Depiction of Achilles and Hector on Ancient Greek Black-Figure Chalcidian KraterWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Western Greek Terracotta Seated GoddessGreece, Hellenistic period, ca. 3rd century BCE. A hollow, mold-made votive statue of a woman, seen sitting on a flat-based chair, wearing a long chiton over her broad shoulders and a taut necklace wiSee Sold Price
Western Greek Terracotta Seated GoddessGreece, Hellenistic period, ca. 3rd century BCE. A hollow, mold-made votive statue of a woman, seen sitting on a flat-based chair, wearing a long chiton over her broad shoulders and a taut necklace wiSee Sold Price
SoldArchaic Greek Terracotta Seated GoddessWestern Greece, Archaic period, ca. 7th century BCE. A mold made, hollow votive figure depicting a woman seated on a wide throne with pointed upper edges. The woman wears a flattened headdress and herSee Sold Price
Elegant Archaic Greek Terracotta Seated GoddessMagna Graecia, western colonies, Archaic period, ca. 6th to early 5th century BCE. An elegant female figure, possibly representing the goddess Kybele (Cybele), mother of the gods, sitting with a straiSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Archaic Terracotta Seated Goddess Kybele?**Originally Listed At $700** Magna Graecia, western colonies, Archaic period, ca. 6th to early 5th century BCE. An elegant female figure, possibly representing the goddess Kybele (Cybele), mother ofSee Sold Price
SoldArchaic Greek Rhodian Terracotta Seated GoddessWestern Greece, Rhodes, Archaic period, ca. 600 BCE. A beautiful hollow-cast pottery statue depicting an elegant female figure seated upon a tall, integral throne that flares outward at the sides. SheSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Terracotta Seated Female Figure, ex-Sotheby'sGreece, western empire, ca. 4th century BCE. Lovely tall seated female goddess reminiscent of the protomes found from this region. Seated goddess, probably Demeter, wearing tall headdress or crown, loSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Terracotta Seated Figure, ex-Sotheby'sGreece, Western Empire, ca. 4th century BCE. A stunning terracotta sculpture of a woman, possibly a goddess, of flat form seated on a throne with wing-like arms outstretched to hold a scroll or sash bSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Terracotta Seated Goddess**Originally Listed At $250** Greece, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd to 1st century BCE. A hollow-molded terracotta female goddess figure seated on an integral throne. She hold her arms gently atop her tSee Sold Price
SoldGREEK TERRACOTTA SEATED GODDESSMagna Graecia, Ca. Late 5th century BC.A deity is shown in a sitting position, she is holding a bird to her breast with her right hand. She wears a garment that covers her body to the floor, with a VSee Sold Price
Archaic Greek Terracotta Seated Goddess5th century B.C. Represented in the typical female attire wearing a long chiton and a polos headgear; seated upon a throne with side horns, hands upon her knees; flat back. Cf. Biers, W.R., The ArchaeSee Sold Price
SoldArchaic Greek Terracotta Seated GoddessGreece, Corinth, Rhodes, or eastern Greece, Archaic period, ca. 600 BCE. A hollow ceramic figure of a seated goddess, mold-made and with stylized features. She wears a long garment and a large headdreSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Terracotta Seated Goddess100% of the Hammer price of all lots sold in this auction will be donated to Community Food Share by Artemis Gallery. $1.00 = 3 meals! **Originally Listed At $250** Greece, Hellenistic Period, ca.See Sold Price
Greek Terracotta Seated Goddess**Originally Listed At $250** Greece, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd to 1st century BCE. A hollow-molded terracotta female goddess figure seated on an integral throne. She hold her arms gently atop her tSee Sold Price
Greek Terracotta Seated Goddess**Originally Listed At $250** Greece, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd to 1st century BCE. A hollow-molded terracotta female goddess figure seated on an integral throne. She hold her arms gently atop her tSee Sold Price
Greek Terracotta Seated GoddessGreece, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd to 1st century BCE. A hollow-molded terracotta female goddess figure seated on an integral throne. She hold her arms gently atop her thighs and wears an ankle-lengtSee Sold Price
GREEK TERRACOTTA SEATED GODDESSMagna Graecia, Ca. Late 5th century BC. A deity is shown in a sitting position, she is holding a bird to her breast with her right hand. She wears a garment that covers her body to the floor, with a VSee Sold Price
Elegant Western Greek Earthenware Seated GoddessMagna Graecia, western colonies, ca. 5th to 4th century BCE. An elegant female figure, possibly representing the goddess Kybele (Cybele), mother of the gods, sitting with impressive posture, both handSee Sold Price
Western Greek Earthenware Seated GoddessMagna Graecia, western colonies, ca. 5th to 4th century BCE. An elegant female figure, possibly representing the goddess Kybele (Cybele), mother of the gods, sitting with impressive posture, both handSee Sold Price
Elegant Western Greek Earthenware Seated Goddess**Originally Listed At $900** Magna Graecia, western colonies, ca. 5th to 4th century BCE. An elegant female figure, possibly representing the goddess Kybele (Cybele), mother of the gods, sitting withSee Sold Price
Western Greek Earthenware Seated Goddess**First Time At Auction** Western Greece, Archaic period, ca. 7th century BCE. A mold made, hollow votive figure depicting a woman seated on a wide throne with pointed upper edges. The woman wears a fSee Sold Price
Elegant Western Greek Earthenware Seated GoddessMagna Graecia, western colonies, ca. 5th to 4th century BCE. An elegant female figure, possibly representing the goddess Kybele (Cybele), mother of the gods, sitting with impressive posture, both handSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Greek Archaic Pottery Seated GoddessMagna Graecia, western colonies, Archaic period, ca. 6th to early 5th century BCE. An elegant female figure, possibly representing the goddess Kybele (Cybele), mother of the gods, sitting with a straiSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Greek Terracotta Statue of Goddess w/ PolosGreece, Archaic Period, ca. 6th century BCE. A mold-made votive head and torso of a woman. She is nude aside from a polos crown over a towering wiglike hairstyle. The Greeks adopted the polos from theSee Sold Price
Artemis Greek Goddess of Hunt Wild Animal Bronze SculptureHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Greek Terracotta Amphora Handle Fragment with Stamp by Manufacturer Satyros for the MagistrateTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Archaic Greek Terracotta Horse and Rider StatuetteTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Archaic Greek Terracotta Figure of Mounted Warrior with ShieldTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Archaic Greek Terracotta Figure of Mounted Warrior with ShieldTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Athena and Heracles Depicted on Black Figure Greek Belly AmphoraWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Antique Hellenistic Life Size Terracotta Statue of Goddess Playing The HarpJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Athena Greek Goddess Bust Head Bronze Statue SculptureAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Neoclassical Gold Fob w/ Carnelian Intaglio Bow & ArrowArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Neoclassical Style Seated Psyche Bronze SculptureAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025