EARLY SLAVE DOCUMENT. Handwritten ink on
Illinois Central RR 3rd Annual Report-March 15, 1854Feb 24, 2024Illinois Central RR 5th Annual Report-March 19, 1856Feb 24, 2024Ohio and Pennsylvania RR 2nd Annual Report-1850Feb 24, 2024Pr American PortraitsMar 02, 20242 British & American DocumentsMar 02, 2024Old Master ink drawing after Albrecht Durer. "Joachim and the Angel". Early ink drawing on paperFeb 25, 2024Two sided letter with a ToughraFeb 29, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. A group of 6 estate documents listing individual enslaved persons, mostFeb 27, 2024Book: A Burmese / Shan folding book / manuscript (pap top) with lacquered wooden boards decoratedFeb 26, 20241559 ANTHOLOGY OF LATIN POETS antique ILLUSTRIUM POETARUM FLORES 16th CENTURYFeb 27, 2024THE BUCKET LIST (2007) - Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) and Carter Chambers' (Morgan Freeman)Mar 13, 2024Book of Hours, Use of Rome, in Latin, [?Paris], [?Thielman Kerver], [?1520].Feb 29, 2024[Choisnet (Pierre)] [Le Rozier ou Epithome Hystorial de France], second editon, [Paris], [1528].Feb 29, 2024Lucian of Samosata. Luciani opera. Icones Philostrati. Eiusdem Heroica..., Venice, Aldus and AndreaFeb 29, 2024Owned by hermits.- Augustinus (Aurelius, Saint) Sermoni ali eremiti del divo Aurelio AugustinoFeb 29, 2024Rallying the Athenians.- Demosthenes. Orationes quatuor contra Philippum, scarce, Venice, Sons ofFeb 29, 2024Roman law.- Manutius (Paulus) Antiquitatum Romanorum liber de legibus, Paris, Bernard Turrisan,Feb 29, 2024Letter writing.- Verepaeus (Simon) Selectiores epistolae clarorum virorum, Antwerp, Jean Bellère,Feb 29, 2024Against Ciceroniana.- Estienne (Henri) Nizoliodidascalus, sive monitor Ciceronianorum Nizolianorum,Feb 29, 2024Documents for Cuba slave auction 1860sMar 07, 2024Manumission document for Cuban slaves 1882Mar 07, 2024Runaway Slave reward document, TennesseeMar 07, 2024NAPOLEON I: (1769-1821)Mar 14, 2024EDWARD VI: (1537-1553)Mar 14, 2024