SoldYORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIAYORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIA Carved male figure accented with glass beads and metal bracelet, highly stylized coiffure, early 20th c. Traditionally carved after the death of a twin, these were meSee Sold Price
SoldYORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIAYORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIA Finely carved female idol with deep facial scarification, elaborate coiffure, and accented with several bands of clay beads, early to mid-20th c. Traditionally carvedSee Sold Price
YORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIAIGBO IKENGA FIGURE, NIGERIA Carved wood sculpture with stylized arms raised above its head resembling horns, mid-20th c. Traditionally used as a protective fetish for the home. (Provenance: Private coSee Sold Price
YORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIAYORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIA Finely carved female idol with deep facial scarification, elaborate coiffure, and accented with several bands of clay beads, early to mid-20th c. Traditionally carvedSee Sold Price
YORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIAYORUBA IBEJI TWIN MALE FIGURE, NIGERIA Carved wooden idol with heavy facial scarification and indigo-dyed coiffure, adorned with various glass beads, early to mid-20th c. Traditionally carved after thSee Sold Price
YORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIAYORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIA Carved wooden idol with scarification on one breast and face, indigo-dyed coiffure, adorned with strands of glass beads and cowrie shells, early 20th c. TraditionallySee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF YORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURES, NIGERIAPAIR OF YORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURES, NIGERIA Carved honey-colored wood male and female shrine objects with elaborate coiffure, classic facial features, adorned with several strands of glass beads, earlySee Sold Price
YORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURES, NIGERIAYORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURES, NIGERIA Carved wooden male and female pair with indigo-dyed coiffure and classic facial features, early 20th c. Traditionally carved after the death of a twin, these were meSee Sold Price
SoldPair of African Yoruba Ibeji (Twins) Figures, NigeriaPair of African Yoruba Ibeji (Twins) Figures, Nigeria. Carved and paint decorated wood with beaded jewelry and cowrie shell strands. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis,See Sold Price
SoldYURUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIAYORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURE, NIGERIA Carved wooden female figure with deep facial scarification and indigo-dyed coiffure, accented with glass beads and snake vertebrae, early to mid-20th c. TraditionallySee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF AFRICAN FIGURINESYoruba Ibeji Twin Figures, Nigeria, early 20th c., fully carved fertility figures wearing glass bead necklaces and belts, clothed in cowrie shell cloaks, both roughly 10 1/4" tall. Very good conditionSee Sold Price
YORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURESYORUBA IBEJI TWIN FIGURES Nigeria, Africa. Carved wooden dolls representative of brother and sister twins. The pair are adorned with various glass beads and both have stylized coiffure and classic facSee Sold Price
SoldPR AFRICAN CARVINGSPair of Yoruba Ibeji Twin Figures, Nigeria, 19th c., 12" tall. Age and use patina, shrinkage cracks. Rare as a pair in this vintage. Provenance: From the Estate of Thomas Cavanaugh of Maine and FloridSee Sold Price
Sold2 Yoruba Ibeji Twin Figures. 20th c.A group of two Yoruba ibeji twin figures. 20th century. ++Yoruba ibeji twin female figure. Nigeria. 10 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 3". ++ Yoruba ibeji twin female figure. Nigeria. 10 1/2" x 3" x 3".See Sold Price
3 West African wooden objects. 20th c.A group of three West African wooden objects. 20th century. ++ Yoruba standing ibeji twin figure. Nigeria. 8 3/4" x 3" x 2 1/4". ++ Door lock fragment with bird. 11" x 3 1/4" x 1 1/4. ++ Yoruba ibejiSee Sold Price
TWO YORUBA MALE IBEJI TWIN FIGURESTWO YORUBA MALE IBEJI TWIN FIGURES Nigeria, Africa. Carved wooden dolls representing twin boys, with an overall abstract quality and adorned with glass beads. Each: 11''See Sold Price
Yoruba Ibeji Female Twin Protective Figure, Nigeriaolder carving represents a deceased twin and it is decorated with a necklace of antique glass beads and strings of heishi bead discs around the neck, hands, waist and feet. The Yoruba have one of theSee Sold Price
SoldYoruba, Pair of ‘Ibeji’ Twin Figures, Nigeria, c. 1930Wood Yoruba people, Nigeria, circa 1930 Pair of male/female Ibeji twin figures with a pointed high coiffure Nice honey brown glossy patina of ritual use Standing on a circular base Height: approx. 30See Sold Price
Yoruba, Pair of ‘Ibeji’ Twin Figures, Nigeria, EarlyWood with blue and red encrusted pigments Yoruba peoples, Nigeria, early 20th century Pair of Ibeji twin figures wearing hats and robes of the Eshu cult The arms carved away from the body, the hands rSee Sold Price
Yoruba, Pair of ‘Ibeji’ Twin Figures, Nigeria, EarlyWood with traces of blue pigments Nigeria, early 20th century Yoruba peoples Pair of Ibeji twin figures, male and female depiction, wearing hats The arms carved away from the body, the hands restingSee Sold Price
SoldYoruba, Pair of ‘Ibeji’ Twin Figures, Nigeria, EarlyWood with traces of blue pigments Nigeria, early 20th century Yoruba peoples Pair of Ibeji twin figures, depicting male and female, wearing hats The arms carved away from the body, the hands restingSee Sold Price
SoldFive Yoruba Carved Wood Ibeji Twin FiguresA Group of Five Yoruba Carved Wood @Ibeji@ Twin Figures , Nigeria, including three standing figures with independent beaded decoration around their necks, waists and, in one instance, ankles, height 9See Sold Price
SoldYoruba artist, female Ere Ibeji (twin figure)Yoruba artist female Ere Ibeji (twin figure) Nigeria, 20th centurycarved wood, beads, aluminum3.5 w × 2.75 d × 10 h in (9 × 7 × 25 cm) Provenance: CollectSee Sold Price
A Pair of Yoruba Twin Ibeji Figures Height 10 1/4A Pair of Yoruba Twin Ibeji Figures nigeria, probably mid-20th century Height 10 1/4 inches. Estimate $400-600See Sold Price
Yoruba Tribal Ibeji Twin Cult Carved Wood Figure African Nigeria #1Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ibeji Twin Cult Carved Wood Figure African Nigeria #2Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ere Ibeji Twin Figure Doll Male African Statue w/Trade BeadsArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Early 20th C. African Yoruba Wooden Female FigureArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
20th C. African Yoruba Wood Shango Cult Figure - OrishaArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
African Yoruba Bronze Edan (deity Onile, Male / Female)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early 20th C. Nigerian Yoruba Wooden Shrine FigureArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
20th C. Yoruba Wood Eshu Shrine Figure, Standing MaleArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024