Native American Polychrome Pottery Ola Vase, Nicolas SilveiraKensington Estate Auction4.6(219)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
SoldNackenstütze (no reserve price)164 Nackenstütze (no reserve price) Oromo, Äthiopien Holz. H 15,5 cm. B 17 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Kurt Hösli-Brutschin (1928-2006), Basel. Nackenstützen dienten nebst der Grundfunktion auch dazuSee Sold Price
SoldNackenstütze (no reserve price)154 Nackenstütze (no reserve price) Mongo, DR Kongo Holz, Polsternägel. H 15,5 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Kurt Hösli-Brutschin (1928-2006), Basel. Nackenstützen dienten nebst der Grundfunktion auchSee Sold Price
SoldA Large Lega Katanda Sculpture, African Tribal ArtA tall carved wooden effigy of a standing Katanda figurine that consists of a roughly classic oval head with traditional Bwami mask face covered with kaolin, a long articulated neck, a flat body riddlSee Sold Price
SoldRare Batak Shamans Medicine Horn Ex Tribal Arts GalleryA very rare old Shaman's medicine horn with a carved wooden stopper featuring a shaman riding a Singha Lion like effigy. The vessel is made from an animal horn with an ancestral face carved at the tipSee Sold Price
SoldFantastic Guere fetish mask, African Tribal ArtThis is a wild and fantastic Gere / Wobe peoples mask from Cote D'Ivoire , West Africa. Carved from a heavy dense wood with a heavy encrusted patina and a assemblage of wild goat horns, all set into aSee Sold Price
SoldSchalenträgerin, "mboko" (TRIBAL ART)147 Schalenträgerin, "mboko" (TRIBAL ART) Luba-Shankadi, DR Kongo Kunstgewerbe / pièce d'artisanat / handicraft Holz. H 39,5 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Kurt Hösli-Brutschin (1928-2006), Basel. PublizSee Sold Price
SoldSchalenträgerin, "mboko" (TRIBAL ART)146 Schalenträgerin, "mboko" (TRIBAL ART) Luba-Shankadi, DR Kongo Kunstgewerbe / pièce d'artisanat / handicraft Holz. H 50,5 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Kurt Hösli-Brutschin (1928-2006), Basel. PublizSee Sold Price
SoldMaske, Janus Kopf (TRIBAL ART)71 Maske, Janus Kopf (TRIBAL ART) Ekoi, Nigeria Ohne Sockel (base NOT included). Holz, mit Leder überzogen. H 25,5 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Kurt Hösli-Brutschin (1928-2006), Basel. Es wird vermutet,See Sold Price
SoldAltar-Figur, Chamäleon (TRIBAL ART)57 Altar-Figur, Chamäleon (TRIBAL ART) Fon, Benin Gesockelt (base included) Gelbguss. H 8,2 cm. L 13,5 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass René David (1928-2015), Zürich. Asen genannte Altäre (meist eine runSee Sold Price
SoldPuppe, "mwana hiti" (TRIBAL ART)170 Puppe, "mwana hiti" (TRIBAL ART) Zaramo, Tansania Ohne Sockel (base NOT included). Holz. H 13 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Kurt Hösli-Brutschin (1928-2006), Basel. mwana hiti genannte Figur, die vonSee Sold Price
Sold"lusingiti" Figur / Tribal Art / African Art80 Figur, "lusingiti" Hemba, DR Kongo Gesockelt (base included) Holz. H 41 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Dr. med. Hermann Brügger (1928-2009), Solothurn. Diese Ruhe ausstrahlende und gleichzeitig RespektSee Sold Price
SoldSitz (TRIBAL ART)148 Sitz (TRIBAL ART) Luba, DR Kongo Kunstgewerbe / pièce d'artisanat / handicraft Holz. H 44 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Kurt Hösli-Brutschin (1928-2006), Basel. Publiziert: Seylaz, Paul (1971). AfriqSee Sold Price
SoldEket Maske / Tribal Art / African Art63 Maske Eket, Nigeria Gesockelt (base included) Holz. H 16,5 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass René David (1928-2015), Zürich. Die Eket sind eine kleine Volksgruppe im Südosten von Nigeria, Nachbarn der IbSee Sold Price
SoldA Luba Axe (African Art / Tribal Art)Axt Luba, DR Kongo Mit Sockel / with base Holz, Kupfer-Klinge. H 44 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass René David (1928-2015), Zürich. Ausgestellt: Musée International du Golfe de Guinée, Togo (2005-2011).See Sold Price
SoldA Fine Mende Female Effigy , African Tribal ArtA finely carved wooden female effigy with a stylized face and form, incised tribal scar designs and a wonderful well handled glossy surface patina. Mende peoples, Sierra Leone, West Africa. The figureSee Sold Price
SoldArchaic Dogon Monkey Mask, African Tribal ArtA carved wooden "dege" or Monkey mask with incised tribal designs, bold open geometric eyes, and a very well weathered surface.The mask measures 14 x 7 inches.This mask will hang nicely on the wall anSee Sold Price
SoldFlöte / Whistle / African Tribal Art13 Flöte Lobi, Burkina Faso Gesockelt (base included) Holz. H 16,5 cm. Provenienz: Galerie Walu, Zürich. Flöten wurden quer durch Schwarzafrika so unterschiedlich verwendet, wie ihre Formen vielfäSee Sold Price
SoldWürdestab / Staff / African Art / Tribal Art49 Würdestab Yao (?), Malawi Holz, Metall. H 131 cm. Provenienz: Schweizer Privatsammlung, Luzern. Clanstab und Machtinsignie eines ranghohen Würdenträgers. CHF 200 / 400 EUR 188 / 376See Sold Price
SoldRotholzpulver-Deckeldose (TRIBAL ART)121 Rotholzpulver-Deckeldose (TRIBAL ART) Kuba, DR Kongo Holz. H 5,5 cm. B 26 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Kurt Hösli-Brutschin (1928-2006), Basel. Das heutige Königreich Kuba ist eine von der HerrscherSee Sold Price
SoldWest African Tribal Art Wooden Armless Male FigurineMid 20th century AD A carved wooden fetish with ovoid face, biconical body and flexed legs; the face with reserved lentoid eyes, raised rib nose and lentoid slit mouth; traces of fabric to the rear ofSee Sold Price
SoldPfeilhalter, "nsakakabemba" (TRIBAL ART)145 Pfeilhalter, "nsakakabemba" (TRIBAL ART) Luba, DR Kongo Kunstgewerbe / pièce d'artisanat / handicraft Ohne Sockel (base NOT included). Holz, Raphia. H 45 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Kurt Hösli-BrutSee Sold Price
SoldLot 17 Antique Middle Eastern Tribal Art Silver ringsLot of 17 Antique Middle Eastern Tribal Art Silver Rings. Ring Size 6 to 15. all wearable and in good condition. Lovely collection of mixed types silver rings.See Sold Price
SoldWoyo Maske / Tribal Art / African Art68 Maske Woyo, DR Kongo Gesockelt (base included) Holz. H 29 cm. Provenienz: - Ernst Speidel, Männedorf. - Schweizer Privatsammlung, Luzern. Vermutlich eine der bis zu zwölf Masken des Tanz-EnsembleSee Sold Price
SoldTall Dogon Couple, African Tribal ArtA wonderful tall carved effigy of a seated couple with their arms around each other. All carved from a single piece of dense and heavy wood. The sculpture measures 32 x 9 inches. Dogon peoples, Mali,See Sold Price
Doug LaFortune (1953) Signed Original Haida Tribal Art Print Northwest CoastCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Haida Ghuut Eagle Copper NW Coast Tribal Art by Bill Reid (1920-1998)Cowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Haida Ghuut Copper Frog NW Coast Tribal Art by Bill Reid (1920-1998)Cowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
African Artist Signed Reverse Glass Painting from Senegal African Tribal ArtArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
BEMBE Alunga Helmet janus Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 0747Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
BOA Pongdudu Warrior Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1684Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Large SONGYE Kifwebe male mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1859Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
LUBA exceptional caryatid stool tabouret seat Congo African Tribal Art 1412Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
LEGA KWAME Kayamba Mask Bwami Cult Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1131Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
LUBA superb cariatid stool tabouret Congo African Tribal Art 1426Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024