Approximately 32 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "K" album 2 and highlights include: Ed Dranepool, Jack Kramer, George Kelly, Pat Kelly, Alan Knicely, Fred Kendall, Jerry Koosman, Harmon Killebrew.See Sold Price
SoldApproximately 25 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "E" album and highlights include: Woody English, Gil, English, Dennis Eckersley, Ed Erautt, Carl Erskine, Mike Epstein.See Sold Price
Approximately 51 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "M" album 3 and highlights include: Billy Morgan, Scott McGregor, Les Moss, Ralph Miller, George Maisel, Mike McCormick, Tommy McCraw, Jerry Moses, Felix Mantella.See Sold Price
Approximately 95 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the mixed album 2 and highlights include: Bob Carpenter, Joe Coleman, Jim Coker, Johnny Callison, lenny Dykstra, Darren Dalton, Larry Bowa, Walter Beck, Dell Ennis, BerSee Sold Price
SoldApproximately 100 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the mixed album 1 and highlights include: Pete Richert, Buddy Rosar, Joe Tipton, Duane Pillette, Rusty Peters, Mitch Williams, ozzie Virgil, Bob Becker, Bobby Shantz, LSee Sold Price
Approximately 80 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "P" album 1and highlights include: Jose Pagan, Jim Perry, Eddie Popovich, Babe Pheleps, Bob Purkey, Al papai, Hugh Pepper, Bill Plummer, Dan Petry, Larry Parrish, DSee Sold Price
Approximately 33 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "M" album 2 and highlights include: Mike Moore, Frank Malzone, Jim Maloney, Lee May, Eddie Miksis, Bob Miller, Dale Mitchell, Mike Morgan, Don Mueller.See Sold Price
Approximately 53 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "B" album 3 and highlights include: Ewell Blackwell, Steve Barber, Earl Battey, Wayne Belardi, Vern Benson, Ray Blades, Ossie Bluege, Milt Bolling, Lous Boudreau, MSee Sold Price
Approximately 95 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards, baseball cards. This is the "B" album and highlights include: Lou Burdette, Al Bridwell, Steve Bilko, Jim Busgy, Harold Baines, Hubie Brooks, Tommy Byrne, Less Bell, Guy Bush,See Sold Price
Approximately 50 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards, baseball cards, and sports magazine clippings. This is the "A" album and highlights include: Aponte, Hank Arft, Eden Avker, Dick Adams, Bob Addis, Bobby Adams, Gene Alley, JackSee Sold Price
SoldApproximately 46 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "W" album 2 and highlights include: Glenn Wright, Dave Williams, Carlton Wiley, Milt Wilcox, Willie Wilson, Ben Wade, Rube Walker, Victor Wertz, Wally Westlake, HoySee Sold Price
SoldApproximately 52 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "N" album and highlights include: Williard Nixon, Don Nottebart, Ed Nunnez, Bob Nieman, Al Nipper, Rus Nixon, Gene Nelson, Rocky Nelson, Jim Nettles, Hal Hewhouser,See Sold Price
Approximately 71 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "S" album 2 and highlights include: Rusty Staub, Franklin Stubbs, Ruben Sierra, Dave Sisler, George Scott, Ron Santo, Bob Skinner, Willie stargell, Dean Stone, StevSee Sold Price
Approximately 70 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "P" album 2 and highlights include: Al Pilarcik, JW Porter, Bob Priddy, Albie Pearson, Joe Presko, Ewald Pyle, Andy Parko, Gaylord Perry, Wes Parker, Milt pappas, MSee Sold Price
Approximately 74 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "M" album 1 and highlights include: Eddie Matthrews, Minnie Minoso, Dale Murphy, Gus Mancuso, Tom Morgan, Wally Moon, Don Mossi, Billy Muffet, Dennis Martinez, FredSee Sold Price
Approximately 82 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "G" album 2 and highlights include: Joe Genewich, Johnny Gee, Mitt Gaston, Gus Getz, Andres Galarraga, Bill Goodman, Lenny Green, Bob Geary, Dol Gooden, Johnny GrubSee Sold Price
Approximately 60 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "B" album 2 and highlights include: Pete Broberg, Tom Burgess, hal Brown, John Briggs, Clay Bryant, Jim Buchner, Bud Byerly, Gene Baker, Daryl Boston, Harry Byrd, RSee Sold Price
SoldApproximately 71 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "S" album 1 and highlights include: Jim Shellenback, Chuck Shilling, Sam Sheeter, Art Schult, Riggs Stephenson, Sibby Sisti, Al Spangler, Hank Saver, Mike Scott, DiSee Sold Price
SoldApproximately 28 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "U-V" album and highlights include: Tom Upton, George Uhle, Frank Viola, Bill Virdon, Bill Vass, Ed Vandeberg, Mickey Vernon.See Sold Price
SoldApproximately 19 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "X-Z" album 1 and highlights include: Curt Young, Robin Yount, Ed Yost, Gus Zernial, Billy Zitzmann, Don Zimmer.See Sold Price
Approximately 50 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "T" album and highlights include: Frank Tanana, Frank Torre, Willie Tasby, Gene Tenance, Joe Tepsic, Johnny Temple, Marv Throneberry, Fred Thomas, herb Thomas, VirgSee Sold Price
Approximately 60 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "R" album and highlights include: Jerry Reuss, Bob Ramazzotti, John Romonosky, Goody Rosen, Willie Randolph, Mike Roarice, Tom Reynolds, Rafael Ramierez, Jeff RusseSee Sold Price
Approximately 46 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "O" album and highlights include: Bob O'Farrell, Frank O'Rourke, Johnny Oates, Jose O'Quendo, Billy O'Dell, Paul O'Neill, Johnny Oldham, Jack Ogden, Bob Oldis, BillSee Sold Price
Approximately 86 Baseball AutographsAll on 3x5 index cards. This is the "J" album and highlights include: Howard Johnson, Bob Johnson, Hal Jeffcoat, Wally Juyner, Ernie Johnson, Dalton Jones, Cliff Johnson, Gordon Jones, Buck Jordan, JoSee Sold Price
Baseball Phillies Bryson Stott Prospect Autograph /99 PSA 10Hobby Dealer4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
[BASEBALL]. [BISHOP, MAX (1899-1962), association]. KELLY, ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[JAPANESE BASEBALL]. 1951 “Baseball Case” Booklet. [Japan: ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Sandy Koufax Hand Signed Autographed 16X20 Photo Dodgers Holding Poll JSA /32Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1996 COLORADO ROCKIES team signed ONL baseball-32 SIGNATURES-WALKER/GALARRAGAMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1993 Toronto Blue Jays World Series Champs Team Signed Baseball 32 Sigs JSA COAMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1996 ST LOUIS CARDINALS team signed ONL baseball-32 SIGNATURES-OZZIE/ ECKERSLEYMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Mike Trout "MLB Debut' signed Angels 50th Ann. Baseball autograph MLB Holo3 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Jim Bunning Signed Jsa Authentic Feeney National League Baseball Autograph3 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Wil Nieves Tri Star Certified Signed Major League Baseball Autograph3 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
jason giambi steiner signed major league baseball autograph3 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Jocko Conlan Hall of Fame Umpire Signed Hall of Fame Plaque Postcard (Beckett Authenticated)3 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Milton Bradley Signed Jsa Coa Major League Oml Baseball Autograph Authentic3 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Andre Dawson Signed Jsa Authentic Feeney National League Baseball AutographGolden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Jeff Conine # 19 Signed Jsa Coa National League Baseball Autograph AuthenticGolden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
gene hermanski PSA/DNA authentic signed national league baseball autographGolden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1986 New York Mets Signed Game Used Seatback with 30 Autographs JSA COAMynt Auctions4.6(689)$505 days Left