SoldPre-Columbian Pottery BowlsPre-Columbian. A group of four pottery bowls, including one tripod grater bowl with tapered feet, one black pottery grater bowl on tripod dog head legs, one redware grater bowl on tripod alligator heaSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Pre-Columbian Pottery Bowls**Originally Listed At $75** Pre-Columbian, ca. 500 BCE to 1500 CE. A trio of pottery bowls in a wide range of styles, including one small round bowl with painted triangular designs, a bowl with pointSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Pre Columbian Pottery Bowls, One has SlightLot of 2 Pre Columbian Pottery Bowls, One has Slight RestorationSee Sold Price
SoldTrio of Fine Pre-Columbian Pottery BowlsPre-Columbian, Guatemala, Sacatepequez, Sumpango, Preclassic Maya Period, Maya, ca. 200 BCE to 200 CE. A wonderful collection of three hand-built and highly-burnished pottery vessels. First is a smallSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 3 3/4"-PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 3 3/4"-4 1/4", DIA 7 1/2"- 8":Each decorated in red and black with geometric and figural motifs, each having pedestal base. One motif featuring 10 figures holdingSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 3 1/2"-4"PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 3 1/2"-4", DIA 7 3/4"-8 1/4":Each with interior geometric motifs of black and reddish brown on buff ground with each having pedestal base.See Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE,PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 2 3/4"-4", DIA 5 1/2"-8":Including one waisted, shallow bowl decorated in red and black about the exterior. Two round bowls tapering to pedestal bases each decoraSee Sold Price
SoldSix Shallow Pre-Columbian Pottery Bowls. 4 - 7.5"Six Shallow Pre-Columbian Pottery Bowls. 4 - 7.5" diameter. Condition: Some cracks, chips and loss of slips & paint relative to age and ancient use. Two of the bowls are in two pieces, with clean breaSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Pre-Columbian Pottery BowlsPre-Columbian, Peru, ca. 200 CE to 800 CE. First, interesting Nazca polychrome bowl decorated with beans, possibly with a bean shoot coming out of them. Best guess, this is a representation of the impSee Sold Price
Sold4 PIECE PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS & VESSEL4 PIECE PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS & VESSEL: To include 2 footed bowls with interior geometric designs (larger 7 1/2" dia.), bowl with exterior geometric designs (7 1/4" dia.), water vessel (4 3/4" hSee Sold Price
Sold2 Pre-Columbian Pottery Bowls, Largest is PolychromePre Columbian Bowl, Larger is Polychrome. Some chips in rim, Large chipped area missing on the side and on the bottom of large one, as designated by the white areas in picture one & picture two. On thSee Sold Price
SoldFive Pre-Columbian Pottery BowlsFive Pre-Columbian Pottery BowlsFive Pre-Columbian pottery bowls: three painted with red, black and white geometric designs; red glazed circular bowl; together with brown glazed cylindrical form withSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Pre-Columbian Pottery BowlsGroup of Five Pre-Columbian Pottery Bowls , of varying shapes and sizes with various decoration, largest h. 3 1/4 in., dia. 7 1/2 in., (5 pcs.) Provenance: Estate Collection, San Antonio, TX, acquiredSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 3"-3 3/4"PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 3"-3 3/4", DIA 7 1/2"-7 3/4":Each decorated in red, black and brown. One features a thunderbird at the well and the two others decorated with geometric motifs.See Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE,PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 3 1/4" -4 1/4", DIA 7 1/4"-7 3/4":Each having geometric motifs with red and brown designs on a buff ground with pedestal foot.See Sold Price
SoldLarge Collection of Various Pre-Columbian Pottery BowlsLarge collection of 32 various Pre-Columbian pottery bowls and dishes; each of various circular forms; D: 6 3/4" (largest, approx.)See Sold Price
Sold2 Pre-Columbian Pottery BowlsDESCRIPTION: Two Pre-Columbian pottery bowls. Includes: 1) Gila orangeware bowl with red and white painted stripes on exterior. 3-1/2" tall x 7" in diameter. One large reglued shard with very old fillSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Pottery BowlsPre-Columbian. A group of four pottery bowls, including one redware grater bowl painted with red and white motifs, two jars in ovoid form with incised decoration, and one small cup-shaped bowl; graterSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 4 1/4"-PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 4 1/4"-4 1/2", DIA 7 3/4"-7 1/2":Pre-Columbian bowls with interior and exterior linear designs. Interior designs in reddish brown and exterior designs in black.See Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 3 1/2"-4"PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 3 1/2"-4", DIA 7 1/2"-8":Each decorated in black, red and brown with various geometric motifs and having a pedestal base. Including one with repetitive bird patteSee Sold Price
PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 2 3/4"-4"PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY BOWLS, THREE, H 2 3/4"-4", DIA 5 1/2"-8":Including one waisted, shallow bowl decorated in red and black about the exterior. Two round bowls tapering to pedestal bases each decoraSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Pre-Columbian Pottery Bowls**Originally Listed At $100** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A group of two olls and a tripod bowl with rattle legs from the shaft tomb culture. Size: 6.45" W (16.4 cm) ProvenanceSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Ancient Pre Columbian Pottery Bowls c.5th ceLot of 2 Ancient Pre Columbian Pottery Bowls c.5th-10th cent AD. Size 4 1/4 - 2 5/8 inches high. Great lot of 2 pottery bowls. Condition: perfect. Provenance: Ex The Time Machine acquired from a PrivaSee Sold Price
SoldThree Pre-Columbian Pottery BowlsThree pre-Columbian bowls, pottery, to include: bird form bowl with incised rim, 3 1/2" high (excluding head) x 7 1/4" diameter (with restoration); bowl with incised decoration, 4 1/2" high x 5 1/2" dSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Black And White Ware Pottery Footed Fruit BowlRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pre Columbian Pottery Bowl, with nine pre-Columbian pottery figural fragments, and threeCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
MID CENT SOUTH AMERICAN DIAGUITA STYLE CERAMIC BOWLAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pre-Columbian Pottery Figure & VesselOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Nayarit Bi-chrome Pottery Dish w/ Geometric PatternArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chupicuaro Polychrome Tripod Bowl w/ Linear MotifArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Panamanian Cocle Pedestal Dish, Two-Headed SaurianArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Chinese Ming Dynasty Swatow Ware Shallow White BowlArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024