Small metal gongs, West Africa(lot of 2) Small metal gongs, Igbo, Nigeria, old and made for use, both 10''h x 11''wSee Sold Price
SoldSmall metal gongs, West Africa(lot of 2) Small metal gongs, Igbo, Nigeria, old and made for use, both 10''h x 11''wSee Sold Price
SoldNigerian Yoruba Carved Wood Egungun Mask.Nigerian Yoruba Carved Wood Egungun Mask. Carved wood with dark pigment; human head with bat-like ears, and a small animal affixed to the back; on a custom black metal stand. West Africa. {ApproximateSee Sold Price
Nigerian Yoruba Carved Wood Egungun Mask.Nigerian Yoruba Carved Wood Egungun Mask. Carved wood with dark pigment; human head with bat-like ears, and a small animal affixed to the back; on a custom black metal stand. West Africa. {ApproximateSee Sold Price
Lt 1800s West Africa Early Wood Fertility Figure StatueEarly and primitive figure or statue. Interesting shape. Most likely a Fertility Statue. Note the small head on top. Lacks feet, ritually cut. Western Africa. Circa late 1800's. All original and antiqSee Sold Price
SoldKRU GREBO WEST AFRICAN TRIBAL CEREMONIAL MASKKru Grebo West African Tribal Ceremonial Mask. From the Cape Palmas region of West Africa. Hand carved with cloth wrapped around the lower features. Metal teeth. Suspension hook on top of the mask. MeSee Sold Price
20th C. African Wood Heddle Pulley - Buffalo HeadWest Africa, Ivory Coast, 20th century CE. A wooden pulley in the form of a buffalo head with a scalloped, triangular-shaped face, curved horns on top, long slender nose, small square mouth, and semicSee Sold Price
20th C. Bimini Wood Carved Heddle PulleyWest Africa, Ivory Coast, 20th century CE. A wooden pulley in the form of a buffalo head with a scalloped, triangular-shaped face, curved horns on top, long slender nose, small square mouth, and semicSee Sold Price
Sold2b 2 Shillings 30.3.1918Palm tree/Arabic script. Margin roughness at top; few stains; several small holes. Sold as is; no returns. Grade: Fine Country: British West Africa Type/State: West African Currency BoardSee Sold Price
SoldNavajo Pair of Sand PaintingsNavajo Pair of Sand Paintings. 8'' x 8''. Sand Paintings were an integral part of healing the sick in ceremonies used by tribal healers. Small metal loops for hanging on the tops.See Sold Price
SoldEight knives - West Africawood, metal, leather, a dagger of the Tubu, Mali with elaborated sheath made from leather and reptile skin, l: 27,5 cm: two small knives of the Shona, Zimbabwe, wooden sheaths and handles covered withSee Sold Price
SoldLot of West Africa metalwareNigeria, D.R. Congo, 19th / 20th, composed of 3 manila, 1 bracelet and a cow bell in metal alloy, decorated with geometric motifs. Usage traces and patina. Small faults. Dim .: 8 to 14,5cm.See Sold Price
West Africa, Ivory Coast, Bete-Gere, a lWest Africa, Ivory Coast, Bete-Gere, a large face mask with typically exaggerated features. Large gaping mouth with inset metal teeth, large broad nose and tubular eyes. A multitude of small wooden spSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF SIX 1930'S TOY SPINNING TOPSThis lot includes traditional wood, metal winder, painted spiral tin and others plus small book about Tops.See Sold Price
SoldA Red faced Baule Sun Shaped African maskA Finely carved wooden mask in a round form with an ancestor face and small ornate designs. Baule peoples, Ivory Coast,West Africa. The mask measures 11 x 11 inches. A metal display stand can be incluSee Sold Price
SoldA wrought iron hanging frame in the form of a lantA wrought iron hanging frame in the form of a lantern, possibly Mali, west Africa, of openwork form with domed top above a square section body, adorned overall with cut metal peacocks, otherSee Sold Price
SoldAFRICAN WOODEN TRIBAL BUSTS, MAN AND WOMANHand carved wooden bust of bearded man and woman. Small crack in top of bust of woman. Bust of man is 9.5"H, bust of woman is 6.5"H. Issued: 20th c. Dimensions: 9.5"H Country of Origin: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldCONTINENTAL GILDED METAL FIGURAL MANTLE CLOCKCONTINENTAL GILDED METAL FIGURAL MANTLE CLOCK The elaborate mantle clock having a figure of a shepherdess on top holding a distaff in her left hand while spinning and tending a grazing sheep, a smallSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Small Revolversa) Colt Open Top Pocket Model, standard brass frame with nice patina, brown metal on cylinder and 2 3/8 barrel. Walnut grips, S/N 49029; b) Remington Iroquois Pocket model .22 rimfire, 21/4" round barSee Sold Price
Magical staff of a shaman - Nepal - West, Rautewood, brown patina, hook-shaped top, carved with an animal head with four high towering pairs of horns, two small recesses on both sides of the neck, slightly dam., metal base; coming from the Raute,See Sold Price
SoldOhio Art Metal Spinning Top w/Wood HandleOhio Art Metal Spinning Top w/Wood Handle & South of the Border Childrens Theme (Would work better with a shot of oil. Surface has minor scratches and some wear.) 7" wideSee Sold Price
METAL SPINNING TOP AND TOY DRUMMETAL SPINNING TOP and TOY DRUM:Pink, blue, green and yellow in color. Drum having "Ohio Art" label.See Sold Price
Carlos IV niche. Spain, ca.1790. Carved, gilded and polychrome wood. Glass door. Cloth linedSetdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Illinois Central RR Handlan Lantern-Cast Two Sided GlobeJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Ancient Sokoto Head Fragment 500 BC African ArtifactTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Early 20th C. Nigerian Yoruba Wooden Shrine FigureArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chanel CC Metal Top Handle Flap Bag Chevron Lambskin SmallGolden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
African Burkina Faso Iron Mask (Spirits of Ancestors)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
20th C. Yoruba Wood Eshu Shrine Figure, Standing MaleArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024