SoldConfederate flags, UCV(lot of 2) Confederate flags, UCV: United Confederate Veterans, 27''h x 33''w and a Stars and Bars flag with some hand stitching, 42''h x 48''w. Provenance consignor by descent of Confederate SergeantSee Sold Price
SoldUnited Confederate Veterans buttonUnited Confederate Veterans. Convex gilt brass two-piece with a border. Relief Confederate flag and "UCV" on a lined background. "1861 – 1865" with a hyphen. Similar to CS 226 B. Shank and circle ofSee Sold Price
United Confederate Veterans 34th Reunion badgeK-046 34th Reunion badge of the United Confederate Veterans. Bronzed scene of a figure on horseback monument, Confederate flag and "UCV... MEMPHIS 1924". Oval pinback pendant with "MEMPHIS, TENN." andSee Sold Price
SoldCONFEDERATE STAINLESS BANNER FLAG UCV REUNIONConfederate Stainless Banner flag, UCV reunion. Measures 36 inches by 22 inches. Stars and bars section is in top left corner rest of flag is white/off-white. Flag has several small holes throughout sSee Sold Price
SoldReproduction/Fantasy Confederate UCV FlagFrom Richmond, 1907. Hand stitched and artificially aged. Also reenactor's artillery kepi aged to look period. Flag, 36" H. x 31" W.See Sold Price
SoldUCV Confederate Flag /Vintage Confederate Flag. 3’x5? Sewn edges, cotton hoist two brass grommets circa 1970’s Shipping Domestic: Shipping cost will vary depending upon location. International: Shipping cost will varySee Sold Price
SoldUCV Confederate FlagLarge Confederate Veterans reunion flag. 56x36" for the 43rd Virginia Cavalry. It has a roster of the regiments battles and is accompanied by clippings of the commander, John Singleton Mosby and a hisSee Sold Price
Sold1934 United Conferate Veteran Union Badge1934 United Conferate Veteran Union Badge. Pin on badge depicts Look Out Mountain with American Legion on right side. Medallion on badge depicts Confederate battle flag and reads, U.C.V. Reunion 1934.See Sold Price
SoldCivil War veterans flag Gen. Smith HQCivil War Confederate veterans UCV flag General E. Kirby Smith Headquarters (Smithdom) in frame, hand stitched, 12" x 17", red cross with stars on brown background, framed with UV glass and acid freeSee Sold Price
SoldFramed United Confederate Veterans FlagUnited Confederate Veterans (UCV) flag, based on the Confederate States of America (CSA) Naval Jack and Army of Tennessee Battle Flag, with thirteen machine stitched white five-pointed stars of equalSee Sold Price
SoldU.C.V. / CONFEDERATE REUNION FLAGU.C.V. / CONFEDERATE REUNION FLAG, cotton, machine-stitched, with brass grommets. Together with a large patriotic hanging bunting with blue field bearing the Seal of the United States, above verticalSee Sold Price
SoldUCV Confederate Veterans flagK-061 UCV - Confederate veterans flag. Machine sewn red panel, blue and white "bars" and white painted stars (fading). Border has inked "CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG 1864 - HAND MADE (BEAR PATH SCHOOL)". SSee Sold Price
SoldA UCV Confederate Reunion Flag – Dallas Reuniondating: 1925 provenance: USA, UCV flag of the Reunion held in Dallas, TX, on May 19-22, 1925. Signs of time and small rips. dimensions 60 x 40 cm.See Sold Price
SoldUCV FLAG FLOWN OVER CONFEDERATE WHITE HOUSEDating from the 1890's this 5 by 8 foot Confederate Veterans flag has come from a prestigious Gettysburg dealer after being in the collections of of two well-known authorities on the American Civil WaSee Sold Price
SoldUCV CONFEDERATE REUNION FLAGUCV CONFEDERATE REUNION FLAG 70 by 44 inch linen flag by Bulldog Bunting. Fair condition with tears and discoloration. Est. 200 - 300See Sold Price
SoldConfederate UCV Post Flag Confederate UCV Post Flag Ca 1870s. 47 x 72 in. wool bunting and stamped with maker's mark on the cotton hoist Copeland Makers Washington. Nice early construction. Copeland went out of business in 1See Sold Price
Sold7-Star, UCV First National Confederate Flag 7-Star, UCV First National Confederate Flag Wool, 36 x 32 in., machine-sewn United Confederate Veterans, First National Confederate flag with 7 cotton stars, machine stitched to canton. 3 sewn stripSee Sold Price
SoldUCV, Confederate Battle Flag UCV, Confederate Battle Flag Wool, 39.5 x 25.5 in., machine-sewn United Confederate Veterans, Confederate battle flag. 1900-1930. Made by Sterling Bunting, as indicated by tag stitched to hoist. SomSee Sold Price
SoldUCV CONFEDERATE REUNION FLAG & MEDAL1906 New Orleans Confederate Memorial Day lapel flag pin, also 1921 30TH Division Nashville, TN. reunion medal.See Sold Price
SoldConfederate 13-Star UCVFlagsConfederate 13-Star “UCV” Flag, Very Fine. Confederate 13-star “UCV” flag measures 5.5" x 9" on a 13.5" stick. Flag is printed on silk material with UCV printed on it. ColSee Sold Price
SoldUNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS / U.C.V. SOUVENIR FLAGS,UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS / U.C.V. SOUVENIR FLAGS, LOT OF TWO comprising miniature examples, the first a printed canvas example on wooden dowel "flag pole", with printed label to back of frame "CONFSee Sold Price
SoldUNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS / U.C.V. REUNION FLAGUNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS / U.C.V. REUNION FLAG printed red and blue on white fabric, in the design of the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. Nicely displayed under glass in modern frame.See Sold Price
SoldUCV, Printed Confederate Battle Flag UCV, Printed Confederate Battle Flag Cotton, 5.5 x 3.75 in., printed United Confederate Veterans, Confederate battle flag. 1938. Black outlined lettered and painted: UCV. Gettysburg, 1938. Made toSee Sold Price
BOWLES'S UNIVERSAL DISPLAY of NAVAL FLAGS c1790John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Confederate General Robert E Lee With Sons Photo PrintConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Confederate Style Artillery Sword w/ Scabbard. Made by the Ames Co. w/ Inspectors MarksSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Manuscript Printed Confederate Soldier’s Disch...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Confederate States of America “Bill of Health”...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Group of Nine Newspapers, Six Confederate and ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Confederate States Half Dollar Pattern 1861 Silver CoinBazaar of Persia4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Confederate document recording the impressment of an enslaved person for work onFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Fayetteville Armory Civil War Officers Confederate CS SwordJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Confederate Themed Cow Skull DecorationOld Steel Historical Firearms LLC4.3(39)See Sold PriceJul 09, 2024