SoldMatchbox MOY No.Y27 Pre-pro Foden Steam WagonMatchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y27 Pre-production Foden Steam Wagon - finished in chocolate brown, black chassis, roof and plastic canopy, red wheels, gold trim - comes with standard issue window boSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY No.Y27 Pre-pro Foden Steam WagonMatchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y27 Pre-production Foden Steam Wagon - blue body, red chassis and wheels, grey roof, black plastic canopy, gold trim - comes with standard issue window box.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Pre-pro No.Y27 Foden Steam WagonMatchbox Models of Yesteryear Pre-production No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon "Joseph Rank Ltd" - green, white roof, red chassis and wheels.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y27 Pre-pro Foden Steam Wagon MicaMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - No.Y27 Pre-production Foden Steam Wagon "Mica" - green body with grey roof and canopy, yellow chassis, gold trim - trial decals.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Pre-pro Y27 Foden Steam WagonMatchbox Models of Yesteryear Pre-production No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon "Pickfords" - blue, red chassis and wheels, black roof, grey plastic canopy and No.Y8 Steam Wagon "Johnny Walker Whisky" - red, blSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y31 Pre-pro Morris Van "MacDonalds"Matchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y31 Pre-production Morris Van "Ronald MacDonald House" - yellow body, black chassis and seats, red solid wheels, chrome grille and lights and No.Y27 Foden Steam WagonSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY pre-pro Foden Steam WagonMatchbox MOY pre-production Foden Steam Wagon "Whitbread Ale & Stout" - brown, cream roof and plastic canopy, red wheels (hand sprayed finish).See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox No.Y27 Pre-pro Foden Steam WagonNo.Y27 Preproduction Foden Steam Wagon "Whitbreads" - brown, black chassis, cream canopy and wheels.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox No.Y27 Prepro Foden Steam WagonNo.Y27 Preproduction Foden Steam Wagon "Ind Coope" - black, off white roof, red chassis and wheels, gold trim, brown, red and black barrels.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox NoY27 Prepro Foden Steam Wagon J RankNo.Y27 Preproduction Foden Steam Wagon "Joseph Rank" - green, brown roof and chassis, gold trim, cream load.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox No.Y27 Prepro Foden Steam WagonNo.Y27 Preproduction Foden Steam Wagon "Whitbreads" - brown, black, red, gold trim.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Pre-pro Y27 Foden Steam WagonMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - Y27 Foden Steam Wagon Pre-production issue with trial "Tsingtao Beer" decals - brown, black roof and canopy, black chassis, complete with Good Plus maroon box.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y27 pre-pro Foden Steam TruckMatchbox MOY No.Y27 pre-production Foden Steam Truck "Samuel Smith" - brown, black roof and plastic canopy, red wheels, gold trim.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Pre-pro Y23 AEC & OthersMatchbox Models of Yesteryear Y23, Y27 Pre-production models - Y23 AEC Omnibus "London Transport", red body and plastic upper, black chassis, also Y27 Foden Steam Wagon, blue body, red chassis and wheSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY No.Y27 Steam WagonMatchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y27 Pre-production Foden Steam Wagon - bare metal body, black chassis, pale grey roof, brown sack load, red wheels and another but No.Y22 Ford A Van - bare metal finisSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y27 Foden Steam Wagon "De Seldy"Matchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon pre-production issue with trial "De Seldy Quarries Co Ltd Dublin" decals - brown, black plastic cab roof, black chassis, 1984 Matchbox InternatioSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y27 Foden Steam Wagon "Lowenbrau"Matchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon pre-production issue with trial "Lowenbrau" decals - dark blue, light grey plastic canopy and cab roof, red chassis, 1984 Matchbox InternationalSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y27 Foden Steam Wagon "Joseph Rank"Matchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon pre-production issue with trial "Joseph Rank" decals - brown, black plastic cab roof, black chassis, 1984 Matchbox International England baseplatSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y27 Pre-pro Foden Steam LorryMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - No.Y27 Pre-production Foden Steam Lorry - this trial colour is finished in brown with yellow chassis, beige roof, red wheels, gold trim "Tate & Lyle" - comes complete wSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y27 pre-pro Foden Steam TruckMatchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y27 pre-production Foden Steam Truck "William Prichard" - brown, beige load, black chassis and roof, red wheels, gold exhaust and trim (sample decals).See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon x 3Matchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon - a group of 3, (1) "Brennstoffhandel Obermaas" - white, red, wood load, (2) same as (1) but cream body with coal load and (3) same as (2) but fiSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY No.Y27 Foden Steam WagonMatchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y27 Foden Steam Wagon "MacMullen & Sons" - black, red, brown barrels - Mint in Excellent window box.See Sold Price
SoldNo.Y27 Prepro Foden Steam Wagon "Johnny Walker"No.Y27 Preproduction Foden Steam Wagon "Johnny Walker Whisky" - brown, beige canopy and wheels, gold trim (trial decals).See Sold Price
SoldNo.Y27 Prepro Foden Steam Wagon "Fullers"No.Y27 Preproduction Foden Steam Wagon "Fullers" - black, red including wheels, brown barrels (sample decals).See Sold Price
Collectors Lot of Cars/Trucks inc. Lesney, Lionel and Matchbox (10)Mid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Tudor Automatic BLACK BAY PRO M79470-0001 Mens Watch Pre-OwnedBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
American Brewing Pre-Pro Stoneware Bar Top Match Holder/Striker SCARCE LARGER SIZEMorean Auctions4.5(33)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
National Brewing Steelton 2-sided Pre-Pro Foam ScraperMorean Auctions4.5(33)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Toys: A quantity of assorted die cast scale model Matchbox Models of Yesteryear by Lesney to includeClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Group of 2 Pre Pro Edelweiss Beer Sports Paper Advertising FansMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024