SoldPenetrating Glass. Val Evans,Penetrating Glass. Boston, Val Evans, ca. 1945. A glass is covered with a handkerchief, and a plate is set on top of both. A tube is then balance on the plate. The glass then slowly and visibly penetrSee Sold Price
SoldPENETRATING GLASS – VAL EVANSA glass setting on a tray is covered with a handkerchief, a saucer is then placed atop of both. A tube is then balanced atop the saucer. At the magician’s command, the glass slowly and visibly penetSee Sold Price
SoldPenetrating Glass. Boston: Val Evans, ca. 1945. A glassPenetrating Glass. Boston: Val Evans, ca. 1945. A glass is covered with a handkerchief, and a plate is set on top of both. A tube is then balanced on the plate. The glass then slowly and visibly penetSee Sold Price
SoldPenetrating Glass.Penetrating Glass. Boston: Val Evans, ca. 1945. A glass is covered with a handkerchief, and a plate is set on top of both. A tube is then balanced on the plate. The glass then slowly and visibly penetSee Sold Price
SoldBELGIAN GLASS REFERENCE VOLUMEBELGIAN GLASS REFERENCE VOLUME, "Le Val-Saint-Lambert, Ses cristalleries et l'art du verre en Belgique, 3rd edition", Belgian language, Dr. Joseph Philippe, Liege: Editions du Perron, 1988. Hard coverSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO GLASS VASEVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO GLASS VASE, shaded rose to colorless with gilt highlights, acid-cut flower and leaf decorations, polished base signed "Val" in gilt. First quarter 20th century. 12" H. ProvenanceSee Sold Price
SoldVAL. ST. LAMBERT CUT-OVERLAY GLASS WINES, LOT OF NINEVAL. ST. LAMBERT CUT-OVERLAY GLASS WINES, LOT OF NINE, colorless with varying colored overlay, comprising two cranberry, two fuchsia, two blue, two emerald green, and a light green example, each withSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT, BELGIUM GLASS THREE-PIECE DRESSER SETVAL ST. LAMBERT, BELGIUM GLASS THREE-PIECE DRESSER SET, colorless with amber staining, comprising a puff jar, powder jar, and toothbrush stand, each with embossed lettering to interior and factory polSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS VASEVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS VASE, amethyst to colorless, bulbous base with an elongated neck and slightly flaring mouth, foliate decoration to each face, polished pontil mark, signed, "VAL/ST. LAMSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS PAIR OF VASESVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS PAIR OF VASES, amethyst to colorless, each bud form with matching floral decoration and an amethyst band to the mouth, each signed to the underside "Val St. Lambert" wiSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS VASES, LOT OF TWOVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS VASES, LOT OF TWO, comprising a pale blue to frosted colorless tall urn-form example and a blue to custard cylindrical-form example, each with floral decoration. BelgiuSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS VASEVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS VASE, blue to an opal ground with yellow and blue mottling, ball form, elaborate squid design with each set of four squids forming a cross, signed "VSL". Belgium. FirstSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS FINGER BOWLVAL ST. LAMBERT CAMEO ART GLASS FINGER BOWL AND UNDERPLATE, blue to Vaseline (reacts under black light), comprising a finger bowl and underplate with matching cameo medial band showing a landscape sceSee Sold Price
SoldVAL. ST. LAMBERT CRYSTAL ART GLASS FIGURINES /VAL. ST. LAMBERT CRYSTAL ART GLASS FIGURINES / PAPERWEIGHTS, LOT OF FOUR, colorless, comprising an eagle, two cats, and a frog, each signed. Belgium. 20th century. 1 1/2" to 7 1/2" HOA.Undamaged.ProveSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT AND OTHER GLASS TUMBLERS, LOT OF THREEVAL ST. LAMBERT AND OTHER GLASS TUMBLERS, LOT OF THREE, comprising a cranberry cut to colorless example with acid-etched "Val StLambert" signature, a cranberry Crackle, and an amethyst example with enSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GLASS REFERENCE VOLUMES, LOT OF NINEASSORTED GLASS REFERENCE VOLUMES, LOT OF NINE, including Philippe, "Val-Saint-Lambert: Its Crystal-Glass factory and the Art of Glass in Belgium". Hard and soft covers. Very good to excellent conditioSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GLASS REFERENCE VOLUMES, LOT OF NINEASSORTED GLASS REFERENCE VOLUMES, LOT OF NINE, including Philippe, "Val-Saint-Lambert: Its Crystal-Glass factory and the Art of Glass in Belgium". Hard and soft covers. Very good to excellent conditioSee Sold Price
SoldVAL SAINT LAMBERT CUT OVERLAY HOCK GLASSVAL SAINT LAMBERT CUT OVERLAY HOCK GLASS, green to colorless, fans over strawberry diamonds and a 12 point star pattern, air-trap stem with a six panel cut, each edge with a bead and notched pattern,See Sold Price
SoldEUROPEAN ART GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUREUROPEAN ART GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising a Val St. Lambert colorless vase and paperweight, each with an engraved owl, and signed on the base, a smoky gray bowl with deep olive green base,See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GREEN GLASS BELLS, LOT OF TENASSORTED GREEN GLASS BELLS, LOT OF TEN, including a Val St. Lambert, a Lausitzer Glas, a Schmid, and an Italian engraved example. Various makers. 20th century. 4 1/4" to 7 1/8" HOA.Provenance: PropertSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT CUT AND CAMEO ART GLASS VASEVAL ST. LAMBERT CUT AND CAMEO ART GLASS VASE, amethyst to colorless, urn form with an upper cameo band with stylized blossoms alternating with butterflies, above 19 trisected prisms/blades, signed toSee Sold Price
SoldVAL ST. LAMBERT HOTEL MEURICE TOOTHPICK HOLDERVAL ST. LAMBERT HOTEL MEURICE TOOTHPICK HOLDER, green cut to colorless, factory polished rim and base. Fourth quarter 19th century. 2 1/8" H. Literature: Toothpick Holders: China, Glass and Metal, p.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED ART GLASS FIGURINES / PAPERWEIGHTS, LOT OFASSORTED ART GLASS FIGURINES / PAPERWEIGHTS, LOT OF EIGHT, colorless and green, including a Lalique deer, two Tiffany & Co. apples, a Val St. Lambert large frog, and a Steuben small frog, all articlesSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS, LOT OF SIXASSORTED GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS, LOT OF SIX, including Waterford, Whitefriars, Val St. Lambert, Mats Jonasson, and Oreffors. Fourth quarter 20th to early 21st century. 1 3/4" to 4 1/2" H. Provenance: CollSee Sold Price
A set of six Val Saint Lambert Dance de Flore glassesOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Margot Evans (1914-1985) "Blue Bouquet" WatercolorEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Val Saint Lambert, vase in acid-etched multi-layered glass.GOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Blue glass soliflore vase in the Val Saint Lambert style, not signedGOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
American Sweetheart Monax, by Macbeth-Evans Depression Glass Luncheon Plates 9.25 in. dia.Donny Malone Auctions4.4(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Val St Lambert Fine Crystal Intaglio Glass Lion PaperweightPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Art Deco Val St. Lambert Glass "Le Basketteur" Basketball Player Vase, Berlin OlympicsHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Art Deco Val St. Lambert Glass, Incl. Candlesticks, Bowls, Divided DishHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Art Deco Val St. Lambert Glass Incl. Vase, Frosted Bowl, Handled BowlHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Books - Master Index Of Brilliant Cut Glass PatternsWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Champagne Pitcher, BPCG, Attributed Val St. LambertWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
URANIUM GLASS MACBETH EVANS CORNUCOPIA VINTAGE ANTIQUECol. Christie Hatman Auctioneers4.5(323)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
MACBETH EVANS GRECIAN URNS CUSTARD URANIUM GLASS VINTAGE ANTIQUECol. Christie Hatman Auctioneers4.5(323)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
SET OF 7 GILT VAL ST LAMBERT CHAMPAGNE GLASSESLouvre Antique Auction4.3(118)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Signed Val St Lambert Art Deco Amethyst Glass VasePassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Signed Val St Lambert Art Deco Glass Centrepiece VasePassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Signed Val St Lambert Art Deco Amethyst Glass VasePassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
4 Crystal and Glass Vases -Val St Lambert - WedgwoodPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024
Sergio Asti, Two vases from the 'Onda' series, 1970Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH4.3(63)See Sold PriceMar 19, 2024