SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - 1st type with small rear window and small lettering to base, spare wheel cover, tinplate front bumper - metallic grey, solid black mazak wheels - Excellent - Rare.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - 1st version, small print to base, small rear window, spare wheel cover, tinplate front bumper - metallic grey, red ridged hubs - Good to Good Plus.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL & OthersFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - grey including ridged hubs - Good Plus, No.530 Citroen DS19 - pale green, grey roof, cream interior - Good Plus and Citroen 2CV - grey body, dark grey roof, cream riSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N - small print to base, wider rear window, spare wheel cover, tinplate front bumper, yellow ridged hubs - Excellent Plus. Scarce.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky - No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky - No.24N Citroen 11BL - black, with rear boot and large window, smooth interior roof surface, with side indicators, black with cream ridged hubs - Near Mint.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - 3rd version, black body, yellow ridged hubs, silver detail to front - Near Mint.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - large print to base, wider rear window, boot, direction indicators, black body, cream ridged hubs - Mint.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - black body, cream ridged hubs - Good Plus and No.24B Peugeot 403 - grey body, chrome ridged hubs - Good Plus. (2)See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - 1st version, black body, yellow ridged hubs, spare wheel cover, tinplate front bumper - Fair to Good. Scarce item.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - large print to base, wider rear window, direction indicators, pale grey body and ridged hubs - Near Mint.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL & OthersFrench Dinky Citroen Cars and Triporteur, (1) No.24N Citroen 11BL - grey including ridged hubs, cross hatching to underside of roof, (2) No.24C Citroen DS19 - cream, black roof, lacks one tyre and a cSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL SaloonFrench Dinky - No.24N Citroen 11BL Saloon - grey including ridged hubs, very light wear to raised edges otherwise Excellent Plus bright example.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky unboxed No.24N Citroen 11BL - black, pale yellow ridged hubs, wide deeper rear window, small lettering to base with 24N, intrical front bumper, rounded boot - Good to Good Plus.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky - No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky - No.24N Citroen 11BL - dull grey including ridged hubs, repro tyres, with cross hatched interior roof surface, rounded rear boot with large rear window - Excellent Plus.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky unboxed No.24N Citroen 11BL - black, pale yellow ridged hubs, wide narrow rear window, small lettering to base with 24N, intrical front bumper, rounded boot - Excellent Plus.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - 1st version, black body, yellow ridged hubs, spare wheel cover, tinplate front bumper - Good.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky - unboxed No.24N Citroen 11BL - grey including ridged hubs, smooth black tyres, requires cleaning - otherwise Near Mint.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BL - 3rd version, grey body, ridged hubs, white tyres - Good Plus.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky - No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky - No.24N Citroen 11BL - gloss grey finish including ridged hubs, silver painted headlights, smooth white tyres - Excellent Plus.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky No.24N Citroen 11BLFrench Dinky No.24N - large print to base, wide rear window, boot, direction indicators - mid grey body and ridged hubs, white tyres - Near Mint.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky - 2 x No.24N Citroen 11BL CarsFrench Dinky - a pair of No.24N Citroen 11BL Cars (1) black, cream ridged hubs, (2) light grey including ridged hubs - both models have direction indicators, cast front bumper and hatched interior rooSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky - 2 x No.24N Citroen 11BL CarsFrench Dinky - a pair of No.24N 1st version Citroen 11BL Cars. (1) black, yellow ridged hubs, tinplate front bumper, spare wheel cover and small window to rear, version has no indicators, some chippinSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Dinky & Budgie Unboxed Cars & CommercialsFrench Dinky & Budgie - group of unboxed Cars and Commercials. To include, No.24N Citroen 11BL - grey, No.547 Panhard PL7 - light blue, No.1413 Citroen Dyane - pale grey, Budgie Toys VW Pick-up - blueSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Group of 3 x French CarsDinky 3 x French Cars. (1) No.24N Citroen 11BL 1st version, spare wheel cover, tinplate front bumper (broken), cross support to roof interior - black with pale yellow hubs, (2) 24B Peugeot 403 - blueSee Sold Price
FRENCH DINKY 1#16 3-PIECE SELF CONTROLLED TRAINLloyd Ralston Gallery4.6(771)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024