2012 Famous Fabrics President John F. Kennedy & Marilyn Monroe Signed Cut 1/1Mynt Auctions4.6(680)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
1952 JOHN F. KENNEDY LETTER to MS. HELEN KEYESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(502)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Group of FDR and Truman Political Campaign and Satire ButtonsDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Large Collection of Antique Buttons DisplayPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Denver and Rio Grande Western RR Large Copper and Brass Fire ExtinguisherJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
"THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES" N. CURRIERJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(502)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
THE JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL at RUNNYMEDEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(502)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Hubert Hilscher CYRK Tiger Cat Polish Circus 1971 PosterBasel Auction House4.4(43)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
JOHN F. KENNEDY, Jr. & AUCHINCLOSS GRANDCHILDRENJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(502)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
28PC Collection of New York City Police BadgesBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceMar 18, 2024
Rock Island RR Large Copper and Brass Fire ExtinguisherJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
50th Anniversary Inaugural Police Badge for Harry S. Truman 1945-1995Dana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
'60s up to '90s, mixed lot with 30 badges, among them'60s up to '90s, mixed lot with 30 badges, among them e.g. 16th ADAC cross-country rally 1980, 1st international rally 1961, 7th international East Frisia destination race 1981, 19th ADAC cross-countrSee Sold Price
SoldFrom the '60s up to the '90s, mixed lot of 30 badges,From the '60s up to the '90s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g. 16th ADAC cross-country rally 1980, 1st international-2nd national rally 1961, 7th international East Frisia destination race 1981See Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot 30 badges, among them 43rd'60s, mixed lot 30 badges, among them 43rd international automobile show ADAC destination race 1967 Frankfurt, International Motor Show-.1963 ADAC destination race Frankfurt, I. international veteransSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot 30 badges, among them e.g. Nibelungen'60s, mixed lot 30 badges, among them e.g. Nibelungen rally 1969, 1st international destination race Bruchsal 1965, II. international destination race 1966, ADAC Hessen journey 1961, MSV Hammelbach eVSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: "3.'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: "3. Rheinhessische ADAC Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt 1966", night orienteering journey 1964 MSC LD. Hadeln, international destination race Vienna 1966, 15 yearSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g. orienteering journey 1966 MSC Stiftland, 14th international wine rally 1968, 1st national rally to Wuppertal 1966, IV. night drive 1965 C.A.C. Cronenberg,See Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g. driver'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g. driver seminar Nürburgring 1963, international destination race Munich exhibition of transportation 1965, destination race on the occassion of the 40th aSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g. "ADAC DMV'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g. "ADAC DMV Familienboot Regatta" 1962, rally Siebengebirge 1967, Lower-Rhenish reliability race 1964, ADAC Rhineland drive 1963, international destinationSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: Grand'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: Grand Prix of touring cars Nürburgring 1965 ACS-ADAC, NC Homberg Niederbergische reliability race 28-29.8.1965, international DKW-driver-m eeting WhitsuSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them "Automobilclub'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them "Automobilclub Bergischland eV im ADAC Nachtsuchfahrt 1964", 40 years "Langfelder-Nacht-Orientierungsfahrt" October 10th, 1964, "Heimatwettbewerb" 1960-1964, "See Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them 1st national'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them 1st national rally Hamburg 1969, 3rd orienteering journey 1966 MSC, 55 Elberfeld eV i. DMV, homeland contest 1965 ADAC district Westphalia west, VI. ChristopheSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them Bergischer'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them Bergischer Motor Club eV. night orienteering journey 1967, ADAC-destination race to the international handicrafts fair 1963, "III. Rheinisch-Bergische Winter-RSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: "7.'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: "7. Talsperrenfahrt MSC Lüdenscheid 1961", 13th destination race to the "Määnzer Fassenacht" 1965, "Rund um die Herzogstadt 1968 ASC Sulzbach-HosenberSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: 1st'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: 1st national DMV-rally 1969 Daimlerstadt Schorndorf, night-orienteering journey Bergischer Motor Club Protestant 1966, international rally MSC Dr. Carl BSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: DMV'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g.: DMV destination race MSC Broich-Peel, international DKW-car-race Avus Berlin 1963, reliability race for the Gruga-cup 1961, Nürburgring international DKSee Sold Price
Sold'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g. night'60s, mixed lot of 30 badges, among them e.g. night orienteering journey 1965 motor sport club Paffrath Protestant in ADAC, II. international destination race Anchaustetten 1967, " Rund ums KarussellSee Sold Price
SoldMixed lot of 24 badges, from the '60s up to the '90s,Mixed lot of 24 badges, from the '60s up to the '90s, among them e.g. "1. Franken Rallye Kainsbach" 1980, "BMW Veteranen Club Deutschland e.V.", "Historische Fernfahrt Lüttich-Rom-Lüttich", "BMWSee Sold Price
Solddealer mixed lot of c. 99 pieces, among them 32dealer mixed lot of c. 99 pieces, among them 32 operating instructions '60s-'90s of BMW Saab, DAF, Mercedes, etc., along with it 30 workshop documents, like e.g. workshop manual Renault Dauphinoise frSee Sold Price
SoldMixed lot of automobilia, 30 pieces, e.g. differentMixed lot of automobilia, 30 pieces, e.g. different lamps, tool, car body badges for truck s, from the '30s up to the '60s, German Description Automobilia-Konv., 30tlg., z. B. verschiedene Leuchten, WSee Sold Price
SoldWilhelm Herz mixed lot of 30 badges and brooches, amongWilhelm Herz mixed lot of 30 badges and brooches, among it golden brooch "BMC Hockenheim", golden brooch "FIM", pin "Auto Union DKW Club", golden "DMV Brosche"...etc, interesting lot German DescriptioSee Sold Price
SoldHILLMAN USA '60s, mixed lot of 30 pieces, salesHILLMAN USA '60s, mixed lot of 30 pieces, sales brochure/folders, catalogs, one page flyers, among them Hillman Super Minx, Husky, Avenger, Minx 1600, Minx convertible and Minx Sunbird, etc., mixed loSee Sold Price
SoldOPEL Germany, '60s, mixed lot of 30 pieces, saleOPEL Germany, '60s, mixed lot of 30 pieces, sale documents, sales brochures/folders, among them Opel type Commodore, Kapitän, Kapitän 2800S, admiral, Diplomat V8, Diplomat coupé, etc., mixed lot inSee Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES-BENZ '60s till '90s, mixed lot of 27 pieces,MERCEDES-BENZ '60s till '90s, mixed lot of 27 pieces, instructions for use/maintenance booklets/operating instructions/service booklets, among them e.g. type 200, 230 E, 230 CE, 250, 280 E, 280 CE, 20See Sold Price
SoldRAMBLER USA '60s, mixed lot of 30 pieces, salesRAMBLER USA '60s, mixed lot of 30 pieces, sales brochure/folders, catalogs, among them Rambler Classic Six 770, Ambassador, Rambler American, Classic 400, Classic V-8, Custom Sedan, Rambler Renault, eSee Sold Price
Trade Union Interest: a quantity of assorted badges, pins, etc. to include a hallmarked silverClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
END LOT: A Mixed Selection of Camera Accessories,Flints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Lot of 30 Portraits - Johannes Nikolaus Tetens - Jacob de Witt - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg -Proverde Auctions4.3(3)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lot of 30 Portraits - Adolph Hendrik - Cornelis van Aerssen - Peder Hanson Resen - Jacob van derProverde Auctions4.3(3)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Antique Bicycle Head Badges & Reflector (6 Pcs)Grant Zahajko Auctions, LLC4.8(1k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
LOT OF MIXED CUT AQUAMARINES. totalling approx. 22.30 ct.Etrusca Auctions4.2(25)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024