SoldUNION SOLDIER EXPLAINS HARDSHIPS OF MILITARY LIFEGood content A.L.S. on patriotic letterhead, showing a full-color image of a group of Union soldiers, published by Magnus, 2pp. 8vo., Washington D.C., Nov. 13, 1862, from Union soldier Edward M. HerbeSee Sold Price
SoldUNION TEAM CHASES AFTER THE "SWAMP RATS" IN MISSOURIGood content A.L.S. on patriotic letterhead, 2pp. 8vo., Ironton, MO, Nov. 17, [1861-62], in which Union soldier C.W. Reel reports to his cousin on chasing after Jeff Thompson and his"Swamp Rats"Ć. InSee Sold Price
SoldLETTER FROM CONNECTICUT SOLDIER AFTER THE BATTLE OFGood-content Union soldier's letter on patriotic letterhead, 3pp. 8vo., Camp Washington, July 30, 1861, a letter from Union soldier George F. Tillinghast, Co. B, CT 2nd Infantry, providing family andSee Sold Price
SoldFDR letter, good contentFranklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) typewritten personal letter, likely secretarial signed, on private letterhead, dated October 17, 1928. Letter is written to George A. Essex of Chelsea, Oklahoma aSee Sold Price
SoldHelen Keller Signed Letter, Good ContentHelen Keller (1880-1968) typewritten letter, signed. The 3-page letter with pencil signature, dated 1923 from Long Island, written in response to a letter from "Miss Bose" in India. In it, Keller discSee Sold Price
SoldNoel Coward Typed Letter Signed With Good ContentLetter dated November 1962, signed by Noel Coward, written to Harold Fielding, legendary English stage producer, regarding the advertising of the musical, "Sail Away." Evidently Coward didn't agree onSee Sold Price
Sold(8) CIVIL WAR Soldier's Letters, Good ContentCollection of documents from the Wheeler family of Brown County, Indiana, including eight letters from Elihu Wheeler dated from 1862 to 1865, a few recounting action. Condition varies, generally good,See Sold Price
SoldCivil War Letter DePauw University Good ContentHandwritten letter dated February 14, 1861, from Jesse Meharry to his niece, with a return address of Shawnee Mound, Indiana -- an extinct town in Tippecanoe County. Some of the content is quite passiSee Sold Price
SoldFormer Civil War POW 4th Iowa Infantry AccusedFormer Civil War POW 4th Iowa Infantry Accused Of Being A Deserter Wants To Rejoin Regiment Good content letter from a former POW who is now accused of being a deserter. Written by Josiah Combs of theSee Sold Price
SoldGerman WWII Photo Album - Russian FrontWWII German army 197 Infanterie Division photo album. 130 photos. Good content from the Russian front. Man was in 197 Inf Div. Good images of Krads, many good vehicle images, Russian POWs, EK2 medal cSee Sold Price
SoldKU KLUX KLAN APPLICATION FORM, TICKET, AND OATH OFLot of three good-content documents related to the Ku Klux Klan, includes: an application to join the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan on official Klan letterhead, 1p. 4to., Altoona, PA, Feb, 27. 1923, conSee Sold Price
SoldWORLD WAR I STEREOVIEWS (370)Expansive group of 370 good content stereoviews from the First World War, includes: Volumes I through VI of 'World War through the Stereoscope', published in the Keystone Stereographic Library by theSee Sold Price
SoldTHEODORE ROOSEVELT(1858 - 1919) Twenty-sixth President of the United States who started the Panama Canal, settled the Russo-Japanese War, broke up Standard Oil and encouraged conservation. Good content T.L.S. as presidSee Sold Price
SoldBATTLE OF BRITAIN COMBAT REPORT, SIGNED BY DOUGLASGood content Battle of Britain combat report, 1p. 4to., [n.p.], Sept. 15, 1940, written and signed by 242 Squadron pilot R. J. CORK, the wingman for Douglas Bader throughout the battle. His squadron mSee Sold Price
SoldRare 1/6 plate Double Tintype Image of Civil WarRare 1/6 plate Double Tintype Image of Civil War Soldiers & Officer, one Holding Union Case in Hand, in Good Patriotic Thermoplastic CaseSee Sold Price
SoldWILLIAM HENRY HARRISON(1773 - 1841) Ninth President of the United States, military hero at Tippecanoe Creek and against Tecumseh, died after one month in office. Good content A.D.S. as an aide de camp, 1p. 7.5 x 2.75 in.,See Sold Price
SoldLETTER DISCUSSES THE DEATH TOLL AT GETTYSBURGGood content A.L.S., 3pp. 44to., Baltimore, July 17, 1863, from a Sam Elder to a Mrs. D.D. Marble. Elder discusses the Battle of Gettysburg that has ravaged his town just two weeks prior, in part: "..See Sold Price
SoldZACHARY TAYLOR(1784 - 1850) Twelfth President of the United States, 'Old Rough and Ready' was also a hero of the Mexican War, taking Monterrey and defeating Santa Anna. Good content A.L.S. Ć¢ā¬ĖZ. Taylor Lt. Col.See Sold Price
SoldWILLIAM HENRY HARRISON(1773 - 1841) Ninth President of the United States, military hero at Tippecanoe Creek and against Tecumseh, died after one month in office. Good content manuscript D.S. as aide to Gen. Anthony Wayne,See Sold Price
SoldTHEODORE ROOSEVELT(1858 - 1919) Twenty-sixth President of the United States who started the Panama Canal, settled the Russo-Japanese War, broke up Standard Oil and encouraged conservation. Good content partly-printed DSee Sold Price
SoldCALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH LETTERSCALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH LETTERS Lot of three good content California Gold Rush letters sent by two friends to their family members. Included is an A.L.S. from S. H. Thompson, 2pp. 4to., Sacramento, JuneSee Sold Price
SoldHEARTBROKEN NORTH CAROLINA SOLDIER HAS LOST HISHEARTBROKEN NORTH CAROLINA SOLDIER HAS LOST HIS BROTHERS AND CHILDREN Good content A.L.S. of Pvt. John M. Sweezy, Co. I, 56th N.C. Infantry, 2pp. 4to., "near kindson north carolina", Dec. 10, 1862 toSee Sold Price
SoldMARIE JOSEPH, MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE(1757 - 1834) French statesman and military officer who served as a major general under Washington and was instrumental in the defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown. Good content A.L.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., LSee Sold Price
SoldSTAMPS Hawaii HONG KONG PERSIA Iraq HondurasScott International album with good content from countries H-I. *** According to a collector who has previewed: The album has a solid Hong Kong section, with what looks to be some significant catalogSee Sold Price
ALEXANDER BALD 1780 1st Edition Scotland Corn Dealer Agriculture AssistantLuis Porretta Fine Arts4.3(10)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
M. de BOILEAU Satires & Works First 1st 1737 Edition Amsterdam Printing FrenchLuis Porretta Fine Arts4.3(10)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
JAN VAN DER DESYATER c1732 First Edition Thoughts On Sleepless Nights Rare!Luis Porretta Fine Arts4.3(10)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
E M Forster Abinger Harvest True 1st Edition Dust Jacket - RARELuis Porretta Fine Arts4.3(10)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Group of Sohio and Standard 1# Grease CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pep Boys, Keystone, and Kendall 1# Grease CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ROUSSEAU JEAN-JACQUES: (1712-1778)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
BERGSON HENRI: (1859-1941)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
JOURDAN JEAN BAPTISTE: (1762-1833)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Old Pawn Navajo Whirling Logs Pin Brooch Sterling Turquoise VintageSOUTHWESTERN STYLE GALLERY4.5(141)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024