SoldEgyptian Pre-Dynastic Naqada Blacktop Vase - TL TestedAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, Naqada, ca. 3000 BCE. A beautiful coil-formed Nile silt pottery vase with a highly-burnished exterior surface covered in a deep, earthy iron-oxide slip. The conicalSee Sold Price
SoldFine Egyptian Pre-Dynastic Naqada Blacktop VaseAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to early Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A gorgeous coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, russet-hued surface made with a thiSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Pre-Dynastic Naqada Blacktop VaseAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to early Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A beautiful coil-formed Nile silt pottery vase with a highly-burnished exterior surface boasting a lustrousSee Sold Price
SoldVery Fine Egyptian Pre-Dynastic Naqada Blacktop VaseAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to early Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A gorgeous coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, russet-hued surface made with a thiSee Sold Price
Tall Egyptian Predynastic Naqada Blacktop VaseAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A lovely coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, russet-hued surface made with a thin iron-oSee Sold Price
Tall Egyptian Predynastic Naqada Blacktop Vase**Originally Listed At $1500** Ancient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A lovely coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, russet-huedSee Sold Price
SoldVery Fine Egyptian Pre-Dynastic Naqada Blacktop VaseAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to early Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A gorgeous coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, russet-hued surface made with a thiSee Sold Price
Tall Egyptian Predynastic Naqada Blacktop Vase**Originally Listed At $1500** Ancient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A lovely coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, russet-huedSee Sold Price
Tall Egyptian Predynastic Naqada Blacktop Vase**Originally Listed At $1500** Ancient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A lovely coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, russet-huedSee Sold Price
Egyptian Predynastic Naqada I Blacktop VaseAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to early Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A gorgeous coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly burnished, russet-hued surface made with a thiSee Sold Price
Fine Egyptian Predynastic Naqada I Blacktop VaseAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, late Naqada I to early Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A gorgeous coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly burnished, russet-hued surface made with a thiSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Predynastic Naqada I Blacktop VaseAncient Egypt, Predynastic period, late Naqada I to early Naqada II, ca. 3600 to 3300 BCE. A beautiful coil-formed Nile silt pottery vase with a highly burnished exterior surface boasting a lustrous rSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Egyptian Pre-Dynastic Naqada I Blacktop JarAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, Naqada I, ca. 4000 to 3600 BCE. A wonderful coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a lightly-burnished, russet-hued surface made with a thin iron-oxide slip. TheSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Predynastic Naqada II Black Top JarAncient Egypt, Predynastic Period, Naqada II, ca. 3650 to 3300 BCE. A lovely pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, earth-red hued surface made with a thin iron-oxide slip. This coil-formed Nile siltSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Egyptian Predynastic Blacktop Redware Jar w/ TLAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic Period, Naqada II, ca. 3650 to 3300 BCE. A gorgeous coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, russet-hued surface made with a thin iron-oxide slip. TheSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Predynastic Pottery Black Top Jar, ex-BonhamsAncient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, Naqada I, ca. 4000 to 3600 BCE. A wonderful coil-formed Nile silt pottery vessel with a highly-burnished, russet-hued surface made with a thin iron-oxide slip. TheSee Sold Price
SoldTall Egyptian Naqada Blacktop Pottery VesselAncient Egypt, Predynastic Period, late Naqada I to Naqada II, ca. 3700 to 3400 BCE. A gorgeous coil-formed Nile silt pottery vase with a highly-burnished exterior surface covered in a deep, earthy irSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Egyptian Predynastic Black-Top Pottery Jar w/ TLAncient Egypt, Predynastic period, late Naqada II to Naqada III, ca. 3200 to 3000 BCE. An enormous hand-built marl clay jar with a russet-hued surface made with a thin iron-oxide slip. The burnished vSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Egyptian Predynastic Blacktop Jar, TL TestedAncient Egypt, Predynastic Period, early Naqada II, ca. 3500 to 3400 BCE. A coil-formed redware pottery jar of an outstanding size exhibiting an inverted piriform body with a flat base, a carinated miSee Sold Price
Egyptian Pre-Dynastic Naqada Black Top Bowl, TL Tested**First Time At Auction** Ancient Egypt, Pre-Dynastic period, Naqada II to Naqada III, ca. 3500 to 3000 BCE. A redware pottery bowl, shaped using coil-forming using Nile silt pottery, with a black-hueSee Sold Price
Egyptian Predynastic Naqada II Blacktop Acorn JarAncient Egypt, Predynastic period, Naqada II, ca. 3650 to 3300 BCE. A simple yet elegant redware pottery vessel formed from coiled Nile silt, its spout and shoulders fired at a slightly higher temperaSee Sold Price
Egyptian Predynastic Naqada II Blacktop Acorn JarAncient Egypt, Predynastic period, Naqada II, ca. 3650 to 3300 BCE. A simple yet elegant redware pottery vessel formed from coiled Nile silt, its spout and shoulders fired at a slightly higher temperaSee Sold Price
Egyptian Predynastic Naqada II Blacktop Acorn JarAncient Egypt, Predynastic period, Naqada II, ca. 3650 to 3300 BCE. A simple yet elegant redware pottery vessel formed from coiled Nile silt, its spout and shoulders fired at a slightly higher temperaSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Pre-Dynastic Naqada I Redware VaseAncient Egypt, early Pre-Dynastic Period, Naqada I, ca. 4000 BCE. A hand-built redware pottery vase of an elongated, egg-like form with a rounded base and a tapered upper body. The orange-red terracotSee Sold Price
Large Chinese Blue And White Porcelain Floor Vase With Foo Dog KnobsRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Chinese Blue And White Bottle Vase With Seal Mark QianlongRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Chinese Blue And White Vase With Double Ring Six Character MarkRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Egyptian Indurated Limestone Frog-Shaped Cosmetic VesselTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Revival Bronze and Marble French Mantle ClockMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair of Egyptian Revival Style Figures.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
5 PRE COLUMBIAN STYLE FIGURES, VASE, & LAMPRedlands Antique Auction4.8(851)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Egyptian Painted Gypsum Ram Figure, pre 1900, Figure- H.- 14 1/2 in., W.- 20 in., D.- 8 1.2 in., BasCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace w/ Ushabti PendantArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Egyptian Bronze Pendant of Neith (Goddess of War)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Egyptian Neolithic / Predynastic Chert Scrapers (2)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024