SoldNETTE - LIONEL Misc. Lot2353 SF F3 A Diesel, 2344 cowl; 2243C B-Unit; Empty 2460 ob w/inserts, rough; 2353 Shell Only, C5 *** These Lots Are Being Sold AS-IS with no returns for any reason***See Sold Price
NETTE - LIONEL Misc LotSet Box 1074, first issue w/RS label, binding tape loose, easy repair, clean w/some T&T; 927 Lube Kit, complete & C8See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 10 Pc. LIONEL Misc. LotPost War Empty OSB 1593(613 Switcher set), some graffiti, 1 flap has 4" tear; Empty OB for 125 Whistle; 807 Caboose; 657 Caboose; 3659 Coal Dump, car only; 2 #58 Lampposts, C5; 59 Lamppost, C7+; 1045See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 3 Pc. LIONEL Misc. LotOriginal Double Bladed Helicopter; 264 Forklift Truck w/figure; 3530 Generator Pole & Light, missing 1 insulator, o/w C7See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 12 Pc. LIONEL Switch & Misc. Lot5 Boxed Pairs 1122 027 Switches, all have caps only 3 controllers, need some cleaning as some have small oxi spots; 1023 45 deg.crossover, ob; 1021 90 deg. Croosover w/ob; 110 Tressle set; 111 TressleSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - LIONEL Pre O Misc. Box Lotempty ob for 165 Magnetic crane, missing 1 side flap, 1 long & 1 small flap off; 3651 Lumber Dump, 1 coupler box loose, misc. rough instruction sheets, NEEDIT?See Sold Price
NETTE - Misc. LIONEL LotZW 275 Watt Transf, needs everything, rough ob,; Empty 400 ob w/liner, C9; 2 #022C Controllers w/obs; 2 Empty 760- -072 track obs only; Misc. Instr, booklets w/Early Dinky Catalog; 1 1/2 Pr 022 SwitchSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. Misc LIONEL Lot1665 Switcher w/2403B Bell Tender, restored; Pre War 2 #2642 Pullmans; 2641 Obsv., Cars C5+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Misc. LIONEL Pre War Lot1121 Remote switches, complete, ob w/insert & instr, rough; 512 Gondola w/1 split drum; 511 repro lumber load; 636 T-Tone vestibule, C5; 2263W tender, incomplete, C4; o/w C6See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Misc. LIONEL Tender & Loco Lot41 Army Switcher, struts cracked; 6466WX Tender; 2466WX Tender; LTI 6026W style tender, C8; MPC NPR 1050T style, C8; 1130T style PRR w/SOS, C8; 1050T tender, o/w C5-6See Sold Price
NETTE - TRAY LOT LIONEL PAPER & MISC> PARTSPot Pori Lionel paper, envelopes, Pre & Postwar Parts for you to sort out! SOLD AS-Photoed, NO RETURNSSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. Misc. AF & LIONEL LotAmerican Flyer S Ga 731 Pike Planning Kit, complete, ob; American Flyer S Ga. 579 Street Lamp, new in ob, top a bit worn, C9; Lionel HO 0575 SF F3 B-Unit, ob w/insert, C9; Scarce 1955 6414 empty ob, mSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. WEEDEN Live-Steam Engine Lot, plusWeeden #41 Vertical Engine, has burner; Weeden #702 Horizontal, w/cord; Weeden Large Transmission rack, C6 Misc Lot Lionel pre war wheelsSee Sold Price
SoldTray Lot of Lionel Misc Pieces2 #167 Controllers, obs; 3927-50 Wiping Cylinders, obs; 260 Bumper, ob; 671-75 Smoke Bulb, ob; 8 Bottles of Smoke Pellets, 4 full, 1 amber colored, 1 liquid smoke fluid; 2 #752-9 Bulbs, obs; LTC Lock-See Sold Price
SoldMisc Lionel Pre & Postwar LotIncludes a pair of 402E/408E standard gauge motors; 3 #1679 boxcars; 656 stock car; Bing station part; 394 floodlight tower; 3469 coal dump; Marx flasher & crossing gate. Grade range is C5-7, so examiSee Sold Price
SoldCase Lot AF, LIONEL, TOYS & MISC. PARTSPot Pori of Bumpers, plastic trees, plastic airplane, plastic signals misc parts, controllers; Top Open Counter display case w/glass door 22X22X3". It has a lock and key Sold as photoed, NO RETURNS.See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 17 pc Misc Lot3 Lionel 270 Bridges, 1 is bent, others C6; 5 pc Lionel Jr. sign set, C6+ but 1 base loose; Lionel 69 sign, C5; 068 Sign, C7 Am Flyer Sign, C6; Marx Hand truck, C6; Lionel 65 Whistle controller & TechSee Sold Price
Sold15 Pc Misc LotAssorted small, mostly Lionel accessories including 2 #6112-25 Separate Sale Canister Sets; Several Misc. Railroad Books; Some obs clean; Yellow Auto is missing Front Bumper, Has light to moderate plaSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Standard Gauge Misc. LotRARE Ives 333 transitional crossing, missing house & finials; Ives 170 Buffet, flaking; Lionel 520 Late Searchlight Car, green part stained; Lionel 337 Pullman, C7; Lionel 517 Caboose, C6; AF 4017 SanSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 4 Pc. Misc. LotFaller HO Bell Ringing Station; KMT SF Indian Arrow Obsv; Lionel 50 Gang Car, 2 loose men, ob; 12708 Street Lamps, ob, o/w C7See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 6 Pc. Misc. LotAm Flyer S Ga 23020 Coach, C7+; Lionel 620 Searchlight Car, yoke broken, C5; 831 Lumber Car, no load, C5; 265W Tender, mbc, satin blk, C6; 6544 Missile Trail Firing Car, 1 broken brake wheel(piece incSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 12 Pc. Misc LotAF 16 Steam Loco, clock work working w/key; 120 Late tender; 3 Marx Accessories; Lionel 167 Controller; AF Hiawatha Tender(small size); Schilling red steam loco, chip in cab; KMT 53 SOO Boxcar, ob C9;See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - LIONEL Accessory Lot2 Pr 1122 Remote switches, controllers need wire; Incomplete 110 Trestle Set; KW 195 Watt Transformer, C7(SOLD AS-IS); Instr booklet; 151 Semaphore; 154 Flasher, misc controllers & track sections, o/wSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 8 Pc. Misc. LotRestored Lionel 106 Bridge; AF Oriental Passenger Baggage, Coach & Obsv, Depot; 2 Handmade gondolas, o/w C3 *** These Lots Are Being Sold AS-IS with no returns for any reason***See Sold Price
Large Group Lot Lionel Trains & TracksThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FOURTEEN 19th CENTURY CHINESE PORCELAIN PIECESLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(520)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot of Lionel Standard Gauge and O27 Gauge PartsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(609)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Misc. Lot of Sterling Silver approx. 34 TroyState Line Auctions & Estate Services4.6(275)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Misc Lot of Costume Jewelry & Broken JewelryAuctions by Adkins, LLC4.4(193)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Misc Lot of Gaming Items - Magic the Gathering etcAuctions by Adkins, LLC4.4(193)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024