SoldAncient Urartian Bronze Applique - Hunting SceneCaucasus region, modern day Iran / Armenia, Urartu culture, ca. 2300 to 2100 BCE. One of my favorites! A bronze applique with a repousse repeated motif of a hunting scene. Around the edges on two sideSee Sold Price
SoldA Fragment of an Ancient Urartian Bronze BeltArmenia; 8th- 7th century BC A fragment from a bronze warriors belt, showing three registers of repooussed war scenes, including soldiers on horseback and on chariot. Finely crafted and with a nice paSee Sold Price
Ancient Roman Bronze Applique of PanRoman Empire, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A miniature bronze cast applique depicting the head of Pan, the beloved half man half goat horned god known for his hunting skills. The details of Pan's expresSee Sold Price
Ancient Roman Bronze Applique of Pan**Originally Listed At $250** Roman Empire, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A miniature bronze cast applique depicting the head of Pan, the beloved half man half goat horned god known for his hunting skillSee Sold Price
Ancient Roman Bronze Applique of Pan**Originally Listed At $250** Roman Empire, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A miniature bronze cast applique depicting the head of Pan, the beloved half man half goat horned god known for his hunting skillSee Sold Price
SoldRare Syro-Hittite Bronze Warriors Belt - Hunting SceneAncient Near East, Syro-Hittite, ca. 12th to 8th century BCE. An incredible, rare bronze belt with stamped motifs depicting a stag hunt. The belt is in two halves, representing two pieces that would hSee Sold Price
Rare Syro-Hittite Bronze Warriors Belt - Hunting SceneAncient Near East, Syro-Hittite, ca. 12th to 8th century BCE. An incredible, rare bronze belt with stamped motifs depicting a stag hunt. The belt is in two halves, representing two pieces that would hSee Sold Price
SoldSet of P.E.Guerin Bronze Appliques- Ancient GreeksFour bronzes, each affixed (removable) to a black glass panel, depicting figure from ancient Greek court scenes. All have been examined by the Guerin Foundry and given a circa date of 1920. Figures frSee Sold Price
SoldLevantine bronze plaque depicting a hunting sceneA Levantine bronze plaque depicting a hunting scene, c. 1000 - 600 Century BC, depicting a nude male with cloak trailing behind attacking a large boar; a tree behind the boar, fish above and below. ThSee Sold Price
Bronze fragments depicting sacrificial scene of a stagA Near Eastern pair of bronze fragments depicting a hunting or sacrificial scene of a stag, c. 1000 - 600 BC, cut from sheet bronze and may be part of a wig stand of similar. L: 3 2/5 in (8.6cm), H: 2See Sold Price
Pair of bronze fragments depicting sacrificial sceneA Near Eastern pair of bronze fragments depicting a hunting or sacrificial scene of a stag, c. 1000 - 600 BC, cut from sheet bronze and may be part of a wig stand of similar. L: 3 2/5 in (8.6cm), H: 2See Sold Price
Pair of bronze fragments depicting sacrificial sceneA Near Eastern pair of bronze fragments depicting a hunting or sacrificial scene of a stag, c. 1000 - 600 BC, cut from sheet bronze and may be part of a wig stand of similar. L: 3 2/5 in (8.6cm), H: 2See Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Applique of Pan (Goat / Man)Ancient Rome, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A bronze applique depicting Pan, the beloved half man half goat horned god known for his hunting skills. The deity's visage was meticulously delineated with exSee Sold Price
SoldUrartian Belt Armour with Hunting Friezes8th-7th century BC. A broad hammered bronze military belt or cuirass band, the register decorated in chased low-relief with hunting scenes including a leaping lion, a mounted huntsman, a chariot withSee Sold Price
SoldUrartian Belt Armour with Hunting Scenes7th century BC. A broad hammered bronze military belt or cuirass band, the register decorated in chased low relief with hunting scenes including groups of three leaping lions, goats and bulls; styliseSee Sold Price
PORCELAIN & BRONZE-MOUNTED URN, H 19"CLASSICAL STYLE PORCELAIN AND BRONZE-MOUNTED URN, H 19":Having a black ground with ancient hunting scenes, acorn finial at the top, bronze handles with star and acanthus leaf motif, all resting on a bSee Sold Price
SoldCLASSICAL STYLE PORCELAIN & BRONZE-MOUNTED URNCLASSICAL STYLE PORCELAIN AND BRONZE-MOUNTED URN, H 19":Having a black ground with ancient hunting scenes, acorn finial at the top, bronze handles with star and acanthus leaf motif, all resting on a bSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Urartian Bronze Helmet c.8th century BC.Ancient Urartian Bronze Helmet c.8th century BC. Size 12 1/4 inches high - 8 3/4 inches diameter. Rare URARTIAN BRONZE HELMET Conical shape, Formed of hammered sheet, tapering to a tall point, the froSee Sold Price
SoldImportant Original Bronze Hunting Scene E. DelabrierreImportant antique massive bronze hunting scene titled "L'hallali" and signed E. Delabrierre. Antique French. Measures 24" long 18" tall and 12" deep.See Sold Price
Sold1977 Bronze Hunting Scene, Tom PembertonBronze featuring a Native American hunting two buffalo in a south-western environment. This scultpure captures the intensity of the hunt to the degree that it wouldn't be hard to imagine dust and theSee Sold Price
SoldInuit Applique Hunting Scene Wall Hanging EmbroideryThis is a nicely appliqued, signed Inuit wall hanging depicting a detailed hunting scene. 24" x 13 3/4"See Sold Price
Sold1977 Bronze Hunting Scene, Tom Pemberton (1931 - )Bronze featuring a Native American hunting two buffalo in a south-western environment. It is signed by the artist and marked 1/100. The bronze is on a wooden base and measures 10" x 11.25." Tom PemberSee Sold Price
Ancient Urartian Bronze Conical HelmetEastern Anatolia region of modern day Armenia, Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan and Georgia, Urartu (Urartian or Urartian), Iron Age III, ca. 8th century BCE. A rare, beautifully preserved bronze helmet of anSee Sold Price
FRENCH BRONZE HUNTING SCENE. Signed "P.J. MENE 1869FRENCH BRONZE HUNTING SCENE. Signed "P.J. MENE 1869" (Pierre-Jules Mene, 1810-1879). Dramatic depiction of a uniformed huntsman astride his horse and being led by five hounds. Golden-brown patina withSee Sold Price
NeoClassical Copper/Bronze/Brass Relief of Ancient Greco/Roman SceneCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Diane the hunter with her Faithful Dog Bronze SculptureHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Greek Ancient Handmade Mythology Vintage Vase Urn Bronze Sculpture Lost Wax DecorHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Manufacture de Sevres Louis Philippe Hunting Scene Chateau F Bleau Compote 1844Taylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Pair of Circular Bronze Medallions, 20th c., with relief decoration of scenes of ancient classicalCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Canadian Inuit Stone Hunting Scene, by Lucy MapsalakArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Pair of 20th C. Canadian Inuit Soapstone CarvingsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024