SoldSeven Project Mercury Astronauts: Signed PhotoAutographsSigned Composite of all Seven Mercury Astronauts! (ASTRONAUTS), Seven Original Project Mercury Astronauts: CARPENTER, COOPER, GLENN, GRISSOM, SCHIRRA, SHEPARD & SLAYTON. Black and white CompSee Sold Price
SoldMercury Schirra, Carpenter & Gordon Autographson the title page of a first edition of 1962, "We Seven" by Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Grissom, Schirra, Shepard and Slayton (352pp., hard cover, dust jacket). "As the reader will soon discover, (thisSee Sold Price
SoldMercury Program, 1958, Mercury 7 AutographsMercury Program, 1958, Mercury 7 Autographs. On a 5c Air Mail Post Card FDC. The card is signed by Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Grissom, Schirra, Shepard and Slayton along with Joseph Kittinger (holdSee Sold Price
Sold1963, " Manned Space Flight Team" (NASA EP-11, 141963, " Manned Space Flight Team" (NASA EP-11, 14pp, soft cover, stapled). Featuring the original seven Mercury astronauts (Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Grissom, Schirra, Shepard and Slayton) plus the niSee Sold Price
SoldMercury Program, 1958, Mercury 7 AutographsMercury Program, 1958, Mercury 7 Autographs. On a cachet International Geophysical Year FDC. The cover is signed by Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Grissom, Schirra, Shepard and Slayton along with Van AllenSee Sold Price
SoldCarpenter,Cooper,Glenn,Grissom, Schirra,SCarpenter,Cooper,Glenn,Grissom, Schirra,Shepard & Slayton Autographs on a NASA 8x10" black and white publicity photo . These appear to be, at least in part, Autopen autographs, but an important pieceSee Sold Price
SoldMercury 7 Autographed PhotoScott Carpenter Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Virgil Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard & Deke Slayton Autographs on an 8x10" black and white NASA (B-60-785) publicity montage photo of them alongside aSee Sold Price
Sold1960s MERCURY 7 SIGNED SHEET OF 4¢ STAMPFull sheet of 50 of USA postage stamp signed by all seven Mercury astronauts including Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Grissom (signs as Virgil Grissom), Schirra, Shepard and Slayton. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
Mercury 7 AutographsScott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Virgil Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard and Donald Slayton Autographs on a USIS "Press Unit", American Embassy, Bad Godesberg, Germany 9.5x7" early (No.See Sold Price
SoldComplete Mercury 7 Astronaut AutographsScott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Virgil Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton Autographs on an RCA Photo Lab/Patrick AFB (8x10") black and white publicity glossy photo of thSee Sold Price
Mercury 7 Signed NASA LithographScott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton Autographs on a NASA 8x10" color lithograph. All appear to have boldly signed using different pensSee Sold Price
SoldAll 7 Mercury Astronauts Autographs Scott Carpenter,All 7 Mercury Astronauts Autographs Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Virgil Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton Autographs on an RCA Photo Lab/Partick AFB black and WhiteSee Sold Price
Sold1962 MERCURY 7 SIGNED COVERScott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton autographs on 4¢ Project Mercury first day cover that has also been signed by 'Voice of Project MSee Sold Price
SoldAll 7 Mercury Astronauts Autographs Scott Carpenter,All 7 Mercury Astronauts Autographs Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Virgil Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton Autographs on a lot of seven 4-cent project Mercury blocksSee Sold Price
Five Mercury Seven Astronaut AutosScott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Betty Grissom, & Wally Schirra (x2) Autographs on an 8x10" color photo of them in their Mercury spacesuits. The photo is glued to a page (titled "The RightSee Sold Price
SoldMercury Program, c1960s, Scott Carpenter, GordonMercury Program, c1960s, Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard and Donald. On a black and white Mercury 7 photo (matted and framed to 11x13")See Sold Price
Mercury 7 Autographed BookScott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Virgil Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton Autographs on their individually-written chapters in the Golden Press/Live magazine book "The ASee Sold Price
SoldNASA MERCURY ASTRONAUT CREW PHOTOGRAPHAn original NASA color photograph featuring the Mercury program astronaut crew, including Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard, and Deke Slayton. The phSee Sold Price
Sold1991Mercury 7 Signed 30th Anniv. PosterScott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Mrs. Gus Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton Autographs on a striking multicolor "United States Manned Space Flight 30th Anniversary" postSee Sold Price
SoldShepard Grissom Glenn Carpenter Schirra Cooper Autogon a menu folder for the luncheon given "Honoring Major Leroy Gordon Cooper, Mercury Astronaut for his successful 22 orbit in Faith-7. May 15-16, 1963", a NASA event held at in the Benjamin Franklin RSee Sold Price
Sold1960-70 THREE VINTAGE TOYSLot of three different including 1) a gold colored, metal mechanical bank that reads: 'Commemorating our Spacemen - Shepard, Grissom, Glenn, Carpenter, Schirra, Cooper' around the bottom. The key is iSee Sold Price
SoldUSA Moon Rocket Bank Mercury Commemorative(10 x 3.50") Inscribed "Shepard, Grissom, Glenn, Carpenter, Schirra, Cooper Commemorating LT. COL. John H. Glenn Jr's triumphant triple orbit of the Earth February 20, 1962. Model 1000 Destination - MSee Sold Price
Sold1960s 'MERCURY 6' AUTOGRAPHED LITHOOfficial 8x10" color lithograph inscribed and signed in black marker by all the original Mercury 7 astronauts except Grissom. Includes: Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Schirra, Shepard & Slayton. ExtremelySee Sold Price
Sold1960s 'MERCURY 6' SIGNED LITHOOfficial NASA 8"x10" color litho signed by all the original Mercury astronauts except Grissom. Includes: Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Schirra, Shepard & Slayton. Extremely fresh & clean.See Sold Price