Group of Steiff Cats - Tabby, Lizzy, Susi and MoreAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of Monkeys including Schuco, Steiff and Steiff Collector BooksAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of Small Steiff Animals and Margarete Steiff Museum Collection BearAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
SoldSTEIFF horse on wooden wheels, '30s, height: 24 cm,STEIFF horse on wooden wheels, '30s, height: 24 cm, felt, glass eyes, snout with a small patch, leather parts are slightly worn German Description STEIFF Pferd auf Holzrädern, 30er Jahre, H: 24 cSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF horse on wheels, felt, standing height 24 cm,STEIFF horse on wheels, felt, standing height 24 cm, with button, long stretched F, c. 1910, small faults in the felt, good condition German Description STEIFF Pferd auf Rädern, Filz, Stehhöhe 24 cmSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF, elephant, on wooden wheels, strongly worned,STEIFF, elephant, on wooden wheels, strongly worned, without button, height 24 cm, with Steiff cat, with button, strongly worned, small places are coming open German Description STEIFF Elefant, auf HoSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF horse on wooden wheels, felt, c. 1900, withSTEIFF horse on wooden wheels, felt, c. 1900, with button in ear, long stretched F, 1 eye is missing, felt of the back part with faults, worn, height 37 cm German Description STEIFF Pferd auf Holzr&auSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF chimpanzee, '30s, height: 24 cm, brown pointedSTEIFF chimpanzee, '30s, height: 24 cm, brown pointed mohair, felt face, hands, and feet, neck turn mechanism, with button, used, the felt parts at ear and also at the hands and feet are worn German DSee Sold Price
STEIFF mask bear on wooden wheels, height: 28 cm,STEIFF mask bear on wooden wheels, height: 28 cm, '50s/'60s, with button, small place with mohair loss behind the right ear, otherwise good condition German Description STEIFF Maskenbär auf HolzrSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF cock, on wooden wheels, c. 1920, height: 33 cm,STEIFF cock, on wooden wheels, c. 1920, height: 33 cm, felt, without button, felt with some damages German Description STEIFF Hahn, auf Holzrädern, ca. 1920, H: 33 cm, Filz, ohne Knopf, einige Filz-SSee Sold Price
Wooden horse on wheelsWooden horse on wheels Height is 87 cm and length is 81 cm Exact age unknownSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF lamb on wooden wheels, lenght: 20 cm, height: 18 cm, with button, long trailing f, rests ofSTEIFF lamb on wooden wheels, lenght: 20 cm, height: 18 cm, with button, long trailing f, rests of the white cloth tag label, '20s, button eyes, good condition, 2 small places with pelt loss, minimallSee Sold Price
Soldwooden horse, around 1900, colored, wood wheels height:wooden horse, around 1900, colored, wood wheels height: 25 cm German Description Holzpferd, um 1900, farbig gefasst, Holz-Räder H: 25 cmSee Sold Price
SoldJADE LARGE RECUMBANT HORSE, GREEN CHINESEJade Large Recumbant Horse, modern, with wooden stand. Height 9 1/2 in. (24cm), Width 13 3/4 in. (35cm), Depth 7 1/2 in. (19cm). R7687See Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF elephant, c. 1935, syntetic silk plush,STEIFF elephant, c. 1935, syntetic silk plush, felt-tusks, 1 tusk with slightly felt loss, and single places with worn syntetic plush, on wooden wheels, height: 40 cm, lenght: 50 cm, pull voice is intSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF horses, on wheels, with button, pre-war era,STEIFF horses, on wheels, with button, pre-war era, long stretched F, inset glass eyes, very nice rust-colored mohair, 1929-1937, height: 35 cm, lenght: 40 cm, leather-bridle (probably more recent), aSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF donkey, on wood wheels, '30s, with button, restsSTEIFF donkey, on wood wheels, '30s, with button, rests of the red cloth tag label, height: 32 cm, with bridle, mohair is slightly used German Description STEIFF Esel, auf Holz-Rädern, 30er Jahre, miSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF hare on wooden excenter-wheels, with button,STEIFF hare on wooden excenter-wheels, with button, long stretched F, white/brown mohair, felt paws and shoe button eyes underlaid with red felt, lenght: 14 cm height: 11 cm, unusual German DescriptioSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF donkey, with casting wheels with spokes, shoe button eyes, old leather bridle, height: 22 cm,STEIFF donkey, with casting wheels with spokes, shoe button eyes, old leather bridle, height: 22 cm, lenght: 24 cm, felt was at scatteredly places retouched, shoe button eyes, worn German DescriptionSee Sold Price
Soldprobably STEIFF bear, height: 25 cm, mounted on wooden wheels, mohair is almost complete worn, feltprobably STEIFF bear, height: 25 cm, mounted on wooden wheels, mohair is almost complete worn, felt at the feet is open (strongly worn), 2 pieces bears, more recent production, HERMANN, Vereinigungsb&See Sold Price
Solddraft horse, on a wooden board, with wooden wheels,draft horse, on a wooden board, with wooden wheels, around 1900, painting is more recent, with 1 draft horse, from the '30s, 32 cm German Description Zugpferd, auf Holzbrett, mit Vollholzrädern, um 1See Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF horse, pre-war era, block letters, longSTEIFF horse, pre-war era, block letters, long stretched F, produced around 1916-1917, lenght: 54 cm, glass eyes, felt, on wooden wheels with metal connecting bar, with leather bridle, very nice condiSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of wooden toys, horse and cart with barrels,mixed lot of wooden toys, horse and cart with barrels, from the '30s, 50 cm, cow on wooden wheels, 28 cm, small draft horse German Description Konv. Holzspielzeug, Gespann mit Fässern, 30er Jahre, 50See Sold Price
SoldNovelty Caved Wooden Horse Pull Toy with Iron Wheels 24.5 inches lengthNovelty Caved Wooden Horse Pull Toy with Iron Wheels 24.5 inches length. size: 24 in. height x 24.5 in. length x 8 in. wideSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF sheep, c. 1930, height: 27 cm, with button,STEIFF sheep, c. 1930, height: 27 cm, with button, rests of the red cloth tag label, on wooden wheels, small minimally place at 1 eye (faults in the felt), otherwise nice original condition, legs areSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF, mixed lot of 3 pieces, 1 x duck on woodenSTEIFF, mixed lot of 3 pieces, 1 x duck on wooden wheels, 18 cm, Bessy cow, with chest label, 1 x velvet donkey, with button, standing height 10 cm German Description STEIFF Konv. 3 Teile, 1 x Ente auSee Sold Price
Early Folk Art Wooden HorseWooden figure of a horse, natural colored wood body with red painted wheels as feet. Wheels do not turn. American, 1st half 20th century. Length 24 in, width 10 in, height 30 in.See Sold Price
An art deco style and period bronze sculpture groupOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Childs 19th Century Antique Carved Wooden Horse Pull ToyCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Hermes So Black Leather GriGri Rodeo Horse Bag CharmSeized Assets Auctioneers4.3(601)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024