ 1Schumacher/ 2 Clark by M.Hughes," Motori da Corsa" by E.Benzing, Italian text, " RacingSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books autographed by the authors, amongmixed lot of 5 books autographed by the authors, among it "Alfa Romeo &Mille Miglia" by Andrea Curami, "La grande aventure des Delage 3 Litres" by Francois Jolly, "Stanguellini - piccole grandi auto dSee Sold Price
TAZIIO NUVOLARI mixed lot of 14 pieces, 1x brochuTAZIIO NUVOLARI mixed lot of 14 pieces, 1x brochure, Tazio Nuvolari il Corridore, 8 pages, by the Club della Mille Miglia, 1951; and 13 B/W photos between 1930 and 1950 German: TAZIIO NUVOLARI Konv.See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 33 pieces, books, among them e.g. "Ferrarimixed lot of 33 pieces, books, among them e.g. "Ferrari I Quattro Cilindri" by Scaletti, from 1998, limited No. 539/1200, ISBN-No. 8890024801, "La Ferrari alla Mille Miglia" by Marzotto, from 1987, ISSee Sold Price
SoldMILLE MIGLIA, mixed lot of 3 pieces, 1x Mille MigMILLE MIGLIA, mixed lot of 3 pieces, 1x Mille Miglia 1955 Concorrente in prova, sticker, only for participants; with 2 sticker sMille Miglia Club Franco Mazzotti; all with condition as good as new GerSee Sold Price
SoldDescription English: MILLE MIGLIA, mixed lot oDescription English: MILLE MIGLIA, mixed lot of 5 pieces, 1x magazine "VI Coppa Mille Miglia 9.-10.4.1932", complete, very rare; 1x magazine "Bollettino Mille Miglia 1952"; 1x magazine "Bollettino MiSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot 4 pieces, No. 1: book "Storia della Lanciamixed lot 4 pieces, No. 1: book "Storia della Lancia 1906-1969", c. 500 pages, Italian language, book "Lancia una storia una leggenda una realta", 60 pages, No. 3: book "Storia della Lancia 1906-1989"See Sold Price
MILLE MIGLIA mixed lot of 3 porcelain plates Club dellaMILLE MIGLIA mixed lot of 3 porcelain plates Club della Mille Miglia, on it a presentation of the racing driver Minoia 1927, Romano 1947, Taruffi 1957, always limited to 150 copies, with a diameter ofSee Sold Price
MILLE MIGLIA mixed lot of 3 porcelain plates Club dellaMILLE MIGLIA mixed lot of 3 porcelain plates Club della Mille Miglia, on it a presentation of the racing driver Minoia 1927, Romano 1947, Taruffi 1957, always limited to 150 copies, with a diameter ofSee Sold Price
MILLE MIGLIA mixed lot with 3 porcelain plates ClubMILLE MIGLIA mixed lot with 3 porcelain plates Club della Mille Miglia, on it a presentation of the racing driver Minoia 1927, Romano 1947, Taruffi 1957, always limited to 150 copies, with a diameterSee Sold Price
mixed lot of 3 books, No. 1: "Il Tridente Storia dellamixed lot of 3 books, No. 1: "Il Tridente Storia della MASERATI" by Boschi 1979, 270 pages, good condition, No. 2: "Maserati-Una Storia nella Storia dal 1945 ad oggi" by Orsini and Zagari 1980, with dSee Sold Price
SoldMILLE MIGLIA mixed lot with 2 pieces, No. 1: writingMILLE MIGLIA mixed lot with 2 pieces, No. 1: writing from August 1954, autographed Renzo Castagneto, No. 2: brochure Club della Mille Miglia Passaggi ai Controlli, 20 pages, from 1955 German DescriptiSee Sold Price
MILLE MIGLIA mixed lot with 4 pieces, among itMILLE MIGLIA mixed lot with 4 pieces, among it small-format poster 1990 (A2), No. 2: book "Basilio Rodella Mille Miglia", No. 3: book "Museo Mille Miglia, Brescia", No. 4: small invitation card by theSee Sold Price
Four Mixed Brass Railroad Switch Keys-BA/CO/IC/UPJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Mixed Lot of HO Scale Cars/Trucks/Loads/DetailsJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
13 Mixed Freight Car Kits-Roundhouse-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vico Magistretti for Artemide Dining Table, 1970sAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Mixed Fountain Pen Hard Rubber & Overlay Lot (10)North American Pen Auctions LTD4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of 2 Japanese18th Century Mixed Metal Samurai Sword TsubaHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
English & French 18C. & 19C. Antique Book 12pc LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Vaillant - Hawaiian Dance (Scene de Danse aux Iles Sandwich). 42Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
El Caza & Honeymoon Cigars Baird ClockMiller & Miller Auctions Ltd.4.7(316)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
La Maison Desny and others - Table Lamps, Group of 2Capsule Auctions4.6(167)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Robert Polidori - Sala Alejo Carpentier, Gran Teatro de la HabanaCapsule Auctions4.6(167)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lot of 38 Mid-Century Modern Art Books & Exhibition CataloguesPUBLIC SALE4.7(225)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Named WW2 WWII Tailor made Pathfinder Gold fish club 447th Bombardment Group Ike JacketEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Lot of Antique Leather Bound Books - Fiction.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024