Leap Frog Cigar Inner Label Proof by Harris NY
Tanyth Berkeley (American born 1969)Feb 24, 2024El Aguila Americana Vintage Salesman Sample Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the lateApr 20, 2024Bracelet Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's. InnerApr 20, 2024Sandow Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Art Dated from the late 1800's to early 1900's. InnerApr 20, 2024Polar Light Vintage Cigar Label Stone Lithograph Framed Art Dated from the late 1800's to earlyApr 20, 20241916 Western Electric Telephone Apparatus and SuppliesApr 20, 20244 Early Century Cookbooks - 1916-1936Apr 20, 2024Pilot Training Manual for the P-51 Mustang (Restricted) 1945Apr 20, 20241939 A Treasury of American Prints 1st Ed SignedApr 20, 2024THE LAST CANNIBALS by JENS BJERRE 1957 Fine or Near FineApr 20, 2024Marble Mahogany Antique Style Gadroon Center TableFeb 28, 2024A Violin Labeled John Friedrich 1924Feb 25, 2024An Unlabeled ViolaFeb 25, 2024[LITHOGRAPHY]. [GEO. S. HARRIS & SONS CIGAR BOX LABELS & TR...Mar 07, 2024[LITHOGRAPHY]. [TOBACCO]. Group of 25 Small Cigar Box Label...Mar 07, 2024[LITHOGRAPHY]. [TOBACCO]. A Large Group of 70 Cigar/Tobacco...Mar 07, 2024[LITHOGRAPHY]. [TOBACCO]. An Enormous Group of Approximatel...Mar 07, 2024William Dole - JolonFeb 28, 2024John SloanMar 08, 2024Robert HenriMar 08, 2024ANTIQUE TALL CASE MAHOGANY CLOCK, ELLIOT LONDON.Mar 06, 2024DAVID BURLIUCK OIL, TEA PARTY.Mar 06, 2024ANDRE BRASILIER WATERCOLOR, CONCERT CHAMPETRE.Mar 06, 2024JJ ENNEKING O/C, AFTER THE LEAVES HAVE GONE.Mar 06, 2024