SoldWestern Asiatic Crystal Bead Necklace2nd millennium BC. A restrung necklace of rough thin rock crystal slices, featuring a large fragment of animal tooth as a pendant. 49 grams, 42cm (16 1/4"). Property of a London gentleman; acquired frSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Rock Crystal Bead Necklace10th century A.D. and later. Restrung designer necklace; composed of graduated melon and other beads. 214 grams, 78 cm long (30 3/4 in.). London collection since the 1980s. Property of a Canadian famiSee Sold Price
SoldBactrian / Western Asiatic Rock Crystal Bead Necklace**First Time At Auction** Bactrian / Western Asiatic, ca. 1st millennium BCE. A breathtaking necklace comprised of 31 rock crystal/quartz beads - 14 ovoid alternating with 16 spherical beads, all surrSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Rock Crystal and Amethyst Bead Necklace10th century A.D. and later. Restrung designer necklace composed of graduated amethyst and quartz beads of fine facetted and smooth shapes including biconical, cubes and others. 82 grams total, 60 cmSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Rock Crystal and Garnet Bead Necklace1st millennium AD. A restrung Y-shaped necklace of spherical and facetted rock crystal and glass beads, interspersed with garnet seed beads; central feature of two multi-facetted teardrop-shaped pendaSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Rock Crystal and Other Necklace Bead Collection1st millennium B.C. and later. Including facetted, amorphous, spherical, oval and other types; most polished and all drilled for suspension. 54 grams total, 6-14 mm (1/8 - 1/2 in.). UK gallery, earlySee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Rock Crystal and Other Necklace Bead Collection1st millennium B.C. and later. Including polished types and including spherical, facetted, amorphous and other shapes. 43 grams total, 5-17 mm (1/8 - 5/8 in.). UK gallery, early 2000s. [50]See Sold Price
Western Asiatic Carnelian and Rock Crystal NecklaceMainly 1st millennium BC. A restrung necklace of facetted tubular rock crystal beads, biconvex carnelian beads and later hollow-formed gold ovoid beads with irregular carnelian pendant; modern clasp.See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Mixed Bead Necklace Group1st millennium BC. A restrung necklace of beads including tubular, globular, oblate and biconical profiles in glazed composition, crystal, ceramic and other materials. 63 grams, 62cm (24 1/2"). ProperSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Amethyst and Rock Crystal NecklaceA restrung necklace of undated archaistic fusiform amethyst and crystal beads and one hexagonal-section crystal bead. 75 grams, 46cm (18"). UK art market, acquired prior to 1980. [No Reserve]See Sold Price
Western Asiatic1st millennium BC. A restrung necklace of rock crystal facet polygonal bicone beads, some containing needles of tourmaline, modern gold spacers, gold truncated bicone bead to the centre 85 grams, 57cmSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Bead String Group2nd millennium BC and later. A group of three restrung necklaces, two with carnelian, lapis lazuli, crystal, amethyst, glass and other types, one of tubular glazed composition beads and carnelian dangSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Bead Necklace1st millennium BC. A restrung necklace of globular and irregular bronze beads with coiled pendant; modern clasp. 25 grams, 38cm (15"). Property of an Essex gentleman; acquired on the UK art market aftSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Bead Necklace20th century AD or earlier. A string of circular polished carnelian beads enclosing a large fusiform agate bead and two small golden beads to each side. Property of a North London gentleman; ex Pars ASee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Bead Necklace1st millennium BC. A necklace formed of plain bronze links alternating with S-shaped links with beading, fourteen graduated plano-convex steatite beads or spindle whorls. 188 grams, 90cm (35 1/2") TheSee Sold Price
Aphrodite Gallery -Western Asiatic Bead NecklaceBactrian, ca. 3rd - 2nd Millennium B.C. A wondeeful and very rare necklace consisting of shell shaped beads in white and red, and in blue interspersed in white and carnelian beads and centered with aSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Bead NecklaceLater 19th-20th century AD. A necklace of polychrome striped glass beads with granulated spacers, median glass vase pendant, rectangular clasp. 39.2 grams, 41cm (16"). Property of a Sussex, UK collectSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Bead Necklace1st millennium BC and later. A strand of ceramic unglazed beads comprising ovoid, rectangular, fluted, bi-conical, cylindrical, bi-pyramidal patterned, and heart-shaped beads. 89.18 grams, 31cm (12").See Sold Price
Aphrodite Gallery - Western Asiatic Beads NecklaceEgyptian, ca. 3rd - 2nd millennium B.C. Composed of carnelian beads in different shapes, interspersed mostly with small rounded carnelian, blue and green glass beads Dimensions: L. 21 1/2 in. (54.6 cmSee Sold Price
SoldWESTERN ASIATIC LAPIS LAZULI NECKLACE20th C AD or Western Asiatic. Polished Western Asiatic bead necklace of numerous restrung polished lapis lazuli beads restrung to thee back. Lapis lazuli is one of the oldest gems known to mankind, wiSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic 'Amber' Bead Necklace20th century AD. A necklace of large barrel-shaped faux-amber beads with silk between. 137 grams, 52cm (20 1/2"). From a central London collection formed between 1990-2000. [No Reserve]See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Carnelian Bead Necklace1st millennium AD. A restrung group of large spherical stained agate and smaller carnelian beads. 253 grams, 70cm (27 1/2"). From an important London collection, acquired in the 1970s.See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Blue Bead Necklace String1st millennium AD or later. A restrung necklace of deep blue tabular glass beads with two strings. 61 grams, 45cm (17 3/4"). Property of a West London gentleman; his collection formed in the late 1980See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Carnelian Bead Necklace1st millennium B.C. and later. Comprising a restrung necklace of patinated carnelian disc beads with central larger stone bead, separated by tiny glass spacers between and modern screw clasp. 18 gramsSee Sold Price
Western Asiatic Bead Necklace with Gold PendantTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Bactrian Lapis Lazuli Spiral and Rock Crystal Bead NecklaceTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Gold Pendant with Banded Agate BeadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Turquoise Blue Glass Bead Necklace StringTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Yellow Glass Bead Necklace StringTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Yellow Glass Bead Necklace StringTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Stone Butterfly Bead NecklaceTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Turquoise Blue Glass Bead Necklace StringTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Achaemenid Blue Glass Bead Necklace StringTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Carnelian Bead Necklace StringTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Stone and Other Bead NecklaceTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Art Deco sterling silver graduate crystal bead necklace SKU-388Germau4.3(30)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024