Sold(M) Lot of 2: Lever Action Rifles.Serial # 1556656 & K069397 The first rifle is a boxed Rossi Model 1892 lever action carbine in .38 Special .357 magnum. Has 20" barrel. Features full magazine, two barrel bands, walnut stock, carbineSee Sold Price
Sold(M) Lot Of 2: Lever Action Rifles.(A) Rossi Model 1892. Features; round barrel, full magazine, two bands, sporting sights, walnut stock, carbine butt, saddle ring stud, left side of frame has tiger embossed, gun shows in near new condSee Sold Price
Sold(M) Lot of 2: Marlin Lever Action Rifles.Lot consists of: Gun (A) Marlin Model 336 C.S. lever action rifle with micro-groove barrel, hooded ramp front sight, elevated rear sight and full tube magazine. Walnut wood checkered pistol grip stockSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: MARLIN LEVER ACTION RIFLES WITH SCOPES.Lot consists of: (A) Marlin Model 39M rifle with round barrel, full length magazine tube, and fixed 4x Western Field scope with Weaver mounts. CONDITION: Most all original blue remaining. Very clean sSee Sold Price
Sold(M) Lot of 2: Mossberg Lever Action Rifle andA) Mossberg Model 930 "Blackwater" semi-automatic shotgun with black matte finish, 8 shot tube mag, and stock spacers. Black synthetic checkered full pistol grip stock with recoil pad and checkered sySee Sold Price
Sold(M) Lot of 2: Marlin 336 Lever Action Rifles.Lot consists of: Gun (A) Marlin Model 336 R.C. with Micro-Groove barrel with hooded front ramp sight and elevated rear. Solid blued lever action frame factory drilled for scope addition. Full tubularSee Sold Price
Sold(M) Lot of 2: Boxed Henry Lever Action Rifles.A) Henry Golden Boy Model H004V lever action. Polished brass frame, blued octagon barrel with fixed front sight and adjustable buckhorn rear sight. Walnut wood stocks with brass plated hardware. ComesSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: SAVAGE 99 LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consists of (A) Savage Model 99 lever action rifle. Made 1952. Chicopee Falls barrel address with "HI-PRESSURE STEEL-PROOF TESTED" marked on the right side. Savage proof on the left side of the chSee Sold Price
Sold(M) Lot of 2: NIB Henry Lever Action Rifles.A) Henry Model H001TM lever action rifle with blued receiver and octagonal barrel. Fixed front sight, adjustable rear buckhorn sight and tube fed mag. Walnut wood stock with plastic buttplate and plaiSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: WINCHESTER 94 LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consists of: (A) Winchester Model 94 "Golden Spike" Commemorative built-in 1969 with 69,996 made. Blued round barrel with hooded ramp front sight and adjustable rear with gold washed "Golden SpikeSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: ROSSI 92 LEVER ACTION RIFLES.(A) Rossi Model 92 imported by Interarms with 20-inch round barrel, full length magazine tube and chambered for .357 magnum. Standard plain walnut stock and forearm with carbine buttplate. CONDITION:See Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: WINCHESTER 1894 LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consists of: (A) Winchester Model 94 lever action carbine made in 1958. Blued, Winchester proof, steel, round barrel with hooded ramp front sight and 22G rear adjustable sight. Blued full magazineSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: RUGER NO. 1 LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consists of: (A) Ruger No. 1 single shot rifle with Schnabel forend. CONDITION: Near new overall with excellent bore. (B) Ruger No. 1 single shot rifle with heavy weight bull barrel, Schnabel foreSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: 2 BROWNING BLR LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consists of: (A) Browning 81L BLR lever action rifle made in Japan by Miroku, serial number 23864NW327. 24" round barrel chambered in 7mm Remington Magnum with holes drilled and tapped for front aSee Sold Price
Sold(M) Lot of 2: High Condition Lever Action .22 Rifles.Lot consists of: Gun (A) Browning BL-22. Features round barrel, tube fed magazine, folding rear sight, post front sight, checkered straight grip high finish walnut stock with Browning buttplate, checkSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: MARLIN MODEL 336 LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consists of: (A) One of the best lever action rifles ever made, it was simply a progression from the old Model 1893 features; full round barrel, full magazine, twin bands, blue finish, gold triggeSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: MARLIN 1894 .44-40 LEVER ACTION RIFLE ANDLot consists of: (A) Marlin 1894 Century Limited Model 1894 lever action rifle; limited edition commemorative to celebrate the Marlin Model 1894 100th anniversary with tapered octagon barrel, full lenSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: HENRY MODEL H0001V LEVER ACTION RIFLE ANDLot consists of: (A) Boxed Henry rifle in caliber .17 HMR and features round barrel, full magazine, single barrel band, blue finish, luminescent front sight, sporting rear, checkered walnut forearm, MSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: RUGER 3 AND 1 LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consists of: A) Sturm Ruger No. 3 single shot rifle with blued receiver and barrel. Walnut plain stock with added vented recoil pad. Barrel drilled for added Trapdoor Carbine type sight. Tang shotSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: MARLIN MODEL 39 .22 LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consists of:(A) Model 39A. Features tube loading, blue finish, takedown, walnut stocks, pistol grip with no checkering, and standard sporting sights. CONDITION: 95% original factory blue finish wiSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: WINCHESTER 94 AND 86 LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consist of: (A) Winchester 94AE Trapper lever action rifle with box. Most likely manufactured in the late 1990's or early 2000's. Cross button safety through the hammer area. Factory blue finish aSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: MARLIN 39 AND 39M LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Pair of Marlin Model 39s. Both guns have 20" octagon barrels with full length magazine tubes. Chambered in .22 S,L,& L.R. Blue with plain straight grain walnut stocks and forearms. Rifle (A) featuresSee Sold Price
Sold(M) LOT OF 2: ROSSI 92 AND PUMA LEVER ACTION RIFLES.Lot consists of: Rossi Model 92 lever action rifle. Made in Brazil and imported by Interarms in the 1980's or 1990's. No added mechanically safety. Round steel barrel with a fixed front blade sight anSee Sold Price
Sold(M) Lot of 2: One NIB Henry H001 Lever Action Rifle andA) Henry Model H001 lever action rifle with blued receiver and hardware. Blued round barrel with hooded front sight, adjustable rear elevator sight and tube fed mag. Wood stock and forearm with plastiSee Sold Price
Marvel Comics Action Figures Lot - 2 Venom Talks and Dr. StrangeEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
DC Direct Vengeance Series 4 Action Figure Lot 2Eagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Wanted Colt Firearms Lever Action Rifles Edged Weapons retro style advertising signBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
GARY LONGORDO NY YANKEES ORIGINAL CIGAR BOX ARTFlorida Estate Sales Inc.4.4(399)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Caroline M. Bell (Amer,1874-1970) c. 1930 Oil PaintingEstate Collection Auctioneer4(118)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
14KT White Gold 0.50ctw Emerald and Diamond Ring1 Great Deal Auctions 4.5(262)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024