Beatrix Potter Aunt Pettitoes Beswick Porcelain FigurePassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
SoldGroup of Beatrix Potter porcelain figures by E. WGroup of Beatrix Potter porcelain figures by E. Warne & Co., Ltd., Beswick, London each approx 3.5"h., and two Goebel birds and an unmarked bird.See Sold Price
SoldGroup Of Beatrix Potter PorcelainGroup Of Beatrix Potter Porcelain. Includes bowls, figures, musicals, some Wedgwood, others Royal Albert, 2 1/4" and 9 1/2"h.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of 20 Beatrix Potter Porcelain BunniesCollection of 20 Beatrix Potter Porcelain Bunnies, English, made by Royal Albert and Beswick. (DKAT42113/20)(WK) Dimensions: Varying sizes Provenance: From a Litchfield, Connecticut homeSee Sold Price
4 pc BEATRIX POTTERS PORCELAIN GROUP4 pc BEATRIX POTTERS PORCELAIN GROUP, largest measures 4 1/4" height.See Sold Price
Sold53PC Beatrix Potter's Beswick Pottery Figure GroupEngland,20th Century Large collection of 53 Beswick England Beatrix Potter porcelain figurines, group also includes 13 books, 14 figurines in original box, and 1 display stand. Figures range 2 1/2" toSee Sold Price
Sold(5) Beswick Porcelain Figural Group(5) Beswick Porcelain Figural Group: Beatrix Potter Old Mr. Brown Owl, Alice Series Cheshire Cat, White Cat, Owl and Badger. No condition issuesSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH BESWICK PORCELAIN BEATRIX POTTER MINIATURENGLISH BESWICK PORCELAIN BEATRIX POTTER MINIATURES, a group of 12, including "Tom Kitten",1948; "Miss Moppet", 1954; "Amiable Guinea Pig", 1967; " Pickles", 1971; "Pig-Wig", 1972, et al.See Sold Price
SoldNine Beatrix Potter porcelain animal figures, togNine Beatrix Potter porcelain animal figures, together with a porcelain plaque of a dog and a miscellaneous group of animal figures, to include Staffordshire, carved wood, and chalk examples.See Sold Price
Sold7-PIECE TRINKET BOX GROUPincluding a Herend porcelain box with cat finial, a Wedgwood Beatrix Potter porcelain box, a French egg-form box, a Limoges box with Panda finial, a box with frog finial, etc., tallest 2.5in.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of 5 Glazed Porcelain AnimalsGroup of 5 Glazed Porcelain AnimalsGroup of five glazed porcelain animals: Beatrix Potters mole; Goebel dog; Danish cat; Kazmar hippopotamus; together with Nymphenburg bird dog; all with marks; L: 10"See Sold Price
Sold7-PIECE TRINKET BOX GROUPincluding a transfer-decorated dresser box depicting a courting couple, a metalware paint-decorated book-form box, a Wedgwood Beatrix Potter heart-shaped porcelain box, a Herend small heart-shaped porSee Sold Price
SoldGroup 8 Royal Albert Beatrix Potter FigurinesGroup of porcelain figurines of characters from Beatrix Potter’s children’s stories, each is a unique figurine. In good condition. Most measure 4 inches height, 2.5 inches width, 3 inches depth. 4See Sold Price
SoldGroup 7 Royal Albert Beatrix Potter FigurinesGroup of porcelain figurines of characters from Beatrix Potter’s children’s stories, each is a unique figurine. In good condition. Most measure 4 inches height, 2.5 inches width, 3 inches depth. 4See Sold Price
SoldGroup 9 Royal Albert Beatrix Potter FigurinesGroup of porcelain figurines of characters from Beatrix Potter’s children’s stories, only repeated figurine is Peter Rabbit. In good condition. Most measure 4 inches height, 2.5 inches width, 3 inSee Sold Price
Sold(2) Beatrix Potter Beswick Figure GroupsBoth are limited edition figures, Peter and Benjamin Picking Up Onions copyright F. Warne & Royal Doulton 2000, no. 1309/3000. Ginger and Pickles copyright F. Warne & Royal Doulton 1998, no. 696/2750.See Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF NINE ENGLISH PAINTED PORCELAIN CHARACTA GROUP OF NINE ENGLISH PAINTED PORCELAIN CHARACTER FIGURES: eight are Beatrix Potter's storybook characters by Beswick, 1950-1970, including Tabitha Twitchell; Miss Moppet; Lady Mouse; Mrs. Rabbit anSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Porcelain Woodland Creatures20th century, to include three Beatrix Potter figures: the iconic "Peter Rabbit," marked "Royal Albert;" "Amiable Guinea -Pig," marked F. Warne & Co. Ltd. and "Samuel Whiskers," marked F. Warne & Co.See Sold Price
Sold(4) PIECE PORCELAIN GROUPincluding 2 Limoges trinket boxes - a Rochard green pepper and an artichoke, a Coalport lidded box marked St. James, and a Beatrix Potter ‘Mr. Jackson’ toad by Beswick, tallest 2.75in.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Four, Porcelain Figures, HerendGroup of four porcelain figurines, including 4.25" Royal Worcester 'Little Jack Horner', Herend Duck grouping, 7.25" Portuguese piece depicting woman, and 4.75" Beatrix Potter Beswick figure "Foxy WhiSee Sold Price
SoldA GOEBEL, BING & GRONDAHL, BESWICK PORCELAIN GROUPA GOEBEL, BING & GRONDAHL, BESWICK AND ASSORTED PORCELAIN GROUP, 15 pieces including Goebel "Co-Boy", Goebel birds, Beatrix Potter figures, 1910 B&G Christmas plate and other items..See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF THREE ENGLISH PORCELAIN FIGURESIncluding: Two Royal Doulton ladies, "Meditation" HN 2330 and "Diana" HN 2468, together with a Royal Albert Beatrix Potter figure "Pigling Bland". Stamp marks on the underside of each. H. of largest 2See Sold Price
5-PIECE PORCELAIN GROUPincludes a Rosenthal box and dish, a Limoges box and tray, and a Beatrix Potter shoe, largest 9in.See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF FOUR PORCELAIN ANIMALSGROUP OF FOUR PORCELAIN ANIMALS Including Royal Doulton dog HN 2586, two Beswick Beatrix Potter animals, and a Beswick cat. Height of tallest 11 cm (4.25 in.), total approx. weight 300 g.See Sold Price
DANISH PORCELAIN GROUP OF (4) HUDDLED MONKEYSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A large German Volkstedt musical rococo figural porcelain groupOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A large and fine decorated German rococo Volkstedt figural porcelain groupOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A large German rococo Volkstedt figural porcelain group, the billiard playersOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A large German Saxon figural musical porcelain groupOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Meissen, large porcelain group depicting "Venus in her chariot drawn by Swans".GOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
[LITHOGRAPHY]. Group of 51 Beautiful Belgian Trade Cards. [...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Beatrix Potter Aunt Pettitoes Beswick Porcelain FigurePassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ANTIQUE 19TH C ROYAL VIENNA PORCELAIN GROUP FIGURINEAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Vintage Tiggy Winkle Spoon Mikado Silver Plate Beatrix Potter 1993 HollandJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
LARGE ROYAL COPENHAGEN PORCELAIN GROUPPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Royal Albert Beatrix Potter Porcelain Figurine, And This PigLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024