SoldLINCOLN'S SPEECH AT THE COOPER INSTITUTE[ABRAHAM LINCOLN]. Printed Document. Sixteen pages, 5 3/4" x 9". No place. No date [1860?] The document, TRIBUNE TRACTS NO. 4," offers the complete text of Abraham Lincoln's speech delivered at the CoSee Sold Price
SoldABRAHAM LINCOLN'S COOPER UNION SPEECHABRAHAM LINCOLN'S COOPER UNION SPEECH 1860 Lincoln election publication, 8pp. 8vo., [n.p.], being the text of Lincoln's notable speech given at Cooper Institute in New York on Feb. 27, 1860. The printSee Sold Price
Schuyler Colfax Quotes from Lincoln's Cooper InstituteDescription: Colfax Schuyler Schuyler Colfax Quotes from Lincoln's Cooper Institute Speech, February 1860, "Let us have faith that Right makes Might" Autograph quotation signed Schuyler Colfax", in peSee Sold Price
SoldA. Lincoln & A. Johnson 1864 Ohio Union PresidentialRed and blue printed 1864 ticket, along with Sag-Harbor Express newspaper clipping, and printed copy of Lincoln and John Hickman speeches given at the Cooper Institute in New York City on February 27,See Sold Price
Sold[ABRAHAM LINCOLN]634. [ABRAHAM LINCOLN] His famous Cooper Union speech delivered at the Cooper Institute in NY, published by the "Presidential Campaign of 1860. Republican Executive Congressional Committee." Pamphlet,See Sold Price
SoldAbraham Lincoln Cooper Union SpeechAbraham Lincoln's Famous "Cooper Union" Speech "Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, At The Cooper Institute, New York City, February 27, 1860," Choice Very Fine. 8 pages, 8.5" x 5.5". PublishSee Sold Price
SoldSpeech of Abraham Lincoln of Illinois1860 Lincoln campaign printed material. At the Cooper Institute, New York City, February 1860. 15 pages, Covers missing, but material at end attacks Senator Stephen A. Douglas, Mr. (Jefferson) Davis oSee Sold Price
SoldLINCOLN. Early printing of the Cooper Union addresAbraham LINCOLN. Evening Journal Tracts.--No. 5. National Politics. Speech of Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, Delivered at the Cooper Institute, Monday, February 27, 1860 [caption title].[Albany]See Sold Price
William Cullen Bryant.-- poet, (of “Thanatopsis,”)William Cullen Bryant.-- poet, (of “Thanatopsis,”) journalist, editor. He introduced Lincoln at his speech at Cooper Union. This is a strong standing portrait of Bryant in outdoor clothing. It isSee Sold Price
Sold[Cooper Union Speech]. Abraham Lincoln Carte de[Cooper Union Speech]. Abraham Lincoln Carte de Visite.&See Sold Price
[Abraham Lincoln]: Cooper Union Speech Quote Sig[Abraham Lincoln]: Cooper Union Speech Quote Signed by Schuyler Colfax. 5.5" x 3.5" manusSee Sold Price
Sold[LINCOLN, Abraham (1809-1865)"The Cooper Union Speech"]. The Address of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, In[LINCOLN, Abraham (1809-1865)"The Cooper Union Speech"]. The Address of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, In Vindication of the Policy of the Framers of the Constitution and the Principles of the Republican PSee Sold Price
SoldAbraham Lincoln Famous 1860 Cooper Union SpeechLincoln RelatedAbraham Lincoln’s Famous 1860 “Cooper Union” Speech February 27, 1860, Original Printed Booklet, First Edition, Abraham Lincoln’s “Cooper Union” SpeeSee Sold Price
SoldAbraham Lincoln Magic Lantern SlideAbraham Lincoln magic lantern slide, picturing Lincoln the day he delivered his famous speech at Cooper Union on 27 February 1860, which many credit as convincing Republican party leaders to nominateSee Sold Price
SoldAbraham Lincolnnine political pamphlets, each 9 1/2" x 6" including 5 copies of the Cooper Speech, 2/27/1860 (one in German) together with a period reprint of NY Herald , April 15, 1865 estimate 800/1200 Shipping avSee Sold Price
SoldAbraham Lincoln CDV by Brady, Taken Before the CooperAbraham Lincoln CDV by Brady, Taken Before the Cooper Union Speech CDV of a beardless Abraham Lincoln, lacking a studio imprint but from Mathew Brady's negative made in New York on February 27, 1860,See Sold Price
Lincoln ALS dated 1859, shortly before his Cooper UnionLincoln Abraham 1809 - 1865 Lincoln ALS dated 1859, shortly before his Cooper Union speech Autograph Letter Signed by Abraham Lincoln as "A. Lincoln", 1 page, 7.5" x 9.5". Dated "Springfield, Nov. 1,See Sold Price
Sold1 vol. (African American 19th-Century Printing)1 vol. (African American 19th-Century Printing): Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City Missouri. Full History of Its Conception, Struggles and Triumph. The Dedicatory Speech of Colonel David Branson. N.p.See Sold Price
SoldAbraham Lincoln Speech Letter 1860Attended speech by Abraham Lincoln, 1860. "Have heard Abe Lincoln on the stump months ago. He is "All Right", on the "Goose" and must be elected. Though he is not the high & lofty Statesman we find inSee Sold Price
SoldOil painting on canvas sgnd A. Lincoln Cooper"Nudes in a Garden with Cherubs". Approx. 28" x 34". Dated 1915, unframed. From an extensive art collection of a Long Island, NY art dealer who is retiring after 50 years in the business Please read oSee Sold Price
SoldAbraham Lincoln: Cooper Union Quarter Plate AmbrAbraham Lincoln: Cooper Union Quarter Plate Ambrotype. This ¼ plate ambrotype (3.25" x 4.25")See Sold Price
SoldA. LINCOLN COOPER, AMERICANAllegorical nudes with garland of roses, 1915, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, framed. 28 x 33 1/2 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Women's Education, 1860s. Intellectual Buddings, Manuscript from the Cooper Institute;American Women's Education, 1860s. Intellectual Buddings, Manuscript from the Cooper Institute; [and] The Bubble. Boonville, Missouri, January 1864 [and 1861].Two manuscripts on lined paper containingSee Sold Price
1860 LINCOLN 1ed Life of Abraham and Hamlin SLAVERY Douglas Debates Civil WarSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
16 Coopers Works Ltd Ed Leather Antique Books 1800sThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024