Great Northern RR Tenshodo Brass 4-8-4 Northern DC Steam Loco and Tender-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Large Group Lot Lionel Trains & TracksThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1933 GOUDEY GUM CO "BABE" RUTH BASEBALL CARDJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
100 Original Adult Magazine Risque Trading CardsSouth Florida Auction & Estate Sale Services Inc4.5(522)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Sealed Pokemon Base Set Booster Box Extemely RareLOS ANGELES ESTATE AUCTION4.5(287)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
BOX of FRENCHAL "UNBREAKABLE" TOY SOLDIERSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldMÄRKLIN armored scout car, casting, zinc plagueMÄRKLIN armored scout car, casting, zinc plague at tower, some Dinky Toy pieces , used - good condition German Description MÄRKLIN Panzerspähwagen, Guss, Zinkpest am Turm, einige TeileSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN casting, armored scout car, No. 23, 4-axled,MÄRKLIN casting, armored scout car, No. 23, 4-axled, antenna is missing, some visible flaws , 1 tank, turret loose, otherwise as we see no visible flaws, 1 heavy truck, 6-axled, mimicry, mudguard&nbsSee Sold Price
SoldMärklin, 00, 353, Mitropa sleeping car, 4-axled,Märklin, 00, 353, Mitropa sleeping car, 4-axled, casting bogies, zinc plague (broken), silver claw coupling, paintwork in very good condition, in original box German Description MÄRKLIN 00, 353, MitSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN 2x racing car, casting, 10 cm, red/beige,MÄRKLIN 2x racing car, casting, 10 cm, red/beige, stronger scratches on the paintwork, 1 bumper corner is break off, with 1 racing car, Auto Union, zinc plague, 1 plane in complete, 2 model cars areSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN mixed lot of cars, casting, parts can be usesMÄRKLIN mixed lot of cars, casting, parts can be uses as replacement parts, 10 pieces, more or less zinc plague, some axles, some wheels German Description MÄRKLIN Konv. Autos, Guss, ErsatzteilspendSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN 2 pieces, casting, truck with field kitchen, 1MÄRKLIN 2 pieces, casting, truck with field kitchen, 1 wheel is missing, 4 men crew, 1 armored scout car, formation of cracks, probably colorwise retouched German Description MÄRKLIN 2 Teile, Guss,See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of model cars, MÄRKLIN, streamlined bus,mixed lot of model cars, MÄRKLIN, streamlined bus, zinc plague, saloon, 1 part at the mudguard is break off, truck zinc plague, truck Siku, good, coach Lesslie , 1 racing car, casting, paint originalSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN casting, 4 pieces racing car, Mercedes, 1MÄRKLIN casting, 4 pieces racing car, Mercedes, 1 truck, 3-axled, casting, No. 24, slightly deformed, pendant with clearly visible zinc plague, with 1 tractor, plastic, very good condition German DesSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN fire engine, casting, 1 tanker, 1 tractor, loftMÄRKLIN fire engine, casting, 1 tanker, 1 tractor, loft find, everything in box, partially with some signs of zinc plague, please have a look at it German Description MÄRKLIN Feuerwehr, Guss, 1 TankSee Sold Price
SoldMarklinMarklin, Empty Box No 8042/1(Armored Scout Car?), Germany prewar, condition 1 Beschreibung: Märklin, Leerkarton, für Nr. 8042/1 (Panzerspähwagen?), Germany VK, Z 1, (73)See Sold Price
MÄRKLIN KdF-car, zinc die casting model, Piccolo,MÄRKLIN KdF-car, zinc die casting model, Piccolo, 5.6 cm, with break off part at the door German Description: MÄRKLIN KdF-Wagen, Zink Druckgussmodell, Piccolo, 5,6 cm, Ausbruch an einer Tür ItalianSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of model cars and tin toy, MÄRKLIN, racingmixed lot of model cars and tin toy, MÄRKLIN, racing car, fire engine, partially good, partially zinc plague, small SCHUCO racing car, "Kerzenboot", without burner, collection Katz German DescriptionSee Sold Price
SoldMärklin truck, pre-war era, No. 26, casting, zincMärklin truck, pre-war era, No. 26, casting, zinc plague, 14.5 cm, 1 tank ARNOLD, clock mechanism is intact, but stucks a bit, 1 ship HESS, parts cand be uses as replacement parts, not completeSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN 2 pieces, cannon, handpainted sheet metal, 1MÄRKLIN 2 pieces, cannon, handpainted sheet metal, 1 anti-aircraft-gun, mimicry, good condition, 1 armored scout car, linkages are missing, 1 truck 3-axled with field kitchen, some flaked off parts,See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of military toy, 4 cannons, differentmixed lot of military toy, 4 cannons, different manufacturers, among them 1x Märklin cannon, 1 tank without chains, clock mechanism is intact, 12.5 cm, small armored scout car, small armored GammSee Sold Price
SoldMaerklinEnglish: Maerklin, platform vehicle with racing car, Germany prewar, gauge 0, tin, racing car with zinc plague (condition 3), Deutsch: Märklin, Plattformwagen mit Rennwagen, Germany VK, Spur 0, 16,5See Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN H0, HR800, casting, leaf over the brushMÄRKLIN H0, HR800, casting, leaf over the brush bearing, smoke deflector was colorwise retouched, formation of cracks at the trailer, zinc plague at the bottom of the tender, collection Katz German DSee Sold Price
SoldMäRKLIN mixed lot made of casting, parts can be used asMäRKLIN mixed lot made of casting, parts can be used as replacement parts, zinc plague, jeep, truck, cannon, 3 ELASTOLIN figures, bad condition, some tin figures German Description MÄRKLIN Konv. GusSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN H0, SK800, streamlined locomotive, casting,MÄRKLIN H0, SK800, streamlined locomotive, casting, uncovered brush bearing, at case are no flaws recognizable, tender with zinc plague, please have a look at it, collection Katz German DescripSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN, track 1, 51 cm, sleeping car, MÄRKLIN, track 1, 51 cm, sleeping car, varnishedteak, not complete, roof is missing, wheels with zinc plague, colorwise retouched, please have a look at it German Description MÄRKLIN Spur 1, 5See Sold Price
MÄRKLIN track 0, R890, clock mechanism is intact, zincMÄRKLIN track 0, R890, clock mechanism is intact, zinc plague at the wheels, otherwise good, sleeping car Mitropa, 2-axled, baggage coach, 1726, collection Katz German Description MÄRKLIN Spur 0, R8See Sold Price
SoldMARKLIN ARMORED CAR1018. MARKLIN ARMORED CAR | Germany, tinplate military vehicle painted in familiar style camouflaged pattern, clockwork driven. | 14" l. | (Pristine Condition) | $800 - $1,200See Sold Price
SoldLINEOL armored scout car, sheet metal, electrical lightLINEOL armored scout car, sheet metal, electrical light up headlight, field gray, used German Description LINEOL Panzer-Spähwagen, Blech, elektr. beleuchtete Frontscheinwerfer, feldgrau, bespieltSee Sold Price
SoldLINEOL armored scout car, sheet metal, mimicry,LINEOL armored scout car, sheet metal, mimicry, 3-axled, used, 25.5 cm, clock mechanism is faulty, was 1x new fixed, used German Description LINEOL Panzer Spähwagen, Blech, Mimikri, 3-Achser, bespielSee Sold Price
INDIAN SCOUT SERVICE CAR FRAMED PAPER ADVERTISEMENT.Dan Morphy Auctions4.2(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
3PC Lesney Matchbox Military Army Car Half TrackBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983) - Biker Scout Mouthpiece Casting in Custom DisplayPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024