Roman, c. 100-300AD., a small and finely crafted bRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and finely crafted bronze fibula in the form of a standing horse. Horse is facing towards right with tall detailed mane and tail. Intact and with choice dark green patinaSee Sold Price
Roman, CHOICE bronze statuette of the god MercuryRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and finely crafted bronze statuette of the god Mercury. He stands with his left knee bent, his foot rests on omphalos as he supports his left arm at his elbow. Nice faciaSee Sold Price
Roman, crème slip discus type lamp; attractive!Roman, c. 100-300AD, a small and finely crafted crème slip discus type lamp with attractive vine pattern as central motif in medallion. Maker's name is on bottom. Nice patina and choice. L: 3.5". SouSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, c. 100-300AD., choice glass Negro headRoman, c. 100-300AD., a finely crafted glass Negroid head. A perfect miniature, perhaps worn as an amulet or as part of a necklace. Suspension loop at top broken in antiquity. Exceptional execution ofSee Sold Price
Roman, c. 100-300AD., a small and finely detailedRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and finely detailed bronze leg, probably from a small decorative table fixture. A lion with his mouth agape near the top with a four toe claw on round base at bottom. ChoSee Sold Price
Roman, c. 100-300AD., a small and finely cast bronRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and finely cast bronze panther. Cat appears to be on the prowl with his mouth agape, head turned to right and right leg raised. Panther is affixed to a semi-circular adorSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, c. 100 BC. A small and finely crafted lampRoman, c. 100 BC. A small and finely crafted lamp with the head of Herakles atop a chest with club in foreground. Discuss type with flared spout and traces of brown polychrome evident throughout. L: 3See Sold Price
SoldRoman, small and finely crafted bronze roosterRoman, c. 100BC-300AD, a small and finely crafted bronze rooster. Rooster stands on tripod legs consisting of on his 2 legs and tail feathers. Tall comb with loop behind his neck for hanging. H: 1.5".See Sold Price
SoldHoly Land, a choice and finely crafted glass cupHoly Land, c. 100-300AD., a choice and finely crafted glass cup with small and round elevated base, flared lip and single horizontal trailing of glass encircling top of cup 1" down from lip. Rust coloSee Sold Price
SoldWest Mexico, Chupicuaro, c. 500 - 100 B.C. A wondWest Mexico, Chupicuaro, c. 500 - 100 B.C. A wonderful and finely crafted small ceramic of a seated lady. In red and white slip, lady with short and chubby legs, pencil thin arms, which rest on her hiSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, c. 100AD-300AD., a wonderful and finely crRoman, c. 100AD-300AD., a wonderful and finely crafted bronze ladle. Extremely long and thin handle with swan head at top. Ladle is small and deep (square lead colored discoloration on portion of ladlSee Sold Price
Roman, c. 100-300AD., a small and interesting headRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and interesting headless marble bust. Flowing gown over entire chest with round disc shaped stand and vertically carved support column in back. A small ancient iron pin pSee Sold Price
Roman, c. 100-300AD., a small and choice double spRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and choice double spouted bronze oil lamp. Spouts are at opposite ends of small fill hole and central chamber of lamp. Bottom of each spout with interesting scallop desigSee Sold Price
Roman, c. 100-300AD., a small solid casting of a fRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small solid casting of a female bust. She stares off into the distance with her coiffure nicely detailed; her hair drapes atop of her shoulders. Mottled pale green patina throuSee Sold Price
Roman, c. 100-300AD., a small bronze figurine of tRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small bronze figurine of the god Cupid. The winged god stands with his left foot forward and appears to hold a large torch in his extended left hand. His right arm is missing aSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, carnelian amulet in the form of a hippoRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and nicely carved carnelian amulet in the form of a hippo. The legless hippo is in a seated posture; ancient piercing is just behind where front legs would be. L: 27mm. CSee Sold Price
Roman, small and attractive bronze of a manRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and attractive bronze of a standing bearded figure, perhaps that of Hercules. The ends of his arms are gone. H: 3". Southern California Coll.See Sold Price
SoldRoman, c. 100-300AD., a delicate GLASS FLASKRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and delicate glass flask. In pale translucent green, flask with round body, short and wide tubular neck and flared opening. Some encrustation still remains. In excellentSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small "pilgrim's" flaskRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small "pilgrim's" flask type perfume jar with nice iridescence. H: 3.5". Comes with certificate from Israeli dealer. Los Angeles physician's collection.See Sold Price
SoldRoman, a choice small bronze of MercuryRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and choice bronze figure of the Messenger God, Mercury. He wears winged helmet and holds caduceus over his left shoulder and bag in his right hand. He stands nude with hiSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, c. 100-300AD., detailed bronze handleRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and highly detailed bronze handle with 2 horses on either side of ornate double loop. Nice emerald colored patina throughout. L: 3". Ex. French Collection.See Sold Price
SoldRoman, pristine bronze fibula with colorful inlayRoman, c. 100-300AD. a small and pristine bronze fibula with colorful inlay. Rider on horseback to right. Fantastic blue, green and red inlay on rider and horse. Wonderful detail on front side. missinSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small orange slip lampRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small and fine dark orange slip lamp with ornate design. In central medallion is a man walking to his left and holding a large bird with his left hand. Choice condition. L: 4.7See Sold Price
Roman, gold ring with cut glass fragmentRoman, c. 100-300AD., a small size 3 base gold ring with cut glass fragment in small bezel attached to on top with rope like texture. Southern California Coll.See Sold Price
KARL GRIESBAUM ENAMELED SINGING BIRD BOXThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
100% Solid Bronze Sculpture Chariot and Horses by Hans Muller German Artist DealHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Egyptian Painted Plaster Mummy Mask of a LadyTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Roman 'Julius Caesar' Slingshot from the Battle of MundaTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
BC Silver Ned Bowman Roman Coin Necklace 324 gramsHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024