SoldMOSQUE MECHANICAL BANK - H. L. JUDDMosque Bank Made by the H.L. Judd Mfg. Company Wallingford, Connecticut Circa 1885 Place a coin on Quasimodo's tray and turn the handle. The hunchback will disappear inside the cathedral and when he cSee Sold Price
SoldMosque Cast Iron Mechanical Bank - H. L. JuddH. L. Judd Co. Wallingford, CT - 1885 Place a coin on the monkey's tray and turn the handle. The monkey disappears into the building and when he comes back out the coin is gone. Near Pristine ConditioSee Sold Price
SoldMOSQUE BANK MECHANICAL - H. L. JUDD MFG.Mosque Bank - Made by the H.L. Judd Mfg. Company; Wallingford, Connecticut; Circa 1885 Place a coin on Quasimodo's tray and turn the handle. The hunchback will disappear inside the cathedral and whenSee Sold Price
SoldMosque Mechanical BankMosque Mechanical Bank Made by the H. L. Judd Mfg. Company Wallingford, Connecticut – Circa 1885 Place a coin on Quasimodo's tray and turn the handle. The hunchback will disappear inside the cathedSee Sold Price
SoldCast Iron Mosque Mechanical BankMade by H. L. Judd Mfg. Co. circa 1880's of Wallingford, Connecticut. Place your coin, turn the crank the monkey will rotate depositing your coin. Made of Cast Iron. Works well. Very Good Condition. RSee Sold Price
SoldMOSQUE MECHANICAL BANKH. L. Judd Mfg. Co., circa 1875, painted in a gold wash overall, very unusual concept, place a coin on the gorilla's tray and rotate the crank clockwise, he moves counter-clockwise into the back of thSee Sold Price
SoldMOSQUE MECHANICAL BANK.Manufactured by H. L. Judd Manufacturing Co., Wallingford, CT. Place a coin on the gorilla's tray and turn the crank clockwise. He moves counterclockwise into the back of the cupola, depositing the coSee Sold Price
SoldMosque Bank Mechanical BankMade by the H. L. Judd Company Wallingford, Connecticut - Circa 1885 Place a coin on the monkey’s tray and turn the handle. The monkey disappears into the building and when he comes back out the coiSee Sold Price
SoldMosque Bank - HL Judd Mechanical BankMade by the H. L. Judd Company of Wallingford, Connecticut circa 1885. Place a coin on the monkey's tray and turn the handle. The monkey disappears into the building and when he comes backout the coinSee Sold Price
SoldThe Mosque Iron Mechanical BankMade by the H. L. Judd Company. Wallingford, Ct. - Circa Mid 1880's. From the Edwin Mosler Collection. One of the Finest Known Examples The Mosque Bank draws its inspiration from Victor Hugo's tragicSee Sold Price
SoldMosque Bank Mechanical BankMade by the H. L. Judd Company Wallingford, Connecticut – Circa 1885 Place a coin on the monkey’s tray and turn the handle. The monkey disappears into the building and when he comes back out the cSee Sold Price
SoldMosque Cast Iron Mechanical BankMade by H. L. Judd Company Wallingford, Connecticut - Circa 1885 Place a coin on the monkey’s tray and turn the handle. The monkey disappears into the building and when he comes back out the coin isSee Sold Price
SoldMosque Bank, Japanned Mechanical BankMade by the H. L. Judd Company Wallingford, Connecticut - Circa 1885 Material: Cast IronSee Sold Price
SoldMosque Cast Iron Mechanical BankH. L Judd Co.Wallingford, CT - 1885. Place a coin on the monkey's tray and turn the handle. The monkey disappears into the building and when he comes back out the coin is gone. Cast Iron. Excellent CoSee Sold Price
SoldMosque Bank –Japanned with green Wash Mechanical BMade by the H. L. Judd Company Wallingford, Connecticut – Circa 1885 Place a coin on the monkey's tray and turn the handle. The monkey disappears into the building and when he comes back out the coiSee Sold Price
SoldGIANT MECHANICAL BANK - H. L. JUDDGiant Bank - Manufactured by the H. L. Judd Company; Wallingford, Connecticut; Circa 1885 This is definitely the rarest and most desirable of all the Judd banks. Press the lever under the giant's leftSee Sold Price
SoldBULL DOG STANDING MECHANICAL BANK - H. L. JUDDBulldog, Standing - Manufactured by the H.L. Judd Company; Wallingford, Connecticut; Circa 1885 Place a coin on the dog's tongue, lift his tail and he will swallow your money. Material: Cast IronSee Sold Price
SoldBUTTING GOAT MECHANICAL BANK - H. L. JUDDButting Goat - Manufactured by the H.L. Judd Company; Wallingford, Connecticut;Circa 1885 This is a scarce little bank. To operate, place a coin in the slot in the tree stump. Then release the goat anSee Sold Price
SoldPEG-LEG BEGGAR MECHANICAL BANK - H. L. JUDDPeg-Leg Beggar - Made by the H.L. Judd Mfg. Company; Wallingford, Connecticut; Circa 1880 Drop a coin into the man's hat and he will nod "thank you". Material: Cast IronSee Sold Price
SoldBUTTING GOAT MECHANICAL BANK - H. L. JUDDButting Goat Made by H.L. Judd Company, Wallingford, Connecticut, Circa 1885. This is a scarce little bank. To operate, place a coin in the slot in the tree stump. Then release the goat and he will raSee Sold Price
SoldSnap It, Japanned - Mechanical Bank - HL JuddA cute little bank made by the H. L. Judd Company of Wallingford, Connecticut circa 1885. Open the drawer of the bank, place a coin on it and let it go. The coindeposits quickly into the bank; Snap!!!See Sold Price
SoldGEM MECHANICAL BANK - H. L. JUDDGem Bank Made by the H.L. Judd Company, Wallingford, Connecticut, Circa 1880.Place a coin on the dog's tray and lift his tail. The spring action causes him to deposit your money into the building. MatSee Sold Price
SoldGEM MECHANICAL BANK - H.L. JUDDGem Bank - Manufactured by the H.L. Judd Company; Wallingford, Connecticut; Circa 1880 Place a coin on the dog's tray and lift his tail. The spring action causes him to deposit your money in the buildSee Sold Price
SoldSNAP IT MECHANICAL BANK - H.L. JUDDSnap It, Jappaned Finish Made by the H.L. Judd Company Wallingford, Connecticut Circa 1885 Material: Cast Iron Condition: ExcellentSee Sold Price