SoldCarmelo Cappello (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996)"LisaCarmelo Cappello (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996)"Lisa Ponti"Full-relief sculpture. Milan, 1940s. Bronze with a green murble base. Signed "C Cappello" on the lower side. (18x27 cm.)ProvenancePrivate collecSee Sold Price
SoldCarmelo Cappello (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996) -Carmelo Cappello (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996) - Spalliera per letto in fusione di ottone. Firmata e datata 1970 (cm 170x45) Registrata presso l Archivio Carmelo Cappello, Milano con il n° AA70-143See Sold Price
SoldCARMELO CAPPELLO (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996) INCISIONECARMELO CAPPELLO (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996) INCISIONE a colori "tempesta", esemplare 20/50. Datata 1956 Misure: cm 33 x 48See Sold Price
CARMELO CAPPELLO (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996) LITOGRAFIACARMELO CAPPELLO (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996) LITOGRAFIA a colori "forme circolari", esemplare 77/90. Datato 1973 Misure: cm 69 x 49See Sold Price
CARMELO CAPPELLO (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996)CARMELO CAPPELLO (Ragusa 1912 - Milano 1996) LITOGRAFIA a colori "figure geometriche", esemplare 18/190. Datato 1974 Misure: cm 18 x 19See Sold Price
CARMELO CAPPELLO. Steel sculpture lampCARMELO CAPPELLO (Ragusa, 1912 - Milano, 1996). Lampada scultura in acciaio con base in plexiglass. Mis. Diam. cm. 60 ca. Val. 5000/8000See Sold Price
Carmelo Cappello 1912, Ragusa (Rg) - 1996, Milano (Mi)serigrafia 33x48,5 cm 1972 es. 57/100; firma dell’artista in basso a destra certificato di autenticità PicenumSee Sold Price
Carmelo Cappello 1912, Ragusa (Rg) - 1996, Milano (Mi)serigrafia 50x70 cm 1986 es. p.d.a.; firma dell’artista in basso a destra certificato di autenticità PicenumSee Sold Price
Carmelo Cappello 1912, Ragusa (Rg) - 1996, Milano (Mi)serigrafia 50x50 cm 1975 es. 65/90; firma dell’artista e timbro Arte Nuova Oggi in basso a destra certificato di autenticità PicenumSee Sold Price
CARMELO CAPPELLORagusa 1912 - Milano 1996 Senza titolo, 1965 Ottone e perspex, cm 90 x 134 x 25 Autentica su fotografia dell'artistaSee Sold Price
Carmelo Cappello (1912 - 1996) IL GONDOLIERE bronzo, cmCarmelo Cappello(1912 - 1996)IL GONDOLIEREbronzo, cm 187x70, su base; es. 3/3 firma, data e numeroeseguito nel 1957L'opera è registrata presso l'Archivio Carmelo Cappello, Milano, con il n. B57-167See Sold Price
SoldCARMELO CAPPELLO FOR ALESSI CIRCULAR SCULPTURECARMELO CAPPELLO (1912-1996) FOR ALESSI STAINLESS STEEL CIRCULAR SCULPTURE, DIA 13 1/2":Designed by Carmelo Cappello for Alessi, signed along with number AFR206 (see additional photo), within a plexigSee Sold Price
SoldVARI AUTORI ® Mixed lotThis lot is comprised of 2 graphic works: Carmelo Cappello (1912-1996) Untitled 1964 Lithograph, ed. 2/50, il Torchio Edition, Milan 49 x 69,5 cm Signed and dated in pencil lower right, numbered lowerSee Sold Price
SoldFramed Silver Sculpture, Carmelo CappelloFramed silver sculpture of horses by Carmelo Cappello (1912-1996, Italian). Sculpture depicts two horses with outlines of horses in background. Signed on label en verso with other artist information aSee Sold Price
Carmello Cappello 1912-1996 Steel Trey For AlessiCarmelo Cappello (1912-1996) for Alessi - Art deco style round trey centerpiece, Italy, Circa 1974. Item signed on the back by the designer, with manufacturer's mark. This edition is #. afp 428 out ofSee Sold Price
Carmelo Cappello (1912-1996)Carmelo Cappello (1912-1996), ''I Figli del Mare'' (The Children of the Sea), bronze, brown patina, 1955, signed, highly abstracted group of figures representative of his oeuvre of the 1950s. CappelloSee Sold Price
CARMELO CAPPELLO (1912-1996) Senza titoloCARMELO CAPPELLO (1912-1996) Senza titolo 1978 acciaio cm 39 x 24,5 (con base) 24 x 24,5 (senza base) esemplare 33/99 firmato, datato e numerato in basso a sinistra sotto la base: etichetta Galleria ASee Sold Price
AUTORI VARI, Mixed lotAUTORI VARI Mixed lot This lot is comprised of 2 graphic works: Carmelo Cappello (1912-1996) Untitled 1964 Lithograph, ed. 2/50, il Torchio Edition, Milan 49 x 69,5 cm Signed and dated in pencil lowerSee Sold Price
CARMELO CAPPELLO, UntitledCARMELO CAPPELLO (1912 - 1996) Untitled 1958 Lithograph, ed. a.p. 3/5 64 x 44 cm Signed, dedicated and dated in pencil lower right, numbered lower left PROVENANCE: Silvano Falchi Collection, Milan PriSee Sold Price
SoldCarmelo Cappello "Space" Series Sculpture StudyCarmelo Cappello (Italy, 1912 - 1996) framed under glass untitled abstract original composition, probably a study in preparation for the 1962 sculpture "Progression Volume Space" or another such as "SSee Sold Price
SoldSculpture, Carmelo CappelloCarmelo Cappello (Italian, 1912-1996), "La Testa di una Donna," bronze sculpture, signed lower left, overall (with base): 11.5"h x 5"w x 6.25"dSee Sold Price
Carmelo Cappello for Alessi Steel TrayCarmelo Cappello (Italy, 1912-1996) for Alessi d'apres. Modern circular steel tray / sculpture. Signed on the underside Alessi d'apres Carmello Cappello AFM459. 13 3/8"-diameter. Losses to finish in dSee Sold Price
Carmelo Cappello Untitled Sculpture StudyCarmelo Cappello (Italy, 1912 - 1996) framed under glass untitled abstract original composition, probably a study in preparation for the 1962 sculpture "Progression Volume Space" or another within hisSee Sold Price
Sculpture, Carmelo CappelloCarmelo Cappello (Italian, 1912-1996), "La Testa di una Donna," bronze sculpture, signed lower left, overall (with base): 11.5"h x 5"w x 6.25"dSee Sold Price
Frank Eliscu "Untitled" Charcoal on Paper of HorseAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Hook & Ladder - 1912 Version - Cast Iron ToyThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Framed Mixed Media on Paper, signed JUAN NAVARERETE and dated 1996 ,Cuban artist, lower rightBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Carmelo Gonzalez (1920-1990) Cuban artist framed drawing on paperBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Garth Williams: Charlotte's Web. (American, 1912-1996) Style OfA&D Art Limited4.2(7)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Chuck Jones Signed Michigan Frog Cartoon DisplayLegacy Auctions & Estate Sales4.6(72)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Coyote Crossing by Chuck Jones (1912-2002)Federal Assets Auctioneers4.4(411)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Coyote Crossing by Chuck Jones (1912-2002)Federal Assets Auctioneers4.4(411)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Chuck Jones (1912-2002), "Coyote Crossing" Limited Edition Animation Cel with Hand Painted Color,Robinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024