SoldAntonio Zatta, (Venetian, 18th Century), IL BELLONAntonio Zatta (Venetian, 18th Century) Il Bellonese Diviso Ne'Suoi Distretti hand colored engraved map from Atlante Novissimo, 1779 15 x 20 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
Antonio Zatta (Venetian, 18th Century)IL BELLONESE DIVISO NE' SUOI DISTRETTIhand colored engraved map from Atlante Novissimo, 177915 x 20 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
SoldFramed 18th Century Map of North AmericaMap of America. Cartographer: Antonio Zatta (Venetian) Date 1778. America Settentrionale Stati Venezia Map. 1778 Map America settentrionale divisa ne' suoi principali stati.Striking 18th Century map oSee Sold Price
TASSO, Torquato.Il Goffredo,ovvero Gerusalemme LiberataRare venetian illustrated book of 18th century. TASSO, Torquato. Il Goffredo, ovvero Gerusalemme Liberata. Nuova edizione arricchita di figure in rame. Venezia, Antonio Groppo, 1760-612 Voll. in 4to,See Sold Price
TASSO, Torquato.Il Goffredo,ovvero Gerusalemme.Rare venetian illustrated book of 18th century. TASSO, Torquato. Il Goffredo, ovvero Gerusalemme Liberata. Nuova edizione arricchita di figure in rame. Venezia, Antonio Groppo, 1760-61 2 Voll. in 4to,See Sold Price
Sold18th Century Map of Canada, EasternUnited States [Il Canada, Le Colonie Inglesi con La Luigiana e Florida...], Antonio Zatta, from [Storia Dell' America Settentrionale...], Venice, 1778, spanning the North American continent from CanadSee Sold Price
18th century map of North Carolina,["Il Paese de Cherachesi, con la Parte Occidental della Carolina Settentrionale, e Della Virginia",] by Antonio Zatta, comprising a section of the Italian edition of Mitchell's 1773 map of North AmeriSee Sold Price
SoldZATTA, Antonio (attivo 1757-97) - Atlante Novissimo.ZATTA, Antonio (attivo 1757-97) - Atlante Novissimo. Venice: 1779. A fine copy of one of the finest and most comprehensive world atlased printed in Italy in 18th-century, complete of its 215 maps in fSee Sold Price
SoldRare venetian illustrated book of 18th century. TASSO.TASSO, Torquato. Il Goffredo, ovvero Gerusalemme Liberata. Venezia, Antonio Groppo, 1760-61 2 vols in 4to. Gorgeous contemporary full leather Venetian binding with double gilt frames on covers, gilt oSee Sold Price
SoldANTONIO ZATTA (ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY) MAP / ATLAS OFANTONIO ZATTA (ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY) MAP / ATLAS OF NORTH AMERICA, SET OF 12, hand-colored, on laid paper, comprising title page lettered in part "LE / COLONIE UNITE / DELL' / AMERICA SETTENTR'LE." aSee Sold Price
Venetian school of the 18th century. Probably "IL MAGGIOTTO" (Venice, 1712/13 - 1794). "Lesson inVenetian school of the 18th century. Probably "IL MAGGIOTTO" (Venice, 1712/13 - 1794). "Lesson in Anatomy". Oil on canvas. Measurements: 62 x 74 cm; 79 x 91 cm (with frame). This is what could be a prSee Sold Price
SoldVenetian School 18th Century View of the Church oVenetian School 18th Century View of the Church of Il Redentore with the Pontoon Bridge Erected in Preparation for the Festival Oil on canvas 19 1/4 x 28 3/4 inches (48.9 x 73 cm)See Sold Price
Sold18TH CENTURY MAP OF VENEZIA, ITALYAntique hand-colored lithograph map reads, "I Contorni, di Venezia di Nuova Projezione Venezia, 1784, Presso Antonio Zatta e Figli con Privilegio dell'Eccmo Senato." Map measures 15¾" x 12" visibleSee Sold Price
SoldItalian 18th Century map of the South Sea titled "MareItalian 18th Century map of the South Sea titled "Mare Del Sud" by Antonio Zatta [Venice 1776]. 42 x 32cmSee Sold Price
Sold18TH CENTURY MAPS OF ITALY & MOLDOVIATwo antique hand-colored lithograph maps. The first reads, "Terra d'Otranto Tratta dalla Carte del Sigr. Rizzi Zannoni, Venezia, 1783, Presso Antonio Zatta con Privilegio dell' Eccmo Senato." The secoSee Sold Price
Three 18th Century European Maps[Gallia Antiqua Ex Aevi Romani...], Antonio Zatta, Venice, 1785, showing Ancient France during Roman times, 12-3/8 x 16-1/4 in. (plate), [not examined out of frame, scattered foxing, light toning, minSee Sold Price
Three 18th Century European Maps[Gallia Antiqua Ex Aevi Romani...], Antonio Zatta, Venice, 1785, showing Ancient France during Roman times, 12-3/8 x 16-1/4 in. (plate), [not examined out of frame, scattered foxing, light toning, minSee Sold Price
Sold18th Century Hand-Colored Engraved Map18th Century Hand-Colored Engraved Map of "Luigiana Inglese, colla Parte Occidentale della Florida, della Giorgia, e Carolina Meridonale" by Antonio Zatta, Venice 1778, printed from copperplate in theSee Sold Price
SoldThirty 18th century maps by Zatta & Euler(lot of 30) Group of 18th century maps, fifteen maps by Antonio Zatta (1775-1797), from his masterwork in four volumes 'Atlante Novissim' published from 1775 to 1789, 12''h x 15''w on sheets 15''h x 2See Sold Price
Circle ot Antonio Travi, called Il Sestri, 18th CenturyCircle ot Antonio Travi, called Il Sestri, 18th Century Landscape with Capriccio and a musician shepherd Oil on canvas 73x98 cm. Framed (defects) IT Ambito di Antonio Travi detto il Sestri, secolo XVISee Sold Price
AFTER ANTONIO VISENTINI 18th Century Two VenetianAFTER ANTONIO VISENTINI 18th Century Two Venetian views: "Ex Ponte Rivoalti ad Orientem, usque ad Aedes Foscarorum, cui respondet Ripa Vinaria", numbered I, and "Ab Aedibus hinc Grimanorum, illinc ThrSee Sold Price
AFTER ANTONIO VISENTINI, 18th Century, Two VenetianAFTER ANTONIO VISENTINI 18th Century Two Venetian views: "Ex Ponte Rivoalti ad Orientem, usque ad Aedes Foscarorum, cui respondet Ripa Vinaria", numbered I, and "Ab Aedibus hinc Grimanorum, illinc ThrSee Sold Price
AFTER ANTONIO VISENTINI, 18th Century, Two VenetianAFTER ANTONIO VISENTINI 18th Century Two Venetian views: "Ex Ponte Rivoalti ad Orientem, usque ad Aedes Foscarorum, cui respondet Ripa Vinaria," numbered I, and "Ab Aedibus hinc Grimanorum, illinc ThrSee Sold Price
18th Century/19th Century Italian venetian Rococo grotto three leg walnut (rich color to the wood)Neely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Long necklace of multi coloured beads of Venetian glassOrientalist Art4.3(2)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Book: Guebert Site: an 18th Century Kaskaskia Indian Village in Randolph Co, IL.Tony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Antique 18th century Venetian glass slave trade beadDiamond Auctions LLC4.3(12)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Giovanni Battista Brustolon, After Canaletto, Procession of the Doge, 18th Century EngravingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Giovanni Battista Brustolon, After Canaletto, Procession of the Doge, 18th Century EngravingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pair of exceptional Baroque Venetian wall blessing fonts in Onyx, 18th centuryTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair of Distinguished 18th Century Venetian Mirrors, Veneto or Padua, Italy, 18th centuryTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Manner of Giacomo Francesco Cipper called Il TodeschiniBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Pair Gilt Bronze Blackamoor Candle HoldersThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Tiepolo - Alexander the Great and Campaspe in the StudioSeized Assets Auctioneers4.3(601)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024