WALT DISNEY WORLD - Figment Animatronic Character Skin from EPCOT's Journey Into ImaginationPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977) - William Plumb Collection: Hand-Drawn Clyde Caldwell Illustration forPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Vintage 1st Edition Bob Dylan / Santana Cal Expo Amphitheater Concert PosterPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Large Collection of 585 Various 45 RPM Vinyl RecordsDutch Auction Company4.3(2)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
JOHN HALEY BELLAMY (Maine/New Hampshire, 1836-1914), Circa 1872-1900 carved pine spread-wing eagleEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII UK Nazi GermanyOriginal vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued in Great Britain to be dropped over the territory of Nazi Germany. The booklet is entitled Volk am Abgrund (A People on the Brink). The leafleSee Sold Price
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII UK Nazi Germany V1Original vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued in Great Britain to be dropped over the Nazi Germany, it is entitled Die Letzte Geheimwaffe (The Last of the Secret Weapons). This flyer urgesSee Sold Price
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII POW Nazi Camps UKOriginal vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued by the Nazi Germany to be dropped on the British troops. Men in the Shadow? No Men in the Sun! Detailed descripions of German prisoner of warSee Sold Price
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII Allies Nazi GermanyOriginal vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued by the Nazi Germany, entitled Caught Like Foxes in a Trap. Flyer aimed at English and American soldiers as a scare tactic, explaining the bleaSee Sold Price
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII Allies Nazi GermanyOriginal vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued in Great Britain to be dropped over the Nazi troops. It is entitled Tag Und Nacht Mit Vereinten Kraften (Day and Night with United Forces.) IlSee Sold Price
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII London Hell Dogs V1 NaziOriginal vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued by the Nazi Germany to be dropped on the British territory, front side depicts a giant skeleton holding a flame torch over london with the titSee Sold Price
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII Life or Death Nazi GemanyOriginal vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued by the Nazi Germany to be dropped over the British troops, it is titled 'Life or Death?' Flyer encouraging soldiers to surrender to the GemanSee Sold Price
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII Nazi POW Camp BritainOriginal vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued by the Nazi Germany to be dropped on the British troops. Original vintage propaganda flyer titled Smiling Faces in a POW Camp, No1 of a seriesSee Sold Price
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII UK France ResistanceOriginal vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued in Great Britain to be dropped over the territory of occupied France. The booklet was aimed at inspiring resistance to the Nazi troops, it isSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 3 Original War Propaganda WWII AirborneGroup of three original vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyers issued in Great Britain to be dropped over the Nazi Germany. 1.Original vintage propaganda flyer titled Smiling Faces in a POW Camp,See Sold Price
SoldOriginal War Propaganda WWII UK France Vichy HuntzigerOriginal vintage airborne leaflet propaganda flyer issued in Great Britain to be dropped over Nazi occupied France. Les Dernieres pensees du general huntziger (Last thoughts of General Huntziger). AftSee Sold Price
SoldWar Propaganda Poster WWII Nazi Germany SoldierThird Reich Second World War Propaganda Original Vintage Poster – Winter Relief of the German People (Und Dein Opfer fur's Winterhilfswerk (WHW)?) Image of a wounded soldier with an Iron Cross.See Sold Price
SoldPropaganda poster Luftwaffe Pilot Nazi Germany WWIIOriginal vintage World War Two propaganda poster Luftwaffe, Nazi Germany. Image of a pilot smiling at the sky with an emblem of the NSFK (Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps / National Socialist FlyeSee Sold Price
SoldPropaganda Poster WWII Nazi Germany War VictimsOriginal vintage propaganda poster isssued in the Nazi Germany during the Seconf World War. Kriegsoper! Frontkamerad Adolf Hitler ruft zur Sammlung! - War victims! Front comrade Adolf Hitler calls forSee Sold Price
Original WWII propaganda poster UK Russia Nazi piratesWe will Sink the Fascist Pirates - WW2 Original vintage World War Two poster produced in Britain for use in the USSR: We will sink the fascist pirates. Text in Russian translated into English, quote fSee Sold Price
War Poster Art Deco France POW Nazi Germany Work WWIIOriginal vintage World War Two propaganda poster Bon Voyage! Mais N'oublie pas que J'Attends ton retour pour partir / Have a nice trip! But don't forget that I'm waiting for your return to leave. ArtSee Sold Price
SoldWar Propaganda WWII Nazi poster Missing Poster forCountry: Germany. Year: 1944. Artist: Unknown. Size (cm): 43x30.5. Good condition, folded as issued, staining and creases.See Sold Price
SoldWar Propaganda WWII Nazi Film poster Der Marsch zumCountry: Germany. Year: 1940. Artist: Unknown. Size (cm):29.5x21. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
SoldWar Poster Enemy Propaganda WWII Home Front HitlerOriginal vintage World War Two poster featuring a cartoon style design of a surprised man looking out to the viewer with small caricatures of the Japanese emperor Hirohito and the Nazi Germany leaderSee Sold Price
SoldWWII War Propaganda Poster Nazi Yugoslavia AxisOriginal vintage Anti-Communism poster The World News Nazi newspaper. Text in Serbian, image of flags of Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan attached to daggers that are stabbing the Soviet flag. Good condiSee Sold Price
SoldWWII Poster Nazi Soldier UK Engineer MedicSet of 2 original vintage UK World War Two propaganda posters: The German Soldier - Engineers and The German Soldier - Medical. Very good condition, small creases on margins. Country: UK. Year: 1940s.See Sold Price
SoldPropaganda Poster WWII Nazi Army Germany 1940 BerlinerPropaganda Original Vintage Poster – Berliner Illustrirte, cover photo : In the fire area of ​​the enemy: the last 80 meters in the run. Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung, Nr. 4, 25. JSee Sold Price
SoldWWII War Propaganda Poster UK Air Force RAFOriginal vintage WWII Propaganda Poster - Britain the Great Defender of Freedom - Featuring a dynamic illustration by James Gardner of Military planes bombing Knapsack in Germany. The message reads -See Sold Price
SoldPropaganda Poster WWII Nazi Submarine UK NavyOriginal vintage Nazi Propaganda Poster in Dutch. Rough Translation: Special message from the German Supreme Command 24-8-1941. 148,000 GRT (Gross Register Tons) Destroyed. Submarine boats and warshipSee Sold Price
WWII UK King George VI Defence MedalRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Rare and stunning WW2 WWII German Flag Vet Bring backEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024