GROUPING OF NORTH AMERICAN SCHOENHUT ANIMALSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Early 1930'S H. P. Hood & Sons Milk Wagon With Original Painted Wood (Schoenhut Toy Co.)Ralph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Tray Vintage Toys- Schoenhut Horse Wooden, Porcelain Dolls Etc Jointed 9"George Cole Auctions4.5(391)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pair Antique Schoenhut Painted Wood Child's Piano Music BoxLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
SoldTWO CARVED WOODEN SCHOENHUT CHARACTER DOLLS.TWO CARVED WOODEN SCHOENHUT CHARACTER DOLLS. Marks: Each has incised Schoenhut mark. Each has carved wooden socket head and spring-jointed wooden body, painted features, closed mouth. 15” boy has reSee Sold Price
SoldTWO WOODEN SCHOENHUT CHARACTER DOLLS WITH HEADBAND.TWO CARVED WOODEN SCHOENHUT DOLLS WITH BOBBED HAIR AND HEADBAND. Marks: Incised Schoenhut mark. 14” and 19”. Each has carved wooden socket head with painted brown bobbed hair and headband with bowSee Sold Price
SoldTWO SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN DOLLS: CHARACTER GIRL 308TWO SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN DOLLS: CHARACTER GIRL 308 AND "MISS DOLLY" Marks: Incised Schoenhut mark 17" Miss Dolly; 14 1/2" character Each has carved wooden socket head on spring-jointed wooden body,See Sold Price
SoldTWO EARLY CARVED WOODEN SCHOENHUT CIRCUSTWO EARLY CARVED WOODEN SCHOENHUT CIRCUS CHARACTERS.8”.Each has two-part molded head with leather ears, original painting and facial features, wooden jointed body with slits in feet for positioning.See Sold Price
SoldTWO SCHOENHUT WOODEN DOLLSTWO CARVED WOODEN SCHOENHUT DOLLS. 17” Miss Dolly and 14” Nature Baby. Each has carved wooden socket head, painted features, jointed wooden body; Miss Dolly has brown eyes and original mohair wig,See Sold Price
SoldTWO CARVED SWISS WOODEN CHARACTER DOLLS. 14 ½" anTWO CARVED SWISS WOODEN CHARACTER DOLLS. 14 ½" and 10 ½". Each has carved wooden socket head with detailed carved and painted hair, painted brown eyes, upper eyeliner, tapered brows, closed mouth, aSee Sold Price
SoldSCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL. Marks:SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL. Marks: Schoenhut incised mark on back. 14”. Carved wooden socket head on carved wooden spring-jointed body, painted features, blue intaglio eyes, lightly featSee Sold Price
SoldSCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL #301. Marks:SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL #301. Marks: Incised Schoenhut mark. 16”. Carved wooden socket head on spring-jointed wooden body, painted intaglio brown eyes, feathered brows, closed mouth,See Sold Price
SoldSCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL #310. Marks:SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL #310. Marks: Incised Schoenhut mark. 16”. Carved wooden socket head on spring-jointed wooden body, painted intaglio brown eyes, feathered brows, closed mouth,See Sold Price
SoldSCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL MODEL 409.14SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL MODEL 409.14 ½”.Carved wooden socket head on spring-jointed carved wooden body, painted features, brown eyes, upper eyeliner closed mouth, original tacked-onSee Sold Price
SoldTWO SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN DOLLSTWO SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN DOLLS. 20". Carved wooden socket head, replaced synthetic wig, painted features, brown eyes, painted lips and teeth, wooden spring-jointed body, contemporary blue chambraySee Sold Price
SCHOENHUT POUTY-FACE CHARACTER DOLLSCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN POUTY-FACE CHARACTER DOLL. Marks: Schoenhut label on back. 15”. Carved wooden socket head, painted features, closed mouth, wooden articulated body, brown wig, blue and whiteSee Sold Price
SoldTWO CARVED WOODEN SCHOENHUT POODLES WITH GLASS EYES.TWO CARVED WOODEN SCHOENHUT POODLES WITH GLASS EYES. Each 8” L. Carved wooden figures with applied cloth ruff with cloth ears, loosely placed to allow head to swivel at neck joint, painted white finSee Sold Price
SoldSCHOENHUT MODEL 404 CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL WITHSCHOENHUT MODEL 404 CARVED WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL WITH TOY. Marks: Incised Schoenhut mark. 16”. Carved wooden socket head, spring-jointed wooden body, original tacked-on blonde mohair wig in side-parSee Sold Price
SoldRARE SCHOENHUT WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL MODEL 314 WITHRARE SCHOENHUT WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL MODEL 314 WITH SMOOTH EYES. Marks: Incised Schoenhut mark. 19”. Carved wooden socket head, spring-jointed wooden body, painted features, large round dark brown eSee Sold Price
SoldSCHOENHUT CHARACTER GIRL DOLL 21. 16 ½". CarvedSCHOENHUT CHARACTER GIRL DOLL 21. 16 ½". Carved Wooden socket head, carved and painted features, blue intaglio eyes, upper eyeliner feathered brows, slightly-blushed eyelids, closed mouth with lovelySee Sold Price
SoldLARGE SIZE SCHOENHUT WOODEN CHARACTERLARGE SIZE SCHOENHUT WOODEN CHARACTER DOLL.Marks:Incised Schoenhut patent mark.19”.Carved wooden socket head, painted features, blue intaglio eyes, eyeliner, feathered brows, closed mouth, solemn exSee Sold Price
SoldSCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN POUTY CHARACTER GIRL. MarSCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN POUTY CHARACTER GIRL. Marks: Schoenhut Doll Pat. Jan. 17th, 1911 USA. 16". Carved wooden socket head on spring-jointed carved wooden body, painted features, blue eyes, dark eyeSee Sold Price
Sold118. SCHOENHUT WOODEN BABY-FACE CHARACTER DOLL. Marks:118. SCHOENHUT WOODEN BABY-FACE CHARACTER DOLL. Marks: Schoenhut label on head and body. 11 ½”. Carved wooden socket head on spring-jointed carved wooden body, painted features, blue eyes,See Sold Price
Sold16" SCHOENHUT CHARACTER DOLL CARVED HAIR GIRLMarks: SCHOENHUT DOLL/ PAT.JAN.17.11USA//&FOREIGN COUNTRIES, on upper wooden back. Carved hair with bowed headband, intaglio eyes, original paint. Jointed wooden body, original paint. Vintage dress anSee Sold Price
RARE SCHOENHUT “TOOTSIE WOOTSIE” CHARACTER DOLL -RARE SCHOENHUT “TOOTSIE WOOTSIE” CHARACTER DOLL - GRAZIANO MODEL WITH INCISED MARKINGS. Marks: 9 (incised on back of head); Schoenhut incised patent mark (on body). 15”. Carved wooden socket heaSee Sold Price
SoldRARE EARLY SCHOENHUT “TOOTSIE WOOTSIE” CHARACTER DOLL.RARE EARLY SCHOENHUT “TOOTSIE WOOTSIE” CHARACTER DOLL. Marks: None. 15”. Carved wooden socket head with Graziano style body, painted brown hair, painted features, intaglio brown eyes, upper eyelSee Sold Price
SoldTWO SCHOENHUT WOODEN DOLLS.TWO SCHOENHUT WOODEN DOLLS. 13". Carved wooden socket head, painted features, closed mouth, original nailed-on brown mohair wig, wooden bent-limb body, cotton dress, pink sweater, crocheted bonnet; 13See Sold Price
SoldTWO SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN ANIMALSTWO SCHOENHUT CARVED WOODEN ANIMALS. Includes: 10” L. hippopotamus with open mouth, painted teeth, tusks, leather ears, painted eyes; 9 ½” L. rhinoceros with decal eyes, open mouth, painted teethSee Sold Price
Two Cameroonian Central African MasksEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Two Pieces of Carved Mahogany Doll Furniture, late 19th c., consisting of a half-tester bed withCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lot of Two Chinese Vintage Carved Wooden StandsLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(858)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Two Chinese carved wooden foo dogs / guardian lions, one with a cub, the other with a ball, withClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Two 20thC Black Forest style carved wooden models of bears. Largest approx. 3 3/4" long (2) PleaseClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Ethnographic / Native / Tribal: Two carved wooden tableaux / plaques, one depicting monkeys in aClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Two late 20thC carved wooden street / road signs for Pudding Lane EC. 3 (London), with paintedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Two 20thC Italian carved wooden novelty bottle stoppers with figural detail with articulated arms.Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Rare Antique Sotho Wooden Doll Ex Sam Hilu CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
African Hand Carved 2 Tone Wooden Warrior FigurineRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Chinese carved white jade 'Fu Shou' plaque, 18th centuryOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Tray Vintage Toys- Schoenhut Horse Wooden, Porcelain Dolls Etc Jointed 9"George Cole Auctions4.5(391)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024