SoldA 1950s leather bound autograph album, containingA 1950s leather bound autograph album, containing numerous signed photographs and letters of actors including Richard Attenborough, Patrick McGoohan, Sheila Simms, Eric Porter, Sam Wanamaker, MargaretSee Sold Price
SoldAn Autograph Book, 1940s-1950s.An Autograph Book, 1940s-1950s. A small album bound in leather; containing signatures ofSee Sold Price
SoldA leather bound autograph album containing signatA leather bound autograph album containing signatures of Errol Flynn, George Fornby, Vera Lynn and othersSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A fine oblong 8vo (5 x 4) leatherAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A fine oblong 8vo (5 x 4) leather bound autograph album containing over 140 signatures by an outstanding selection of famous individuals of the 1920s and 1930s, including (listed in oSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good brown leather bound autogrAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good brown leather bound autograph album containing over 120 signatures by various members of the British Royal family, British politicians and foreign heads of state, entertainersSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A 12mo leather bound autograph albumAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A 12mo leather bound autograph album containing over 50 signatures by various classical musicians, some writers and other famous individuals including Pablo Casals, Eugene Ysaye, JacqSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: An 8vo leather bound autograph alAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: An 8vo leather bound autograph album containing over 20 signatures by various classical musicians, ballet dancers etc., including Pablo Casals, Myra Hess, Jelly d'Aranyi, Jean PougnetSee Sold Price
SoldOPERA: A blue oblong 4to leather bound autograph albumOPERA: A blue oblong 4to leather bound autograph album containing over signatures by various opera singers and classical musicians etc., including Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras, JoSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A small 4to leather bound autograph alAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A small 4to leather bound autograph album containing over 120 signatures, by various stage actors and entertainers, some on clipped pieces laid down to pages, including Stanley HollowSee Sold Price
SoldA superb Wembley Stadium Limited leather boundA superb Wembley Stadium Limited leather bound autograph album containing the signatures of teams and competitors between 1951 and 1961 at the Stadium and the Empire Pool, football comprising EnglandSee Sold Price
Sold734 HISTORICAL: An 8vo red leather bound autograph albu734 HISTORICAL: An 8vo red leather bound autograph album containing eight irregularly clipped signed pieces by various famous individuals, each neatly laid down to pages, including Lord Wolseley, HenrSee Sold Price
SoldHISTORICAL: An 8vo black leather bound autograph album HISTORICAL: An 8vo black leather bound autograph album containing over 130 signed clipped pieces, a few A.Ls.S. etc., by various famous individuals, some laid down to pages and many others loosely insSee Sold Price
SoldOPERA: A blue oblong 4to leather bound autograph aOPERA: A blue oblong 4to leather bound autograph album containing over signatures by various opera singers and classical musicians etc., including Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras, JoSee Sold Price
SoldHISTORICAL: A small 4to leather bound autograph album cHISTORICAL: A small 4to leather bound autograph album containing nine signed clipped pieces, Free Front envelope panels etc., by various members of the British Royal family and other historical indiviSee Sold Price
SoldTelevision Programs "Face the Nation" and "WashiTelevision Programs "Face the Nation" and "Washington Conversation": Signed Guest Books. See Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good leatherbound autograph albAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good leatherbound autograph album containing over 110 signatures by various actors, actresses, pop musicians, entertainers and some other famous individuals, including Leslie GranthSee Sold Price
SoldHISTORICAL: A red leather bound 4to autograph album conHISTORICAL: A red leather bound 4to autograph album containing over 100 signed clipped pieces, A.Ls.S. etc., by various famous Victorians, most neatly laid down to pages and a few loose, including DukSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A red leather bound 8vo autographAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A red leather bound 8vo autograph album containing over 90 signatures by various stage stars, entertainers, ballet dancers etc., including Grock, Wilkie Bard, Lydia Lopokova, Tamara KSee Sold Price
Sold[FERRER Y GUARDIA FRANCESC]: (1859-1909) Spanish C[FERRER Y GUARDIA FRANCESC]: (1859-1909) Spanish Catalan Free-Thinker and Anarchist. An excellent, interesting leather bound 8vo autograph album containing 80 signatures (the majority accompanied by hSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM:AUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good ivory leather-bound 8vo vintage autograph album containing over 60 signatures, and over 12 sketches, fine pencil drawings or watercolours, by various artists, painters, balletSee Sold Price
SoldCHILDREN IN NEED: A good black leather bound oblong 4toCHILDREN IN NEED: A good black leather bound oblong 4to autograph album containing over 170 signatures by various pop musicians, singers, film stars, comedians, entertainers, sportsmen and women and oSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM:AUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good maroon leatherbound 4to vintage autograph album containing over 40 signatures by various conductors and opera singers including Arturo Toscanini (a good, bold example in greenSee Sold Price
Sold191 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good maroon leatherbound 4to191 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good maroon leatherbound 4to vintage autograph album containing over 40 signatures by various conductors and opera singers including Arturo Toscanini (a good, bold example in grSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good maroon leatherbound 4to vintageAUTOGRAPH ALBUM: A good maroon leatherbound 4to vintage autograph album containing over 40 signatures by various conductors and opera singers including Arturo Toscanini (a good, bold example in greenSee Sold Price
1798 Hand-Written Colonial American Hymnal Leather-Bound Book Signed Abraham Ford New England TownsHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
[SCRAPBOOK]. Scrapbook of Magic Ephemera and Photographs. 1...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Michal Plonski. Bound album of engravings. First three pages of engravings do not exhibit plateTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
96 Assemble Set of French Leather Bound BooksNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pulp 'You Can't Buy Common Sense' Original Promotional PosterShakespeare Auctions4.3(1)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A LEATHER BOUND AUTOGRAPH BOOK, containing numerous inscriptions including Jim Larkin 1923 andAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1999 Pacific Aurora Leather Bound Jerry Rice HOF #17 San Francisco 49ersMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1999 Pacific Aurora Leather Bound Troy Aikman HOF #4 Dallas CowboysMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
FOURTEEN ANTIQUE LEATHER BOUND BOOKSLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ELEVEN ASSORTED ANTIQUE LEATHER BOUND BOOKSLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
BICENTENNIAL MAN (1999) - Robin Williams-Autographed Bound ScriptPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Victorian leather bound photo album w/ antique photosInternational Auction Gallery4.6(772)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Victorian leather bound photo album w/ tin type photosInternational Auction Gallery4.6(772)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Leather bound bible dated 1801, w/ many engravingsInternational Auction Gallery4.6(772)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Victorian leather bound photo album w/ antique photosInternational Auction Gallery4.6(772)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
31 Italian Grand Tour Gouaches of Named Sites in Leather Bound FolioNeue Auctions4.6(356)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
MORGAN MICHELE: (1920-2016)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
DOYLE ARTHUR CONAN: (1859-1930)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
MYSTERIUM SIGILLORUM HERBAL BY ISRAEL HIBNER, 1698.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024