SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Deer Finial c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Deer Finial c.1000 BC. Size 3 inches length x 2 1/8 inches high. A Near Eastern Bronze Deer probably from Horse Bit? mounted. Condition: Missing part of suspension loop otherwiSee Sold Price
Ancient Luristan Bronze Deer Finial c.1000 BCAncient Luristan Bronze Deer Finial c.1000 BC. Size 3 inches length x 2 1/8 inches high. A Near Eastern Bronze Deer probably from Horse Bit? mounted. Condition: Missing part of suspension loop otherwiSee Sold Price
SoldA Pair of Ancient Luristan Bronze Deer Finials c.1000 BA Pair of Ancient Luristan Bronze Deer Finials c.1000 BC. Size 2 7/8 inches length x 2 inches high. A matching Pair of Deers probably from Horse Bit each custom mounted separately. Condition: MissingSee Sold Price
A Pair of Ancient Luristan Bronze Deer Finials c.1000 BA Pair of Ancient Luristan Bronze Deer Finials c.1000 BC. Size 2 7/8 inches length x 2 inches high. A matching Pair of Deers probably from Horse Bit each custom mounted separately. Condition: MissingSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Whetstone Bronze Deer c.1000 BCAncient Luristan Bronze Whetstone Bronze Deer c.1000 BC. Size 9 3/8 inches length. unusual Near Eastern Bronze Deer finial with its original whetstone and chain. Condition: Perfect. Custom mounted. PrSee Sold Price
Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BCAncient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size 3 1/4 inches high total size with pin. Ancient Bronze container with Deer head finial. Condition:surface corrosion roughness otherwise in good condition.See Sold Price
SoldA Pair of Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC.A Pair of Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size 3 inches length. A Pair of Ancient luristan Bronze finial with Ibex. custom mounted. Rare... Provenance: Ex David Saidian Estate New York city.See Sold Price
Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Ex Christies.AncientLuristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Ex Christies. Size 11 3/8 inches high + mount. Cast Bronze master of animals finial with vase. custom mounted on wooden block. Old sticker from Christies at boSee Sold Price
Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BCAncient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size : 4 1/4 inches wide x 3 1/8 inches high(10.8 x 8 cm) Rare type ancient Luristan Bronze finial with master of the animals. Condition: Missing left side anSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size 5 inches high + mount. cast bronze master of animals finial. custom mounted on old marble stand. Provenance: The Estate Of Robert Onsted, acquired in TheSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Deer c.1000 BCAncient Luristan Bronze Deer c.1000 BC. Size 1 5/8 inches length. A Fine Near Eastern Bronze Standing Deer. Condition: Perfect. Provenance: from the estate of Robert Thompson of Philadelphia, PennsylvSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Ancient Luristan Bronze Finials c.1000 BC.Lot of 2 Ancient Luristan Bronze Finials c.1000 BC. Size 4 - 2 1/2 inches length + mount. Great lot of 2 Ancient luristan Bronze Finial with winged animal probably Pegasos? Great Quality. Provenance:See Sold Price
Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size 5 1/4 inches length. Ancient luristan Bronze Finial with animal. Provenance: Ex David Saidian Estate New York city. to present owner by inheritance.See Sold Price
Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size 11 1/8Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size 11 1/8 inches length.See Sold Price
Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size 11 1/2 inches high. Large ancient Luristan bronze Finial with double headed Stags. fine quality and patina. Ex Iraj Kashanian New York City 1970'sSee Sold Price
Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size 5 1/4 inches length. Ancient luristan Bronze Finial with animal. Provenance: Ex David Saidian Estate New York city. to present owner by inheritance.See Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Circular Bronze Finial c.1000 BCAncient Luristan Circular Bronze Finial c.1000 BC. Size of the finial 3 3/4 inches diameter. Very Fine Near Eastern Luristan circular Bronze finial with animals. Condition: Perfect. Custom mounted. PrSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Lion Finial c.1000 BCAncient Luristan Bronze Lion Finial c.1000 BC. size 4 5/8 inches length. Fine Near Eastern Bronze Finial with lion's head. choice patina. Condition: Perfect. Provenance: Ex, Robert Thompson, Ex The TiSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Circular Finial c.1000 BCAncient Luristan Bronze Circular Finial c.1000 BC. Size of the finial 4 3/8 inches length. unusual Near Eastern Luristan Circular Bronze finial with Master of the animals in the center with two lions.See Sold Price
Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial Pin c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial Pin c.1000 BC. Size 11 1/4 inches length. Ancient luristan Bronze Finial Pin with animal. Rare... Provenance: Ex David Saidian Estate New York city. to present owner bySee Sold Price
SoldAncient Near Eastern Luristan Bronze Deer c.1000 BC.Ancient Near Eastern Luristan Bronze Deer c.1000 BC. Size 3 1/2 INCHES LENGTH X 2 1/2 inches high. Rare Ancient Luristan Bronze Long Horned Deer. Mounted. condition. Perfect. Provenance: Ex Noah WeberSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Finial with Stag c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial with Stag c.1000 BC. Size 9 1/2 inches length. Fine bronze Finial with Stag with original whetstone. Provevance: Ex Private New York City estate.See Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Finial with Ibex c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial with Ibex c.1000 BC. Size 4 inches length. Ancient luristan Bronze Finial with Ibex. Great Quality. Provenance: Ex David Saidian Estate New York city. to present owner bSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Luristan Bronze Finial with Bottle c.1000 BC.Ancient Luristan Bronze Finial with Bottle c.1000 BC. Size 7 1/2 inches high + mount. A set of Fine bronze Finial with two lions, with bottle base. the bronze pin is a match. Provenance: Ex David SaidSee Sold Price
Western Asiatic Bronze Arrowheads, Javelin Heads and DaggersTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
A Bronze Luristan Spearhead, Early Iron Age, ca. 1000-650 B.C.ThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024