Civil War Print By John Paul StrainMar 02, 2024Civil War Print By Mort KunstlerMar 02, 2024Civil War Button Bundle, WaterburyMar 21, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Manuscript Printed Confederate Soldier’s Disch...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Confederate States of America “Bill of Health”...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Group of Early American CDVs and Tint...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. A Photo Album of CDVs, Including 14 P...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Printed plea for recognition from a Black camp follower from Louisiana, who served withFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. WILD, Edward Augustus (1825-1891). Collection of items related to abolitionist,Feb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Manuscript record of clothing issued to soldiers of Co. A, 62nd United States ColoredFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Partly-printed document regarding the "final statements" for Private James Jones, Co.Feb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR - UNITED STATES COLORED TROOPS]. A group of 4 documents related to officers of USCT andFeb 27, 2024Antique Civil War Cabinet CardMar 09, 2024Antique Albumen Print: Two SoldiersMar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Civil War Tintypes (2)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Civil War Tintypes (3)Mar 09, 2024Antique Civil War Photographs (6)Mar 09, 2024Antique Civil War Portrait Photographs (4)Mar 09, 2024Antique Photograph: Civil War Cabinet CardMar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Cartes de Visite (9)Mar 09, 2024Antique Civil War Portrait Photographs (3)Mar 09, 2024Daguerreotype of Civil war soldierMar 02, 2024Two US Civil War Tintype Soldiers in Gutta Percha CaseApr 20, 2024Two US Civil War Soldier TintypesApr 20, 2024