SoldTwo Early Mexican Human Pottery EffigiesBelieved to be Colima culture, southwest Mexico, believed to be pre-Aztec. Talleset: approx. 5 1/4".See Sold Price
SoldFIVE PIECES OF SOUTHWEST INDIAN POTTERYThe lot also Includes one piece of Mexican pottery, two early photos of life in the West, and a few other trinkets.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Casas Grandes Northern Mexican Pottery HumanoidTwo Casas Grandes Northern Mexican Pottery Humanoid Effigy Figural Jars, with fitted stand, circa 1200-1500 AD {Height of largest 8 inches, diameter 7 1/2 inches}See Sold Price
SoldCHIMU POTTERY EFFIGY PEDESTAL TEA POTCHIMU POTTERY EFFIGY PEDESTAL TEA POT Chimu pottery tea pot with two humans depicted at top. Size: 6.5 x 6" Shipping / Pickup: Buyer Pick Up, 3rd Party Chimu pottery tea pot with two humans depicted aSee Sold Price
SoldZuni PotteryRare, early, polychrome pottery effigy jar with two protruding frogs and painted deer and bird designs. 3" x 4-1/4" x 4-1/4"See Sold Price
Sold3 PIECE GROUP OF EARLY MEXICAN POLYCHROME POTTERYA THREE PIECE GROUP OF EARLY MEXICAN POLYCHROME POTTERY, 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY. Comprising a three-handled jug decorated with wheat, a two handled bowl decorated with birds, and a small bowl with poSee Sold Price
SoldAn Early Mexican Blackware Pottery VesselPolychrome painted in gold to depict deer, having two old paper labels and painted signature to underside, 9.75"H, circa late 19th/early 20th century. Condition: With losses to foot.See Sold Price
SoldCasas Grandes Polychrome Hooded Human Effigy PotteryCasas Grandes, A.D. 1350-1450. A group of two polychrome Mogollon pottery jars, each a hooded human effigy; larger ht. 6.75, wd. 6.5, dp. 7.5 in.See Sold Price
SoldPrehistoric Casas Grande Hooded Human Effigy PotteryDATE: Prehistoric PUEBLO: Casas Grande ETHNICITY: Mexican DESCRIPTION: Hooded area has some restoration on the top of the hood and the bottom of the hood (the eyes nose are true). Prehistoric Casas GrSee Sold Price
SoldColima Pottery Human Effigy JarPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A large red-slip pottery vessel with a wide and flat base. The body takes the form of a human head with two flared pierced ears, puffy cheeksSee Sold Price
SoldMississippian - Pottery - Hunchback Effigy Figure -Pottery - Human Effigy Figure - hunchback, Mississippian culture, 7" high.See Sold Price
Sold19th C. Guatemalan Wood Pipe Bowls, Human Effigy FormsLatin America, Guatemala, late 19th to early 20th century CE. Two fascinating human effigy wooden pipe bowls, each finely carved with a mustachioed male visage facing the same direction as the smoker,See Sold Price
Sold(3) CASA GRANDE STYLE FIGURAL EFFIGY VESSELS(lot of 3) Casa Grande style figural earthenware pottery effigy vessels, slip painted geometric designs, (two) with applied human features, tallest: approx 7.5"h; 5lbs total Start Price: $175.00See Sold Price
SoldRare Paracas Figural Pottery Vessel - Human Effigy**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Paracas Culture, south coast Peru, ca. 100 BCE to 100 BCE. An early polychrome human effigy vessel presenting an intriguing countenance comprised of recessSee Sold Price
Rare Paracas Figural Pottery Vessel - Human EffigyPre-Columbian, Paracas Culture, south coast Peru, ca. 100 BCE to 100 BCE. An early polychrome human effigy vessel presenting an intriguing countenance comprised of recessed almond-shaped eyes that proSee Sold Price
Rare Paracas Figural Pottery Vessel - Human Effigy**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Paracas Culture, south coast Peru, ca. 100 BCE to 100 BCE. An early polychrome human effigy vessel presenting an intriguing countenance comprised of recessSee Sold Price
Rare Paracas Figural Pottery Vessel - Human Effigy**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Paracas Culture, south coast Peru, ca. 100 BCE to 100 BCE. An early polychrome human effigy vessel presenting an intriguing countenance comprised of recessSee Sold Price
Rare Paracas Figural Pottery Vessel - Human Effigy**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Paracas Culture, south coast Peru, ca. 100 BCE to 100 BCE. An early polychrome human effigy vessel presenting an intriguing countenance comprised of recessSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Mexican LampsPair of similar black on white pottery lamps done in human form with black shades. Condition: one head repaired. Circa: 1980s Size: 34" (48" with shade)See Sold Price
SoldZuni Polychrome Pottery Owl Figure Effigy c. 1900-The lot features an excellent early Zuni Native American Indian polychrome pottery effigy figure of an owl with two smaller owls and dating to circa early 1900’s. The ear;y 20th Century piece showsSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Carved Northwest Coast WoodenReed and Iron Halibut Hooks American, late 19th/early 20th century: bird effigy, and human figure with woven cord and iron hook, base with woven reed, good early patina, 10-1/2 in.; human-head effigySee Sold Price
Two Pottery VesselsVarious Ages A unique Peruvian double pottery bird vase showing legs & wings and a rare old figural pottery effigy pot, either Anasazi or early Pueblo. 5-1/2" x 5-1/2" & 8-1/4" x 10" x 5-1/4"See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE NEOLITHIC POTTERY MAJIAYAO EFFIGY JARSTwo with painted geometric design with human form heads and handles, Yellow River region, ca. BCE 3100- BCE 2700; Larger: 14 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldTHREE CASAS GRANDES POTTERY ITEMSTwo human effigies by Sabina Villalba; and a jar by Celia Velez. Height 8, 9 and 9 1/4 inchesSee Sold Price
3 North Carolina Art Pottery VasesSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
3 pc French & Belgian Art PotterySchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Large Human Effigy Pottery Vessel, Nicely Painted, Pre Columbian Pottery Vessle, South America. 14"Heartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Reproduction Human Effigy Pottery Indian Artifact ArrowheadMike Nichols Auctions4.5(466)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Human Effigy Pottery Pipe Indian Artifact ArrowheadMike Nichols Auctions4.5(466)See Sold PriceApr 07, 2024
AMAZING 11 5/8" Colima Two-headed Human Effigy Pottery Vessel, minor restoration, found in ColimaHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Human Effigy Pottery Pipe Indian Artifact ArrowheadMike Nichols Auctions4.5(466)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Early two toned art pottery flower vase signed USABaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024