SoldRare Syro-Hittite Pottery Idol Head**Originally Listed At $125** Near East, Syro-Hittite, ca. 2800 to 1500 BCE. A hand-sculpted ceramic head from a larger idol figure. Its most notable feature are its huge, staring eyes, often taken toSee Sold Price
Rare Syro-Hittite Pottery Idol Head**First Time At Auction** Near East, Syro-Hittite, ca. 2800 to 1500 BCE. A hand-sculpted ceramic head from a larger idol figure. Its most notable feature are its huge, staring eyes, often taken to meaSee Sold Price
Rare Syro Hittite Pottery Pillar Figure w/ TL Test**Originally Listed At $1200** Ancient Near East, Northern Syria, Syro-Hittite culture, ca. late 2nd millennium BCE. An intriguing hollow pottery idol of an abstract form depicting a set of spiralingSee Sold Price
Rare Syro Hittite Pottery Pillar Figure w/ TL TestAncient Near East, Northern Syria, Syro-Hittite culture, ca. late 2nd millennium BCE. An intriguing hollow pottery idol of an abstract form depicting a set of spiraling horns that form a minimalist abSee Sold Price
Rare Syro Hittite Pottery Pillar Figure w/ TL TestAncient Near East, Northern Syria, Syro-Hittite culture, ca. late 2nd millennium BCE. An intriguing hollow pottery idol of an abstract form depicting a set of spiraling horns that form a minimalist abSee Sold Price
SYRO-HITTITE POTTERY JAR WITH FACESca. 1500 - 1200 BC. Rare Ancient Syro-Hititte terracotat vessel on a elevated base with four moulded, stylized heads; Size:130mm; 312 grams. Provenance: Private Buckinghamshire collection, formerly inSee Sold Price
Rare Syro-Hittite Pottery Figure - TL TestedAncient Near East, Northern Syria, Syro-Hittite culture, ca. 1500 BCE. An interesting figure hand-built from red-orange pottery and featuring intricate detailing. The figure stands upon broad feet andSee Sold Price
Rare Syro-Hittite Pottery Figure - TL TestedAncient Near East, Northern Syria, Syro-Hittite culture, ca. 1500 BCE. An interesting figure hand-built from red-orange pottery and featuring intricate detailing. The figure stands upon broad feet andSee Sold Price
Ancient Syro-Hittite Pottery Idol / Deity - Astarte?Ancient Near East, The Levant, Syro-Hittite culture, ca. mid-3rd to 2nd millennium BCE. A hand-built pottery female idol of minimalist form, perhaps depicting a female deity - likely Astarte, the goddSee Sold Price
Rare Syro-Hittite Pottery Firing Stand / Kiln Spur**First Time At Auction** Ancient Near East, Syro-Hittite, ca. 2000 to 1500 BCE. A ceramic tripod firing stand (or kiln spur) used for separating and protecting individual pottery items during the firSee Sold Price
Western Asiatic Syro-Hittite Idol Head11th-7th century BC. A bronze head of an idol with eyes recessed to accept inlay; mounted on a custom-made stand. 677 grams, 14.5cm (5 3/4"). From the collection of a Mayfair, London, UK, gentleman; aSee Sold Price
SoldSyro-Hittite Pottery Fertility Idol Wearing CrownAncient Near East, Syria, Syro-Hittite, 2750 BCE to 1900 BCE. An extremely fine Syro-Hittite pillar figurine with mysterious eyes and an almost bird-like presence, yet the monolithic body with hands cSee Sold Price
SoldSyro-Hittite Pottery Fertility IdolNear East, Syro-Hittite, ca. 2800 to 1500 BCE. In the style of those found at Tell Halaf, this is a small pottery fertility idol, an abstract figure that has some female features. Size: 1.1" W x 2.5"See Sold Price
Syro-Hittite Pottery Standing IdolNear East, Syro-Hittite, ca. 2800 to 2000 BCE. A pottery idol, hand-modeled and hand-molded, and probably depicting the goddess Astarte. She stands with her arms outstretched. The goddess wears a neckSee Sold Price
SoldSyro-Hittite Pottery Standing IdolAncient Near East, Northern Syria, Syro-Hittite culture, ca. 3000 to 2000 BCE. A hand-built pottery figure with stylized features and traces of tan-hued slip covering the exterior surface. The figureSee Sold Price
Syro-Hittite Pottery Goddess Idol, Bird FaceAncient Near East, Holyland, the Levant, Syro-Hittite culture, ca. 2800 to 1500 BCE. A fascinating pottery figure of a goddess displaying a stylized form with a bird-like visage. Gazing slightly to heSee Sold Price
SoldPublished Syro-Hittite Pottery Standing Fertility IdolAncient Near East, Northern Syria, Syro-Hittite, ca. 3rd millennium BCE. An enormous hand-built pottery female fertility idol with its highly-burnished surface covered in tan slip. The columnar-form fSee Sold Price
SoldSyro-Hittite Pottery Standing Female Idol FigureAncient Near East, Syro-Hittite, ca. 2800 to 2000 BCE. A hand-built pottery female fertility idol standing upon fused legs and bearing wide hips and a slender waist. The flat figure has a pair of atteSee Sold Price
SoldSyro Hittite Pottery Standing Fertility IdolAncient Near East, northern Syria, Syro-Hittite, ca. 3rd millennium BCE. A fine example of a hand-built pottery female fertility idol with tan-hued slip enveloping the exterior. The graceful figure stSee Sold Price
SoldSyro-Hittite Pottery Semi-Nude Female Idol FigureAncient Near East, northern Syria, Syro-Hittite, ca. 3rd millennium BCE. A fascinating pottery figure of a goddess displaying a stylized form with a bird-like visage. Gazing forth from wide, annular eSee Sold Price
SoldFour Rare Anatolian Neolithic Pottery Idol HeadsNear East / Turkey, Anatolia, Neolithic / Chalcolithic, ca. 5500 to 3000 BCE. A group of four ceramic idols, each with a distinctive beak-like nose and long, slit-like eyes. All have a long, cylindricSee Sold Price
SoldSYRO-HITTITE NEAR EASTERN POTTERY FERTILITY IDOLSyro-Hittite Near Eastern Pottery Fertility Idol, Probably First millennium BC. Ex- private Colorado collector. Size : 23 cm x 7 cm.See Sold Price
Lot of 3 Ancient Syrian Terracotta FiguresNear East, Syria, ca. 1000 - 300 BCE. A pair of Syro-hittite terracotta fertility idols, one a head with headdress and a tall idol with wide headdress, tunic around shoulders, and arms supporting largSee Sold Price
SoldSyro-Hittite Pottery Astarte Figure- Rare FaceAncient Near East, Syria, ca. 1500 to 1200 BCE. A tubular terracotta female figure representing the deity Astarte with attenuated arms, circular eyes, recessed ears, and a protruding nose with impressSee Sold Price
1878 ART International Exhibition ENORMOUS FOLIO Paris Worlds Fair PaintingsSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Tucked-Head Canvasback Decoy by The Ward BrothersCopley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Very Rare & Important Viola Bow By Andre Vigneron CertifiedP.K. Gallery4.5(35)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Rare Cream-Colored Marshall Half Stack 1/2 Stack Speaker Box Amp Head Foot Pedal Overdrive DFX 175wHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Rare Hagen-Renaker Designers Workshop Prototype Hippopotamus Pottery Figurine, Maureen LoveHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
RARE HUDSON POTTERY CO. COBALT DECORATED CROCK WITH WREATH & DATE 1868, 6 GALLONCarlsen Gallery, Inc.4.6(163)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Rare Syro-Hittite Pottery Firing Stand / Kiln SpurArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Colima, Valdivian, & Chupicuaro Pottery Figures (3)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A RARE PAIR OF ANTIQUE PORTUGUESE NODDING HEAD POTTERY FIGURES modelled as peasants. 22 cm high.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Early Zuni Pueblo, Native American Pottery VaseWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Ancient Bactrian Pottery Kohl Jar Zoomorphic FormArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Michoacan 2-Headed Figure / Conjoined Twins, TL'dArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024