Sold3 DINKY 23A MG MAGNETTE RACERS2 are made in France, w/solid castings, w/orig Dunlop tires, orange car made in England, paint chips on nose, all are restored, C7-8. Please read and understand all Terms and Conditions including thosSee Sold Price
Sold6 DINKY 23A MG MAGNETTE RACERSpostwar, 1953 version, in trade pack box, C8-9. Please read and understand all Terms and Conditions including those for international shipping before bidding.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 23A MG PREWAR TRADE PACK6 #23A MG Magnette Racers, early version w/6 branch exhaust & number disc, 1 car has flaking paint, all are solid castings, tires worn, orig box worn, C5-6. Please read and understand all Terms and CoSee Sold Price
Sold3 DINKY RACERS23A MG, 238 Jaguar D-Type, 234 Ferrari, C5-6. Please read and understand all Terms and Conditions including those for international shipping before bidding.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 23A MG MAGNETTEHumbug colors, prewar, auto cracked in half & epoxied back together, nice job, w/fatigue cracks, C6. Please read and understand all Terms and Conditions including those for international shipping befoSee Sold Price
Sold2 DINKY 23A MG RACERSboth English issues, 1st version has cracked tires, #6 Racer has repaired front end, w/green tires, C5.See Sold Price
Sold2 DINKY 23A MG RACERSboth English issues, 1st version has cracked tires, #6 racer has repaired front end, w/green tires, C5.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 23A MG MAGNETTEmade in England, prewar, 1st version w/no driver, red tires melted, C5-6. Please read and understand all Terms and Conditions including those for international shipping before bidding.See Sold Price
Sold2 DINKY 23A MG RACERSboth are English issues, red & silver and blue & silver, C4-5.See Sold Price
Sold2 DINKY 23A MG RACERS1st versions, restored UK issue has cracked body & tires, restored French issue has orig tires, C5-7.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 23A MG MAGNETTEmade in France, prewar version, blue Dunlop tires, minor body warp, C4-5. Please read and understand all Terms and Conditions including those for international shipping before bidding.See Sold Price
Sold2 DINKY 23A MG RACERSboth French issues, restored bodies on worn orig tires & rims, C6-8.See Sold Price
Sold2 DINKY 23A MG RACERSFrench issue is heavily chipped & has 1 replaced tire, English issue is restored, w/orig tires & rims, tires are cracking, minor body warp, C2-8.See Sold Price
Sold2 DINKY 23A MG RACERSboth French issues, bodies restored, orig tires & rims worn, C6-8.See Sold Price
Sold2 DINKY 23A MG RACERSFrench issue heavily chipped, 1 tire replaced, English issue w/minor body warp, w/orig tires & rims, C2-8.See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH DINKY 23A MG MAGNETTEprewar version, blue Dunlop tires, minor body warp, C4-5.See Sold Price
Sold2 DINKY 23A MG RACERSfirst versions, restored English issue w/cracked body & tires, restored French issue w/orig tires, C5-7.See Sold Price
Sold3 JOHILLCO MG MAGNETTE RACERSdie cast, rubber tires worn, 4 in long, all are missing chassis bottoms, C4-6. Please read and understand all Terms and Conditions including those for international shipping before bidding.See Sold Price
Sold3 DINKY 35B MG R-TYPE RACERSprewar, red open cockpit version, red body w/driver has die cast fatigue, silver body, C4-5. Please read and understand all Terms and Conditions including those for international shipping before biddiSee Sold Price
Sold3 DINKY AUTOS30R Fordson Flat Truck w/35B Racer, both are custom painted; 23A Racer, some playwear, C5-7. Please read and understand the payment and new shipping Terms and Conditions before bidding.See Sold Price
Sold4 MG MAGIC MIDGETSdie cast, Timpo, 3 3/4 in long; slush, 3 3/4 in long; aluminum, 3 1/2 in long; Dinky 23A, 3 1/2 in long, all have worn paint & some worn rubber tires, C4.See Sold Price
SoldDinky - a group of post-war Racing Cars.Dinky - a group of post-war Racing Cars - comprising Speed of the Wind, 2 x Auto Union, 2 x Mercedes Racer, 3 x No.23A Racer and 2 x Hotchkiss - varying amounts of wear - otherwise Fair to Good Plus.See Sold Price
29 Assorted Atari Game Program Video Game CartridgesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Seventeen Vintage Toy Cars and Trucks, Dinky, Tootsie Toy, Auburn, Sun Rubber, Manoil etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1950s Flexible Flyer Classic Racer sledBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vintage DINKY TOYS 3 Piece Set FIELD ARTILLERY TRACTOR 686-7-8Gaia Auctions4.4(65)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
1950s Flexible Flyer Classic Racer sledBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024