SoldPre-Columbian Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero Mezcala Axe God, circa 500 - 200 BC. A large speckled gray stone carving, of an abstract anthropomorphic figure, with hands held at abdomen, large facial features, bifuSee Sold Price
SoldMezcala Guerrero Stone Axe God**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Southern Mexico, Guerrero Region, Mezcala, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. An abstract anthropomorphic greenstone figure, standing with arms at sides and legs somewhat bifSee Sold Price
SoldMezcala Guerrero Stone Axe God w/ Painted FeaturesPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. Never before have we handled a Mezcala anthropomorphic axe god figure with painted features including round eyes and arms delineated withSee Sold Price
SoldMezcala Guerrero Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A large anthropomorphic figure, hand-carved and string-cut from a dark stone with lighter inclusions. The figure's wide triangular head haSee Sold Price
SoldMezcala Guerrero Stone Axe God**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala culture, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A hand-carved and string-cut, deep grey-green stone (probably andesite) depicting a standing anthropomorSee Sold Price
Tall / Impressive Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Guerrero, Mexico, Mezcala, ca. 1000 to 400 BCE. A hand-carved, deep grey-green stone (probably andesite) depicting a standing anthropomorphic figure, the human physiognomy displaying apSee Sold Price
Classic Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 300 BCE. A large standing axe god figure, carved from a dark gray stone with light inclusions, carved and string-cut in characteristic Guerrero Mezcala faSee Sold Price
Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Guerrero Mexico, Mezcala, ca. 300 BCE. This type of item is known as a hand axe (or celt). The neck, legs, and marks on the body were string cut; the face has clearly delineated brow, mSee Sold Price
Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe God FigurePre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala, ca 300-100 BCE. Standing human figure string-cut and carved from gray-green andesite inside the basic shape of an axe or celt. Appears to possess charaSee Sold Price
A Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Guerrero, Mexico, ca. 500 BC. Deep green hard stone ax god in typical form with string-cut features including delineated arms and legs, heavy brow and oval mouth, eyes drilled. Custom sSee Sold Price
Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe God, ex-Museum, ex-ArnovickPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 400 to 200 BCE. A very tall and fine axe god, hand-carved with string cut lines to delineate the limbs and facial features as well as pierced eyes. An unuSee Sold Price
Large Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero/ Mezcala. ca. 500 to 200 BCE. Comprised of grey hardstone, likely andesite, an abstract anthropomorphic figure, standing with hands held across abdominal region, legs sSee Sold Price
Large Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe God**Originally Listed At $500** Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero / Mezcala. ca. 500 to 200 BCE. Comprised of grey hardstone, likely andesite, an abstract anthropomorphic figure, standing with hands heldSee Sold Price
Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe God w/ Painted FeaturesPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. Never before have we handled a Mezcala anthropomorphic axe god figure with painted features including round eyes and arms delineated withSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe GodsPre-Columbian, Guerrero Region, Mexico, Mezcala, ca. 500 - 200 BCE. C\Three similar stone axe gods, all comprised of light grey to tan brown hardstone with white inclusions, abstract anthropomorphic MSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Mezcala Guerrero Stone Axe GodsPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. 3 superb Mezcala greenstone anthropomorphic figures, each string-cut from an inherently beautiful speckled deep green stone. StylisticallySee Sold Price
SoldGuerrero Mezcala Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Southwest Mexico, Guerrero, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A hand-carved, deep grey-green stone (probably andesite) depicting a standing anthropomorphic figure, the human physiognomy displaying apSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe Gods**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. Two lovely hand-carved anthropomorphic stone axe god figures, both comprised of polished light-green stone withSee Sold Price
SoldGuerrero Mezcala Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Southwest Mexico, Guerrero, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A hand-carved, deep grey-green stone (probably andesite) depicting a standing anthropomorphic figure, the human physiognomy displaying apSee Sold Price
SoldGuerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God, ex-Arte Primitivo**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. An impressive anthropomorphic axe god, hand-carved from a sumptuous mottled green stone with black aSee Sold Price
SoldFine Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God - Type M-10**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A wonderful hand-carved and string-cut anthropomorphic figure, carved from a smoky gray hardstone (probably andeSee Sold Price
SoldGuerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A petite and finely-executed anthropomorphic figure, hand-carved and string-cut from a lovely light-green stoneSee Sold Price
SoldAbstract Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. A fine standing axe god figure of a characteristically abstract form, hand-carved from mottled dark grey and hunter green sSee Sold Price
SoldGuerrero Mezcala Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala culture (Balsas culture), ca. 700 to 200 BCE. An abstract, carefully carved symmetrical anthropomorphic figure. Stringcut and polished, the grey stone figure aSee Sold Price
Pre Columbina Axe God Necklace Made of Green Jade with 7 Effigy pendants 1900sHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Superb Mezcala Guererro Stone Temple Model CarvingArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Guerrero Mezcala Stone Bead Necklace w/ Face PendantArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024