SoldJigten Gönpo Statue Central Tibet 16th centuryGombo Renchimbe (1143-1217) is the founder of the famous Buddhist monk of Tibetan Buddhism. It is said that the master has a very high strength of the magic so that the Buddhism flourished at that timSee Sold Price
Soldsecond Karmapa Lama Statue Central Tibet 16th centuryKarma Karbacz was a famous Tibetan monk. Living Buddha reincarnation system was created by him. This statue of Karma Living Buddha wears a unique black cap, looks solemn with a tall and straight postuSee Sold Price
second Karmapa Lama Statue Central Tibet 16th centuryKarma Karbacz was a famous Tibetan monk. Living Buddha reincarnation system was created by him. This statue of Karma Living Buddha wears a unique black cap, looks solemn with a tall and straight postuSee Sold Price
16th C. Tibet Gilded Bronze Sculpture of Yab-YumCentral Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th century CE. This incredibly detailed, cast bronze gilded statue depicts the god Shiva, embracing his shakti (female consort), Vajravarahi. They represent the concept of YSee Sold Price
16th C. Tibetan Bronze Lama Rinpoche Holding AmritaCentral Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th century CE. A gilded bronze statue of the revered Lama Rinpoche seated upon a low throne with his legs crossed. He holds a bottle of amrita and has his hands in the BhumiSee Sold Price
Sold16th C. Tibetan Bronze Buddha - Lama Rinpoche**Originally Listed At $1500** Central Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th century CE. A gilded bronze statue of the revered Lama Rinpoche seated upon a low throne with his legs crossed. He holds a bottle of amritaSee Sold Price
16th C. Tibetan Bronze Lama Rinpoche Holding Amrita**Originally Listed at $1500** Central Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th century CE. A gilded bronze statue of the revered Lama Rinpoche seated upon a low throne with his legs crossed. He holds a bottle of amritaSee Sold Price
16th C. Tibetan Bronze Lama Rinpoche Holding AmritaCentral Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th century CE. A gilded bronze statue of the revered Lama Rinpoche seated upon a low throne with his legs crossed. He holds a bottle of amrita and has his hands in the BhumiSee Sold Price
Sold16th C. Tibetan Brass Amitabha Crowned BuddhaCentral Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th century CE. A cast brass statue of a cross legged Amitabha Buddha seated on a lotus throne in meditation while holding a vessel. The Buddha is adorned with jewelry; braceSee Sold Price
SoldGrupa Grandmaster Statue Central Tibet 18th centuryThis master monk is wearing a peach-shaped pointed cap, eyes open with solemn expression. He’s wearing an undercoat with Kasaya over his right shoulder which depicts the typical Tibetan monk coSee Sold Price
SoldPADMASAMBHAVA AND HIS TWO WIVESPADMASAMBHAVA AND HIS TWO WIVES Copper-bronze statue, Tibet, 16th-17th century. The tantric wizard and master of ritual magic is seated in dhyanasana on a stepped throne in front of a mandorla holdingSee Sold Price
SoldGilt bronze statue 'Kunzang Akor' Tibet 16th centuryGilt bronze statue 'Kunzang Akor' . Tibet 16th century (15 cm)See Sold Price
SoldA gilt bronze statue 'Vajradhara Buddha' Tibet 16thA gilt bronze statue 'Vajradhara Buddha' . Tibet 16th century (11 .3 cm) (*)See Sold Price
16th C. Tibetan Copper Buddha Fragment**First Time At Auction** Central Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th century CE. A gilded copper repousse of Buddha, seated upon a lotus base, holding a pot of Amrita in cupped hands. The figure is surrounded by fSee Sold Price
Arte Himalayana A gilded bronze statue depictingArte Himalayana A gilded bronze statue depicting Buddha Sakyamuni Tibet, 16th century . . Cm 7,00 x 11,00.See Sold Price
16th C. Tibetan Gilded Iron Finial Buddhist Monk StaffCentral Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th to 17th century CE. A beautiful finial from a Buddhist monk's staff, made of iron with incredibly delicate gold inlays forming a series of swirling motifs around its cyliSee Sold Price
16th C. Tibetan Gilded Iron Finial from Buddhist StaffCentral Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th to 17th century CE. A beautiful finial from a Buddhist monk's staff, made of iron with incredibly delicate gold inlays forming a series of swirling motifs around its cyliSee Sold Price
15th C. Tibetan Bronze Teapot w/ TextileCentral Asia, Tibet, ca. 15th to 16th century CE. A cast bronze teapot with low relief patterns and a thin textile tea cosy. Around the rim of the pot is a low relief design that includes the Eight AuSee Sold Price
16th C. Tibetan Gilded Iron Finial Buddhist Monk StaffCentral Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th to 17th century CE. A beautiful finial from a Buddhist monk's staff, made of iron with incredibly delicate gold inlays forming a series of swirling motifs around its cyliSee Sold Price
SoldBronze Figure of Guru Padmasambhava, Tibet, 16. C.Bronze, lost-wax-casting, dark patina Tibet, 16th century Solid statue of Guru Padmasambhava With vajra and skull cup Overall dimensions: 12.5 x 8 cm (H x W) Very good condition Provenance: SchoettleSee Sold Price
16th C. Tibetan Gilded Iron Finial Buddhist Monk StaffCentral Asia, Tibet, ca. 16th to 17th century CE. A beautiful finial from a Buddhist monk's staff, made of iron with incredibly delicate gold inlays forming a series of swirling motifs around its cyliSee Sold Price
14th C. Tibetan Ceramic Disc - Medicine Buddha**Originally Listed At $850** Central Asia, Tibet, ca. 14th to 16th century CE. A delightful greyware disc featuring a seated Buddha figure. Buddha is depicted in high relief on the mold-made disc, shSee Sold Price
15th C. Tibetan Bronze Teapot w/ Textile**Originally Listed At $400** Central Asia, Tibet, ca. 15th to 16th century CE. A cast bronze teapot with low relief patterns and a thin textile tea cosy. Around the rim of the pot is a low relief desSee Sold Price
15th C. Tibetan Bronze Teapot w/ Textile**Originally Listed At $400** Central Asia, Tibet, ca. 15th to 16th century CE. A cast bronze teapot with low relief patterns and a thin textile tea cosy. Around the rim of the pot is a low relief desSee Sold Price
Central Anatolia 16th / 17th Century Karapinar Long Rug Fragment (mounted) 3 ft 0 in x 1 ft 6 inNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
An alloy copper inlaid silver statue of Gautama BuddhaHimalayan Auction House4.6(200)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Tudor Period Large Bronze Glove Ring with Heraldic ArmsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Spectacular Great Triptych in Southern Dutch Gothic style from the 16th century, signed and datedTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1555 illustrated LE TROISIESME LIVRE D'AMADIS DE GAVLE antique RARE 16th CENTURYJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Vintage Reproduction Of Aztec Terracotta StatueRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Tibetan Gilt Brass Mandorla Halo (for Buddhist Deity)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
19th C. Tibetan Brass Torana / Mandorla (from Statue)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024