Fore Edge Painting Book, "The Nobility of Life, Its
Edward Norton Griffith (NJ,FL,1858-1948) oil painting antiqueMar 17, 2024MATTHEW PILKINGTON General Dictionary Painters 2 Vol Set 1824 Calf BindingMar 02, 2024A Marc Chagall Book: Life and Work Meyer, Franz Published by New York: Abrams, 1964Feb 24, 2024Books: Lives of the Queens of England, Volumes 1 - 8, by Agnes Strickland. Published by Longman,Feb 26, 20241934 DEUTSCHE ZEITENWENDE w/ introduction by MAX KREBS antique ILLUSTRATED FOLIOFeb 27, 2024Judaica .- Josephus (Flavius) Le Grant Almageste, contenant les Annales et Antiquitez IudaicquesFeb 29, 2024Illustrated Bible.- Simeoni (Gabriel) Figure de la Biblia, illustrate de stanze tuscane, Lyon,Feb 29, 2024Heraldry.- Bara (Jerome de) Le Blason des armoiries, second edition, Lyon, Bartholemew Vincent,Feb 29, 2024[Browne (Sir Thomas)] Religio Medici, Leiden, apud Franciscum Hackium, 1650Feb 29, 2024Bible, English.- Bible (The): that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Olde and Newe Testament,Feb 29, 2024Fore-edge painting.- Maunde (John) The Rural Philosopher; or French Georgics. A Didactic Poem.Feb 29, 2024[Heber (Reginald)] Palestine. A Poem; in Blank Verse. Written for the Prize at Oxford in 1803, forFeb 29, 2024Guitry (Sacha) Deburau: comédie en vers libres, inscribed by the author to a Princess of Monaco,Feb 29, 2024Hawking (Stephen) A Brief History of Time, first edition, 1988.Feb 29, 2024Pain (William) The Builder's Companion and Workman's General Assistant, 1765.Feb 29, 2024Scarce Works of Balzac – 13 vols. Ltd. ed.Feb 27, 2024Mid-Century Modern Abstract Still Life Painting, Bottles & BooksMar 02, 2024ITALIAN MILITARY CODE, 1789 ANCIENT MILITARY GIURISDIZIONE OF NAPLESMar 03, 2024Nicholas Brooks (NY,1840-1904) oil painting antiqueMay 19, 2024SIGNED. ROBERTSON DAVIES: WORLD OF WONDERS. 1975. 1ST ED.Mar 07, 2024SIGNED. ROBERTSON DAVIES: THE DEPTORD TRILOGY. 1ST ED.Mar 07, 2024SIGNED. ROBERTSON DAVIES: TEMPTEST-TOST. 1951. 1ST.Mar 07, 2024SIGNED. ROBERTSON DAVIES: 4 BOOKS BY OR ABOUT THE AUTHORMar 07, 2024Mao Tse-Tung: Quotations of Chairman MaoFeb 29, 2024