SoldUr III, c.2100 – 2000 BC. A black serpentine cylinUr III, c.2100 – 2000 BC. A black serpentine cylinder seal with a presentation scene with a goddess behind worshipper facing a seated king; animal before; small figure standing on a 'stool' (padium?See Sold Price
SoldANCIENT NEAR EASTERN SEALUr III, c. 2100 - 2000 BC. A black serpentine cylinder seal depicting two worshipers flanking a star set on a staff, three columns of text behind them. Intact. L: 25mm. Ex. Leighton Wilkie CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldUr III, c.2100 - 2000 BC. A large rectangular bakUr III, c.2100 - 2000 BC. A large rectangular baked terra cotta tablet with about 30 lines of cuneiform script detailing administrative matters involving food provisions for messengers. Some age crackSee Sold Price
SoldUr III - Old Babylonian, c. 2100 - 1750 BC. A blaUr III - Old Babylonian, c. 2100 - 1750 BC. A black serpentine cylinder seal of provincial style. Two registers of text behind a seated figure holding a crescent in his outstretched hand, small lizardSee Sold Price
Sold2 Post Akkadian cylinder seals, ex-Banks coll.A pair of Post Akkadian cylinder seals, Ur III, c. 2112 - 2004 BC, the first in black serpentine and depicts a contest scene involving a standing male figure and a rampant lion. H: 18mm. The second isSee Sold Price
SoldPost Akkadian serpentine cylinder seal, BanksA Post Akkadian black serpentine cylinder seal, Ur III, c. 2112 - 2004 BC, the design consisting of a seated deity with worshipper before. H: 18mm. Ex Edgar Banks, UK, gifted in the 1920's.Edgar JamesSee Sold Price
SoldBlack serpentine Ur III cylinder sealA black serpentine Ur III cylinder seal, c. 2112 - 2004 BC, depicted robed figures holding staves and sceptres, one figure stands atop a reclining goat. Some chipping but an attractive seal! L: 36mm.See Sold Price
SoldSumerian, Ur III, c.2150 – 2000 BC. A terracottaSumerian, Ur III, c.2150 – 2000 BC. A terracotta fertility figure with crescentic headdress, lower portion missing. H: 3 ¾", 9.5cm. Cp. Barrelet, Figurines et reliefs in terre cuit de la MesopotamiSee Sold Price
Bactria, Margiana, c.2000 BC. A black seBactria, Margiana, c.2000 BC. A black serpentine rectangular 2-sided seal. On one side an oryx standing lt., the other depicting the upper portion of a man, head looking lt., arms up. D: 28mm.See Sold Price
SoldUr III, c. 2150 - 2000 BC. A large cuneiform tablUr III, c. 2150 - 2000 BC. A large cuneiform tablet recording an account of very large amounts of barley, flour wheat and other such items. Nicely incised writing, some losses. 5 3/8" x 2 ½".See Sold Price
SoldUr III, c. 2150 - 2000 BC. A terra cotta administUr III, c. 2150 - 2000 BC. A terra cotta administrative tablet dealing with barley. Some age cracks, but strong characters. 1 ½" x 1 3/8".See Sold Price
SoldUr III, c. 2150 - 2000 BC. A terra cotta administUr III, c. 2150 - 2000 BC. A terra cotta administrative tablet dealing with an account of barley flour and wheat, 1 ½" x 1 3/8".See Sold Price
SoldA nice Sumerian cuneiform tablet, Ur IIIA nice Sumerian cuneiform tablet, Ur III, c. 2100 - 2000 BC, square in shape with rounded sides. One side features 4 lines of clearly incised cuneiform text, the opposing side with 2. 1 1/4 x 1 3/16 iSee Sold Price
SoldA large Sumerian cuneiform tablet, Ur IIIA large Sumerian cuneiform tablet, Ur III, c. 2100 - 2000 BC, with multiple registers of incised text on either side. 2 3/4 x 1 7/8 in (6.9 x 4.8 cm). Surfaces cleaned with light deposits. Ex New YorkSee Sold Price
SoldA fantastic Mesopotamian cuneiform tablet, Ur IIIA fantastic Mesopotamian cuneiform tablet, Ur III, c. 2100 - 2000 BC, Late 2nd Millennium BC, said to have been found at Megiddo,. The tablet is rectangular with 5 neatly incised lines of text on oneSee Sold Price
Bactria, Margiana, c.2000 BC. A flatteneBactria, Margiana, c.2000 BC. A flattened black serpentine cylinder seal depicting a bird figure and a scorpion. L: 33mm. Interesting shape.See Sold Price
Bactria, Margiana, c.2000 BC. A round blBactria, Margiana, c.2000 BC. A round black serpentine stamp seal. On one side a horse-like creature, the other side depicting a running water bird. Pierced for suspension. D: 28mm.See Sold Price
SoldCypriot incised red-polished gourd-shaped jugletA Cypriot incised red-polished gourd-shaped juglet. Cyprus, Early III - Middle Cypriot, c.2100 - 2000 BC. Well decorated with incised bands, hemi circles, and dotted and striated lines. Repaired at liSee Sold Price
SoldMESOPOTAMIAN STONE CYLINDER SEALAkkad III-Ur III (Mesopotamia), ca. 2300-2000 BC. A slightly worn whitish cylinder seal from Mesopotamia. It depicts two enthroned lunar deities, while messengers are approaching them. Both central deSee Sold Price
SoldA very nice Ur III cuneiform tabletA very nice Ur III cuneiform tablet, c. 2100 - 2000 BC, with multiple lines of crisply incised characters. In outstanding condition and a really great example! 3.5 x 3.1 cm. Light deposits. Ex collectSee Sold Price
SoldA nice Ur III Cuneiform tabletA nice Ur III Cuneiform tablet, c. 2200 - 2000 BC, each side with several registers of incised text. Light deposits throughout. H: 1 2/3 in (4.3cm), W: 1 3/5 in (4cm). Ex collection of Addis Finney, aSee Sold Price
SoldNeo-Sumerian Cylinder Seal with AttendantsUr III Period, 2112-2004 BC. A black limestone cylinder seal, a contemporary copy of an earlier seal, with frieze comprising a seated figure in flounced robe facing three robed attendants, objects inSee Sold Price
SoldNeo-Sumerian Cylinder Seal with Presentation SceneUr III-Period, 2112-2002 BC. A large black jasper cylinder seal with presentation scene comprising: the suppliant goddess Lama in a flounced robe, raising both hands, and a long bearded god in a stripSee Sold Price
SoldA nice Ur III clay cuneiform tabletA nice Ur III clay cuneiform tablet, c. 2100 – 2000 BC, with eight lines of text on one side and ten lines on the other, eight of which with a cuneiform line of text. The characters are well impressSee Sold Price
Sheaffer Fountain Pens with Pencil Lot (4)North American Pen Auctions LTD4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
George Segal "Sleeping Girl III" Lithograph, 1970Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablet Group with Administrative Tablet and a King ?u-Sin Tax TextTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Alexander III The Great 336-323 BC Posthumous Drachm NGC F12 Story VaultMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Peter Max Better World III Painted LE Litho SIGNEDHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
4 Volume Set of EBONY Pictorial History of Black America BooksMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
JURASSIC PARK III (2001) - Pair of Concept Art and Greens Research BindersPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
1940s Canadian Salish Basket Tray w/ Floral MotifArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Fine Pair of George III Mahogany and Black Horsehair Upholstered Window BenchesSTAIR4.6(288)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Parker France Black and Gold Q III Hooded Nib Fountain Pen w/BoxArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
A Black Leitz Wetzlar Leica III 35mm Rangefinder CameraFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024