SoldRoman Bronze Applique w/ Head of MedusaRoman, Imperial period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A mesmerizing cast bronze applique in the form of the head of a gorgon, probably Medusa. In this example, she has a pouting, almost childlike face, tSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Applique w/ Head of MedusaRoman, Imperial period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A mesmerizing cast bronze applique in the form of the head of a gorgon, probably Medusa. In this example, she has a pouting, almost childlike face, tSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Applique w/ Head of MedusaRoman, Imperial period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A mesmerizing cast bronze applique in the form of the head of a gorgon, probably Medusa. In this example, she has a pouting, almost childlike face, tSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Applique w/ Head of MedusaRoman, Imperial period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A mesmerizing cast bronze applique in the form of the head of a gorgon, probably Medusa. In this example, she has a pouting, almost childlike face, tSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Head of a WomanRoman Bronze Applique of a Woman, possibly Medusa, circa 2nd - 3rd AD. A large applique of a woman with incised hair. Brown patina. Dimensions: 1-3/16" H x 1-1/4" W. Provenance: Ex. Collection T. CedeSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, c. 1st - 3rd Bronze appliqué w/ MEDUSARoman, c. 1st - 3rd Century AD. A lovely round bronze appliqué with the head of a facing Medusa in high relief in center. In a nice rich chocolate color, piece appears to be a mini shield in appearanSee Sold Price
Sold173. ROUND ROMAN BRONZE APPLIQUE WITH HEAD OF MEDUSA173. Roman, c. 1st - 3rd Century AD. A lovely round bronze appliqué with the head of a facing Medusa in high relief in center. In a nice rich chocolate color, piece appears to be a mini shield in appSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Roman Bronze Applique with Medusa c.2nd cent ADAncient Roman Bronze Applique with Medusa c.2nd cent AD. Size 24 mm. Beautiful Roman Bronze applique with medusa head turned slightly to the left. choice patina. perfect. Provenance: Ex The Time MachiSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Lion Applique w/ Inlaid Silver EyesRoman Empire, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. Very fine bronze applique in the form of a lion head. Full relief face, the lion with deeply incised flowing mane, fine facial details and inlaid silver eyes.See Sold Price
SoldAncient Roman Bronze Applique with Medusa c.2nd centAncient Roman Bronze Applique with Medusa c.2nd cent AD. Size 1 1/8 inch wide. Fine cast Bronze applique of facing head of Medusa with flowing hair and tongue out. Fine quality with choice patina. ProSee Sold Price
Gallo-Roman Leaded Bronze Applique w/ Lion Head**First Time At Auction** Roman, Gallo-Roman, France, Lyon (Lugdunum), Imperial Period, ca. 3rd century CE. A leaded-bronze applique with a protruding boss in the shape of a facing lion's head mountedSee Sold Price
Ancient Roman Bronze Applique of Medusa c.1st-2nd centAncient Roman Bronze Applique of Medusa c.1st-2nd cent BC. Size 1 7/8 inches diameter. Fine cast bronze of winged Medusa head facing, excuted in bold, high relief. Originally a lamp top with hinge atSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Mask Applique w/ Bear Headdress**Originally Listed At $250** Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 4th century CE. A fascinating and rare cast bronze applique in the form of a human face with a bear's head and upper body forming the hSee Sold Price
Ancient Roman Bronze Applique of Medusa c.1st-2nd centAncient Roman Bronze Applique of Medusa c.1st-2nd cent BC. Size 1 7/8 inches diameter. Fine cast bronze of winged Medusa head facing, excuted in bold, high relief. Originally a lamp top with hinge atSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Mask Applique w/ Bear Headdress**First Time At Auction**Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 4th century CE. A fascinating and rare cast bronze applique in the form of a human face with a bear's head and upper body forming the headdrSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Roman Bronze Oil Lamp c.1st-4th century AD.Ancient Roman Bronze Oil Lamp c.1st-4th century AD. Size 4 1/2 inches length x 1 1/4 inches high. Fine Ancient Roman Empire Bronze oil lamp with medusa head applique on handle, nice patina. ProvenanceSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Face Applique (possibly Medusa)Roman Empire, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A Roman interpretation of the head of Medusa, that Gorgon monster, rendered as a bronze applique. Perhaps incorporated into military regalia, weaponry, or furnSee Sold Price
Bronze applique, winged head of MedusaA bronze applique in the form of the winged head of Medusa, Roman, c.1st - 2nd Century AD, with well-detailed features and an excellent deep olive patina. Remains of iron attachment on the backside. 2See Sold Price
Bronze applique. winged head of MedusaA bronze applique in the form of the winged head of Medusa, Roman, c.1st - 2nd Century AD, with well-detailed features and an excellent deep olive patina. Remains of iron attachment on the backside. 2See Sold Price
Roman Bronze Face Applique (possibly Medusa)Rome, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A Roman interpretation of the head of Medusa, that Gorgon monster, rendered as a bronze applique. Perhaps incorporated into military regalia, weaponrySee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Face Applique - Possibly MedusaRoman Empire, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A Roman interpretation of the head of Medusa, that Gorgon monster, rendered as a bronze applique. Perhaps incorporated into military regalia, weaponry, or furnSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Lot of two Bronzes aRoman, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Lot of two Bronzes appliqués. First a nice round bronze appliqué with the head of Medusa. S: 35 mm. Second piece a round bronze appliqué of a veiled female facing withSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Phalera with Medusa1st-2nd century AD. A bronze discoid applique with the head of Medusa in high relief, wings to the top and snakes behind which tie in a knot below the chin, wavy hair falls on either side of her face;See Sold Price
SoldRoman bronze appliqué, winged head of MedusaA bronze appliqué in the form of the winged head of Medusa, Roman, c.1st - 2nd Century AD, with well-detailed features and an excellent deep olive patina. Remains of iron attachment on the backside.See Sold Price
Versace Leather/Velvet Box w Medusa Head, ItalyThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Qing Antique Chinese Bronze Tea Pot w/ Phoenix Head SpoutHughes Auctions4.4(165)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ANTIQUE WEIGHTS BRONZE REPRODUCTIONS OF GRAND TOURAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
ANTIQUE WEIGHTS BRONZE REPRODUCTIONS OF GRAND TOURAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Ancient Roman Iron Shaving Blades w/ Spatulate HeadsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024