SoldCharm figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongospread with red and black sacrificial mass in a thick layer, so that the figure underneath is not recognizable anymore, glazed receptacle at the stomach, animal horn in the parting, missing mass in onSee Sold Price
Standing figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, pigments, plant fibre, custom mount H: 12,7 cm, H: 5,0 inch Provenance: Angel Martin, Madrid, Spain Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldPower figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, brown patina, remains of pigments, delicate modelled facial features, glass eyes with painted pupils, necklace with blue glass pendant, collection number "A 1229", collection label inscribed "PoSee Sold Price
SoldSmall standing figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, brown patina, pigment remains, raised face, scarification marks on the upper part of the body, star-shaped headgear, rep. (breakage left leg), small missing parts, fine cracks H: 20,5 cm, H: 8,1See Sold Price
Standing female figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, pigments, glazed eyes, missing parts (both arms), dam. (mouth, breasts) H: 30, 5 cm, H: 30, 2,0 inch Provenance: James D. Campbell, Montreal, Canada Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldSeated figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, with visible grains, middle brown patina, remains of black paint, fine carved facial features with painted pupils, beautiful details: delicate carved hands, feet and ears, wearing a kind of phanSee Sold Price
SoldKneeling female figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongoivory, polished, with pointed headgear, both hands grasping her breasts, european facial features, min. dam., fine cracks, slight traces of abrasion H: 10,5 cm, H: 4,1 inch Provenance: Private CollectSee Sold Price
SoldSmall power half figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, black mass, pigments, brass nails, hide, on metal strip, baseH: 12 cm, H: 4,7 inchContinent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Small standing male figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, softly luminous brown patina, carved with european peaked cap/tropical hat, short arms, slightly dam. (mouth, ears, rim of the cap), crack, traces of insect caused damage (base) H: 16,5 cm, H: 6See Sold Price
Small standing figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, middle brown patina, black pigment remains, deformed back (hunchback), min. dam., missing parts (base, head), slight traces of abrasion H: 15 cm, H: 5,9 inch Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldFigural charm - D. R. Congo, Bakongoivory, in anthropomorphic shape, fragmentary (both feet missing), drilled hole for suspension backside at the neck, small base H: 6,3 cm, H: 2,5 inch Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Janiform charm figure - D. R. Congo, Lubawood, dark brown patina, combining male and female, fine carved facial features, opening on top filled with magical substances, drilled holes with leather strap, metal base H: 9,5 cm, H: 3,7 inch ProvSee Sold Price
Kneeling power figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, partly shiny dark brown patina, remains of pigments, eyes inset with mirror glass, one arm propped on the left knee, the right hand on the hip, the head turned 90 degrees, originally provided wiSee Sold Price
Seated figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongolight wood, middle brown patina, black paint, the head resting on the left hand, with the right hand holds a bottle, min. dam., small missing parts through insect caused damage, cracks, traces of abraSee Sold Price
Standing colon figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, black patina, carved with european hat and suit, the right hand presenting a round item (coin/goldweight?), rep. (missing parts base, breakage right arm and brim of the hat), traces of insect caSee Sold Price
Standing figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongo / Sundiwood, middle brown patina, blackened in parts, drilled eyes and ears, fez-like headgear, min. dam., crack (base), slight traces of abrasion H: 15,5 cm, H: 6,1 inch Provenance: White Fathers (MissionarSee Sold Price
Standing figure - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, slightly shiny brown patina, eyes inset with metal tags, further nails on top of the head and in the chest, circular drilling at the back and below the armpits, cap-like headgear, min. dam., sliSee Sold Price
Two small charm figures - D. R. Congo, Yakawood, brown patina, remains of pigments, neck and ears pierced, min. dam., slight traces of abrasion, base H: 12 cm & 14,5 cm, H: 4,7 inch & 5,7 inch Provenance: Belgian Collection Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Standing power figure "nkisi" - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, shiny brown patina, remains of pigments, package of magical mass on the head and at the abdomen, incised scapulae, min. dam., small missing parts (left foot tip, package), wooden base H: 16,5 cmSee Sold Price
SoldMagical figure "nkisi" - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, light brown patina, stocky body with the extremely short arms carved close to the body, long face with the eyes inset with mirror glass, old writing at the bottom of the base "Presented by JosepSee Sold Price
Power figure "nkisi" - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, blackish brown patina, mat and shiny, encrusted in some areas, metal neckring, glazed eyes with painted pupils, box with mirror glass in front of the body, probably filled with magical substanceSee Sold Price
SoldPower figure "nkisi" - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, middle brown patina, remains of black paint and white pigment, tribe-typical facial features and coiffure, short stump arms, the "medicine" must have been contained in special packages attachedSee Sold Price
Power figure "nkisi" - D. R. Congo, Bakongo/ Vili/wood, glass, resin/ wax, base The figure shows four drilled holes originally serving for attachment of magical loading. With his left arm planted defiantly on the hip, his right arm is raised aggressiSee Sold Price
Power figure "nkisi" - D. R. Congo, Bakongowood, stained patina, greyish brown and black, encrusted in some areas, traces of red and white pigment, glazed eyes with painted pupils, container for magical substances to the front, covered with miSee Sold Price
Nkisi Power Figure with Two Heads, Bakongo People, DR Congo/Zaire500 Gallery4.5(64)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Bakongo Ntadi stone maternity figure 15 inches statue African Tribal Art MC2023Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Bakongo Ntadi stone rare couple figure 16" statue African Tribal Art MC2024Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024